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Author Topic: Taking big boars out alive?  (Read 3233 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: January 24, 2012, 09:20:23 pm »

Got a question to every hunter because there may be some different reasons for things... When you get on a big boar and have the chance to tie it up and take it out alive, why are you taking it out alive? to put in your own pen? To sell? If it is a trophy boar why not make the mount and/or why not butcher it? I ask because I see a lot of pictures of big caught boars and wondering what different things are done with them now days. Thanks.

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2012, 09:53:29 pm »

Sale or put in the pen
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2012, 10:01:51 pm »

Sale or put in the pen
if its a trophy i dispatch when I get my hands on them, often they will break a tooth if you tie or pen them.  The boars usually stinkbad, if someone wants them more powr to them.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2012, 11:12:57 pm »

Some folks catch trophy class hogs on a regular bases( not me ) and can make a little money selling them. I like to change them out and cut em loose on the places I can. I'm more in to better eating hogs over big tusk. And the barrs make real nice sausage.

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2012, 02:17:21 am »

The question is, if you are going through the effort to catch them.  Which includes owning and feeding extra dogs (catch dogs).  Handling more dogs on a hunt.  Puting dogs at a higher risk for injury, and making more work for your self.  Why would you not keep them alive if you allready have them caught?  If you just want to kill them why not bay and shoot.  Its less work and less danger of dogs getting cut down.

Boar Slayer
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« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 05:04:24 am »

I will shoot one sometimes if hunting by myself.  My reasons for catching are more fun, cannot always get them out alive, thickets, gullies creeks, rivers, ect.  Often the brush is too thick to get a safe shot off, I am the only one that is going to shoot over any of my dogs.  and often a hunter comes and wants to stick one.
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« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2012, 06:59:47 am »

Cut and turn out, sale, or pen.  I don't like eating pig ones when i can eat a small one!  Wink

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« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2012, 07:50:00 am »

If they're taken out alive they are sold, bringing good money right now.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2012, 08:13:47 am »

The question is, if you are going through the effort to catch them.  Which includes owning and feeding extra dogs (catch dogs).  Handling more dogs on a hunt.  Puting dogs at a higher risk for injury, and making more work for your self.  Why would you not keep them alive if you allready have them caught?  If you just want to kill them why not bay and shoot.  Its less work and less danger of dogs getting cut down.


I can answer this question for myself.
A few reasons. I enjoy the sport of it for starters. I have to catch hogs in half the places I hunt. Maybe most of them. I'm not allowed to used firearms on these places so I have to feed a catch dog.

I also hunt for land owners that just want to get the hogs gone. We bay and shoot every dang hog we come across on a hunt and kill any pig we happen to catch. It sure makes for a lot of skinning and cleaning but that's part of it. For eradication, I don't think there is a more affective and productive way to clean out the hogs in an area.
I'm old school enough that I don't like seeing meat go to waist if I can help it. I don't eat boar meat either. I just don't care for the stinch but you can change those same hogs out and in a few months they will make some real nice sausage for me or whoever I give/sell it to.
That's my reasoning but I am a practical thinker like you and I don't like the idea of feeding a catch dog or having it on my place but that's just me.

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Hog Doom
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« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2012, 09:08:44 am »

When we tie a big boar its to cut him and feed him for a little while or it may be to work a few dogs in the pen who are getting a little too rough and you need a big hog to  back them up a little.

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« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2012, 09:17:44 am »

Our way is catch them tie them up an haul out of the woods no matter how thick it is or how much water is there. Sell them to a guy that has a high fence ranch. U make money an have fun at the same time.  Just the way we do it. No body will never shoot a pig while huntin with us cause u take a risk at missin the hog an hittin ur best dog. Just the way we do it

Get them back legs or get out of the way!!!!!!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2012, 09:44:26 am »

Thanks for the posts guys and keep em coming! I figured there would be this many different answers... I'm wondering, if you get a big boy (trophy) that has good ivory on him, could you get more than the average for him selling him to a big game high fence ranch? or is it just average price across the board to any buyer?

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2012, 09:57:58 am »

Thanks for the posts guys and keep em coming! I figured there would be this many different answers... I'm wondering, if you get a big boy (trophy) that has good ivory on him, could you get more than the average for him selling him to a big game high fence ranch? or is it just average price across the board to any buyer?

From my experience in selling to game ranches, it's maybe. If it's a super big hog with exceptional teeth then you can get a better price on it. But if the ears are chewed up at all, it won't matter how big his teeth are, it probably won't sell.

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Hog Doom
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« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2012, 10:03:05 am »

Thanks for the posts guys and keep em coming! I figured there would be this many different answers... I'm wondering, if you get a big boy (trophy) that has good ivory on him, could you get more than the average for him selling him to a big game high fence ranch? or is it just average price across the board to any buyer?

From my experience in selling to game ranches, it's maybe. If it's a super big hog with exceptional teeth then you can get a better price on it. But if the ears are chewed up at all, it won't matter how big his teeth are, it probably won't sell.
BoarNinja, thanks for your posts... you seem to be a rarity around here.  Grin If you don't mind me askin, how long you been doggin'?

Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2012, 10:31:54 am »

Thanks for the posts guys and keep em coming! I figured there would be this many different answers... I'm wondering, if you get a big boy (trophy) that has good ivory on him, could you get more than the average for him selling him to a big game high fence ranch? or is it just average price across the board to any buyer?

From my experience in selling to game ranches, it's maybe. If it's a super big hog with exceptional teeth then you can get a better price on it. But if the ears are chewed up at all, it won't matter how big his teeth are, it probably won't sell.
BoarNinja, thanks for your posts... you seem to be a rarity around here.  Grin If you don't mind me askin, how long you been doggin'?

I'm 44 now and have been around hunting dogs since I can remember walking. I've been using my own dogs on hogs in some form or fashion for about 25 years now and I swear I'm still sliding around that learning curve. Lol

"No man should be allowed to be President who does not understand hogs." - President Harry Truman

“I like hogs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Hogs treat us as equals” - Sir Winston Churchill
Hog Doom
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« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2012, 10:41:01 am »

Thanks for the posts guys and keep em coming! I figured there would be this many different answers... I'm wondering, if you get a big boy (trophy) that has good ivory on him, could you get more than the average for him selling him to a big game high fence ranch? or is it just average price across the board to any buyer?

From my experience in selling to game ranches, it's maybe. If it's a super big hog with exceptional teeth then you can get a better price on it. But if the ears are chewed up at all, it won't matter how big his teeth are, it probably won't sell.
BoarNinja, thanks for your posts... you seem to be a rarity around here.  Grin If you don't mind me askin, how long you been doggin'?

I'm 44 now and have been around hunting dogs since I can remember walking. I've been using my own dogs on hogs in some form or fashion for about 25 years now and I swear I'm still sliding around that learning curve. Lol
That’s one thing about the woods that I cherish… whether you’re with dogs or not… seems like almost every time out there is something new to learn or observe. If you’re not passing on knowledge out there you’re probably gaining it in some form or fashion. Thanks BoarNinja, and I wish you many more years of fun filled hunting!  Grin

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Bay Dog
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« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2012, 08:31:45 pm »

We bring out all we can alive and it's to sell them we
Across scales or to people wanting a little pork helps balance the books a little but if it happens to be the largest one ever it will have to go to get a nice mount for a little bragging rights
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« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2012, 08:42:01 pm »


Get them back legs or get out of the way!!!!!!
Black Hog 69
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« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2012, 09:06:59 pm »

We take every hog we catch alive ,yes 2 sell but 2 me its the challenge of taking a wild animal from its domain youll never c or hear of us killing 1 we never even bring a gun .  Its the challenge!!!

If ya cant catchem alive leave em alone !!!!!!!!
Bay Dog
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« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2012, 09:38:11 pm »

The $$$$ for us. We have a buyer 15 min away that releases them into a high fence and sells hunts. The pay out is good right now
-100              $.10/lb
100-130.       $.30/lb.
130-200.       $.30/lb.+$30 bonus
200+.            $.50/lb.

Mr. BigBadBoar can pay for a lot of dog food   Grin
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