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Author Topic: Texas Legistlation  (Read 1037 times)
Bay Dog
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« on: January 27, 2012, 12:16:07 pm »

Guys, I'm writing this post and i strongly advise all of you to read this lil bit i have to say and then go to the section of the forum that deals with Texas legistlature and bills . The very thing that Doug Mason is talking about is in the works as we speak the right to hunt dogs , to breed dogs and soon the right own dogs will be threatened . I read an article in the January Full Cry ,page 24 that basically talks about the whole deal. The thing I want to say is that all dog owners hunters and breeders need to stand together and put a stop to all of this . I'm a outsider , i live in Louisiana but these people will not stop until all of us as dog owners and breeders are eliminated are controlled to there liking. I'm not a educated man by any means but and i don't know the next step but i will say that we need to stop waiting for someone else to organize and put a stop to it . We are good people who believe that if we don't bother anyone no one will bother us ,friends that just ain't true we need to stand together for what we believe and it needs to start pretty quick . Please excuse the punctuation errors i was pretty po'ed when i wrote this , still po'd.
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2012, 12:21:09 pm »

Good Post Mark, and very true. They are coming for us, stand up and fight before its to late.

Bay Dog
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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2012, 12:28:47 pm »

But do tell me what can we do , where do we start , and will the other dog owner breeders take this serious ?
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2012, 01:40:01 pm »

The big problem with standing together is our own groups squall with each other. I'm all for any group that fights for the right not just hunt with dogs but hunting in general. There are some great people who go way out of there way to help protect the sport we all love and for that I thank them. Sucks we cant get on the same page and doubtful we ever will. Just my thoughts...CWhite

Hempstead, Tx
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« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2012, 02:15:49 pm »

I to am not from Texas; I reside in LA.  I do however have an interest and a dog in this fight.

Using a quick google search I found a couple of site for online petitions:



Should we utilize a petition or some other type of counter so that we have power in numbers?  We then must show the politicians the numbers (our strength)....and we use our power to sway them the other way.
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2012, 03:50:53 pm »

The key to having an impact is personal contact with all of your elected representatives. A coordinated effort is needed, working towards productive changes and new legislation that will have the effect we want is the key.

Your political party, who you vote for and your religious views really have got nothing to do with this issue.

Join TDHA and LSWDA, we both have a voice. Have all contact information for all of your elected representatives and call them and voice your views when the need arises. We will give you a heads up on who to call and why.

TDHA has a small group of very dedicated members who work the phones very hard during the legislative session talking personally with law makers and their aids who research and write the bills. We do have an impact and our voices are heard but we need a larger army.

This fight also takes money. TDHA sends money to RPOA and TOPS every year to help fund lobbyist working toward our goals, I would like to send more. The TDHA hunt this year is a fund raiser for our Legislative action fund.

Stop fighting among yourselves and focus on the people who are working to hurt our sport. Be careful with what you post on any public message board, Face Book, and U-Tube.

Every time you load your dogs you are an  ambassador of our sport, conduct yourself in a positive way.

Paul T

Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2012, 04:24:46 pm »

Here is the link to the proposed wording for The "Dog Breeder License" (HB1451). I encourage all of you to read the whole thing so you will understand what we are in for when they try and remove the hunting dog exemption.


This has passed and is now Texas Law. There is a hunting dog exemption, but that exemption can be removed at any time. Because this bill contained a hunting/working dog exemption it passed. If the exemption had not been included it would not have passed the Texas Senate. We have got to be careful what we support and what we fight and why.

Paul T

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Confetti Catahoulas

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« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2012, 07:30:16 pm »

heres a post of mine on the girly site facebook several weeks ago the post if off of LSWDA's forum

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If you want to keep your pets everyone needs to read this and rattle your Vet's cage hard

by jls41 » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:51 pm

Crossposting is encouraged.
January 9, 2011

Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) held an all day Licensed
Breeder Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 4th. Archived on TDLR website
if you want to listen:
http://www.license.state.tx.us/bre/bre.htm . RPOA appreciates the committee
members who are donating their time and money to represent "responsible"
Texas animal owners and a pox on all "others!" We report and you decide.

The committee was told that their work on writing "rules" for implementing
HB 1451 was concluded following this meeting - at least for now. Timeline
is rules published in the Texas Register January 20th with a 30 day comment
period. Then it comes back to committee and on to TDLR Commission for final
approval. Committee's work is non-binding to TDLR so anything is possible

The committee received TDLR's 93 page draft and three working groups'
reports at the meeting so there was no time to study it beforehand.
Director Bill Kuntz said one committee member had commented that everything
was moving too fast but assured them this wasn't their "last bite of the
apple." TDLR's Enforcement Division reported working on criminal conviction

Lot of back and forth over specific wording on temperatures, flooring,
crates, etc. Steve Epperson, representing breeders on the committee (who
can't vote or make motions!) became exasperated and asked "How is a breeder
supposed to know ahead of time what is expected from them?"

"Skip" Trimble, Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN) recipient of HSUS
and PETA national awards, was openly using hand signals to committee members
Maggie Dahl (Animal Rescue of Texas) and Sherry Ferguson (Houston Humane
Society; former THLN Board of Directors; now THLN Advisory Board Member and
TX Federation of Animal Care Societies Board Member).

"Hands on" exams were a hot topic for required costly annual veterinary
exams of each dog and cat. TDLR Chairman Frank Denton expressed
reservations. TDLR Counsel Charles Johnson responded to one member's
question that should the veterinarian do his job inappropriately with the
animals' annual examination, the breeder gets the fine. Johnson also said
"TDLR is not changing any statute" as some speakers urged.

Five of eight attendees from the Animal Rights Brigade signed up for Public
Comments. All wanted "stricter" rules than the state statute and insisted
on a Texas Attorney General ruling on the topic:
1. Robert "Skip" Trimble, legislative chair of THLN.
2. Nicole Paquette, HSUS state director for Texas.
3. Cile Holloway, THLN president.
4. Monica Hardy, THLN Executive Director.
5. Elizabeth Choate, Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA), agreed
with all of the above speakers. TVMA was a partner in crime with HSUS and
THLN - writing and lobbying for passage of HB 1451. TVMA opposed the
Anti-Breeding Bill defeated in 2009 but deserted Texas dog and cat breeders
in the 2011 Texas Legislative Session.

Their goal is perfectly clear: Legislate and regulate all animal use,
breeding and ownership out of existence. Question is: Doesn't TVMA know
this? New Hampshire now faces similar legislation - to become the next
notch on the HSUS belt. We'll keep you informed. Please support RPOA
financially on the websites below as we're David fighting Goliath with a
slingshot. Are your animals worth it?Jo Lynne Stark
LSWDA President & Charter Member

We work for you and your dogs - will you help support us??
Licensed Breeders
This is the home page for the Licensed Breeders program administered by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

Confetti Catahoulas
Skip A Rope Catahoulas
skip_a_rope_catahoulas@yahoo.com  confetti_catahoulas@yahoo.com
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« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2012, 07:34:55 pm »

 one more  this is just a  section out of that main post  that  I think everyone of us need to go to our Vet's office and asked them WTF
 are you  doing i have and plan on rattling lots more cages in the near future

      Dexter L. Blevins

 Really TVMA , at a Auction 5 out of 5 Veterinarians does not have a clue what thier own bunch is doing, I am asking everone that owns any animal of any kind to print this insert off my last post and show it to your Veterinarian and fast I bet it will make a change
Dexter L. Blevins

Elizabeth Choate, Texas Veterinary Medical Association (TVMA), agreed
with all of the above speakers. TVMA was a ...partner in crime with HSUS and
THLN - writing and lobbying for passage of HB 1451. TVMA opposed the
Anti-Breeding Bill defeated in 2009 but deserted Texas dog and cat breeders
in the 2011 Texas Legislative Session.

Confetti Catahoulas
Skip A Rope Catahoulas
skip_a_rope_catahoulas@yahoo.com  confetti_catahoulas@yahoo.com
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2012, 12:18:51 pm »

Paul is right. Every time you load your dogs you are an ambassador of the sport of Hog Hunting. One of the first things that has to happen is hunters have to quit posting videos of dogs catching and hunters killing hogs all over the internet. The attitude of , well don't watch it if you don't like it ain't gonna cut it. These animal rights people have computer programs that search the internet for number 2 like that. Every legislature session in every southern state. these activist are there trying there best to take our rights away from us. The rest of the southern states better follow Texas' lead in uniting and forming organizations such as The Lone Star Working Dogs Assn.
    A lot of hunters feel that it's there right to post videos of Dogs hanging off ears of hogs and hunters rushing in to kill the hog with a big
knife and they are absolutely right. It is there right because it is legal to do so, for who knows how long.
      But it is also the right of the tree hugging, animal rights activist to lobby your legislators to try and take that right away from you.   
As hunters we all know how a hog is taken. We all seen catch dogs hit like a train, we all know ruff curs can rip the nuts off a hog. We all know that hogs are a nuisance and tear up the land and cost land owners a lot of money.   Keeping the videos off the internet is a small price to pay to not giving these activist anymore fuel than they already have. It's already happening. We all better be a little smarter about how we represent Hog Hunting, Hog Baying, or any other sport that involves working dogs.

"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2012, 05:33:24 pm »

Jimco..you said that PERFECTLY and I agree 100%.  That is a very accurate and mature post.  Thanks for posting.
Silverton Boar Dogs
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« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2012, 06:42:02 pm »

I am grateful for all of you that are TDHA members and I thank you for suporting the cause.

If you are not a TDHA member, or its time to renew, he is the link for membership.


Paul T

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