Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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Hog Doom
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It's a good day to have a great day!
« on: March 23, 2009, 03:46:54 pm » |
I am posting these for Mike Hilscher, not my dogs, I can only tell you what I have seen them do, call him for more details.
Roscoe is 3.5 years, male Plott has registration certificate, very dark brindle, Easy going dog, no aggresion to dogs or people a little timid, but will come to you slowly when called, just takes minute. Been hunting him for several months, pretty straight dog, will bay a hog not too gritty until hog is caught. Hunts close range until you get into hot scent, then will stay bayed until catch dog hits then he will grab too. Has trashed some but have been using shock collar on him, have not seen him do anything wrong on the past 5 hunts, been on several hogs and knows what to do, was on 5 hogs yesterday, one saturday night, If the hog breaks he will open for a few minutes then gets silent again until bayed.
Smokey- Grey Brindle Plott from Illinois, not sure what he was used for up north, I have seen him on hogs once so far, and was silent until bayed then caught a 100 lb hog, he trailed himself, far as we know this was his first hog, Mike hunted him one other time after that I was not there, but said he was caught on that hog too. very good looking dog, but very timid and needs someone to handle him for a bit, before hunting, Mike said he did not touch him he went back in his kennel when told to, . I believe this dog has some hunt to him. He has a pretty voice too I like, I would like to see this dog on a few hunts but Mike says he has to go, he won't spend time handling a dog, its not the way he does things, Not enough kennels, I am keeping one of his dogs now and I need my kennel back.
$500 Firm takes both these dogs, call Mike 979-743-9213 Weimar, Tx.