Had a good hunt last night with McCoy, Joe, Me and Joey (Joe's son in law). McCoy brought along his ridgebacks including a couple of new dogs. All the dogs went a pretty good piece and got this nice sow in a little branch. Got a little western there for a second when the mud covered sow got away from McCoy and commenced to eatin on his legs!! That dude is a NUT!! Anyway, good hunt, good dogs and great company!!! sorry about the pictures they didnt turn out too good.

McCoy with one of his ridgebacks, I have never seen ridgebacks like these. They are the real Deal!!

Big'un had a rough nite. he is making a jam up catch dog. We sent him from a pretty good piece last nite. He's been on getting the ear!!

Here's Bo, McCoys #1. He is a monster!!!

Here's Bo and Skipper. Skipper is making a hell of a dog!!