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Author Topic: range definitions ?  (Read 2175 times)
Internet Hog Hunting Specialist
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« Reply #20 on: February 24, 2012, 12:34:23 am »

Yuppers and I have seen a many of short - medium range dog make a long range dog look like a JackAss!  I have seen them long rangers blow out the box and people b saying wooo weee look at that sucker go man alive whata dog.  Next thing you know he is a mile out and my old short to med range dog just got finshed taken a dump and five mins later he is on a hog are a group of hogs now 250 yds out !!!!!!!!!

I have seen a ton of them marthon dogs pass up a ton of hogs on his way to his famous mile !

Lmao !

x2...I have seen it too...the trailblazer rolls out like a scalded dog and starts to hunt a mile away. and then another dog starts a track 250 yards past where the dogs got dumped and ole trailblazer ran right over the track and never slowed down.

yea halfbreed...i just don't want to be hunting dogs when we can be hunting hogs. Grin

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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« Reply #21 on: February 24, 2012, 12:43:19 am »

i agree on the range... 1/4 short, 1/2 medium, and 1 long, hunting for sign.

the one that always confuses me most when people describe dogs is bottom.

i've always seen bottom as how much a dog can take.

a dog that can hunt all day in an inhospitible enviroment and be just as strong and willing at the end of the hunt as he was when you turned him out, despite the abuse he took during the hunt. you take him home feed him and load him up to go hunting the next day and he is just as fresh as he was the day before.

on cowdogs i would call a dog that i can load up at five in the morning at the start of a hot, dry, day, ride ten or twelve miles to the backside of a rough rocky canyon pasture we will  be gathering, send him ahead, and he strikes hunts and bays cattle all day, only needs three or four drinks of water and is just as strong at the end of the day (and the next, and the next) as when you started that morning, as having bottom.

a horse that can take hard riding/hard use/frequent hauling day in, day out withut being phased has bottom.

a rooster that can take alot of punishment in the pit and win in the drag has bottom.

to me a dog that will stay with a hog on a chase doesn't define how much bottom he has.
it just defines his "stick", or how long he stays "hooked up"....

but, thats only my opinion of what i see "bottom" to mean, it kind of throws me off to see it used so carelessly interchanged with "stick" so often...

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« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2012, 01:54:10 am »


I liked what you said... Cool

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
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« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2012, 07:52:13 am »

I have seen a ton of them marthon dogs pass up a ton of hogs on his way to his famous mile !

Lmao !

Sounds like you've hunted with a ton of culls then.  How far a dog will range out has nothing to do with how fast it gets there...only that when most dogs loop around and are already hanging around back at the wheeler, that the dog is still out hunting and getting deeper doing it.  A dog that frequently passes up or misses hogs is nothing more than a cull....marathon dog or not.  
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 07:54:24 am by Bryant » Logged

A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
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« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2012, 04:31:31 pm »

ditto and i agree with ya rueben . i like for the dogs to hunt for me , not me hunt with them .  i think ol mister garmin plays too much as to how people hunt  dogs anymore seems before all these machines and technology dogs worked for the hunter and wouldn't leave the country without checkin in first . in my day anyway .

  You talk a lot of old times,young guys,etc. How long you been running dogs ?

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off"
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« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2012, 05:36:05 pm »

bout fourty something years how bout you ?

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2012, 05:41:42 pm »

and thats just since i got my drivers license 40 somethin years ago, now you want to add huntin with dad and grandad well it's 50 somethin years  Grin  Grin

hattak at ofi piso

waylon-N.E. OK
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« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2012, 05:47:08 pm »

" now you want to add huntin with dad and grandad well it's 50 somethin years  "

ROOKIE  Cheesy

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« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2012, 05:54:16 pm »

ha ha yeah i just started yesterday  Grin

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2012, 06:30:53 pm »

and thats just since i got my drivers license 40 somethin years ago, now you want to add huntin with dad and grandad well it's 50 somethin years  Grin  Grin

right around 50 years for me...but I strayed a couple times... Grin

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2012, 06:56:48 pm »

ha ha yeah and times have changed . i knock the technology and kids but niether one never ceases to amaze me . times is allways changing. but i allways wonder if it's for the better . i remember when i could and did have all this info stored in my brain phone #'s part #'s addresses now if i lost my phone i couldn't call myself . i think we just rely on it to much . and when the govt. wants to gain full control they will just flip the switches on them sattelites and a whole generation will wonder aimlessly into the obiss  not knowing what to do . been a good discussion enjoyed it . and thaks for the reply's my dogs are for the most part medium range the way i like em .

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2012, 07:30:12 pm »

I have seen a ton of them marthon dogs pass up a ton of hogs on his way to his famous mile !

Lmao !

Sounds like you've hunted with a ton of culls then.  How far a dog will range out has nothing to do with how fast it gets there...only that when most dogs loop around and are already hanging around back at the wheeler, that the dog is still out hunting and getting deeper doing it.  A dog that frequently passes up or misses hogs is nothing more than a cull....marathon dog or not.  

 I wont own one myself but there is a lot of folks that do love them.   

The older I get the less Stupidity I can stand !
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« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2012, 09:12:54 pm »

bout fourty something years how bout you ?

only around 4 or 5 years for me.

     What part of Texas are you? You arnt south of Austin are you?

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off"
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« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2012, 09:50:25 pm »

SOUTH OF AUSTIN !!!!  hell i'm half injun not half meskin lol j/k  no i'm origanally from down south of dallas around waxahachie . now i'm in north east texas and just hate it . every two acre piece of land out here got three deer stands on it . an i just hate deer hunters like to eat deer but hate the hunters .

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2012, 10:07:50 pm »

SOUTH OF AUSTIN !!!!  hell i'm half injun not half meskin lol j/k  no i'm origanally from down south of dallas around waxahachie . now i'm in north east texas and just hate it . every two acre piece of land out here got three deer stands on it . an i just hate deer hunters like to eat deer but hate the hunters .

A scared dog dont get no meat !
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« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2012, 10:13:15 pm »

I wont own one myself but there is a lot of folks that do love them.   

I'll be the first to admit that I do love them.  You can knock the range out of one with it bred in, but you can't make one hunt that's not born with it.  Breed 'em to go, and whoop 'em to whoa. 

A truly rich man is one whose children rush to fill his arms even though his hands are empty.
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« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2012, 07:24:46 am »

I'll be the first to admit that I do love them.  You can knock the range out of one with it bred in, but you can't make one hunt that's not born with it.  Breed 'em to go, and whoop 'em to whoa. 

I agree...


-In The Land Of The Blind The One Eyed Man Is King-
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