Sorry to hear that Dub! That's really cool that you did that for your daughter. When my little girl is sick it kills me! I try to everything in my power and sometimes it's never enough... When my daughter was born she was premature... Had to be care flighted to Baylor in Dallas and moma didn't even get to hold her after birth. I beat the helicopter to Dallas which is an hour drive for me(wasn't then

) and I sat in the NNICU for 5days... With my wife an hour away the whole time killed me! But just goes to show you the extent that we will go for our children... Funny thing is, when I had my Diablo's leg cut off because of that boar... I couldn't sleep a wink... The day he got home I spent hours in the garage with him, and could feel his pain. Shaking and winning. But in the end, it makes you and the other party feel better knowing that you put in that time whether it is a dog or you offspring. Good post Dub!