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Author Topic: NEW Dangerous Dog Law- NEEDS ATTENTION  (Read 862 times)
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
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« on: April 03, 2009, 11:48:41 am »

Why this Bill should be OPPOSED:
> 1. This bill would allow for declaring a
> dog vicious based on its “physical nature.” That is an
> attempt to target breeds of dogs and is breed specific
> legislation by a different name. This determination could be
> made with no regard for the dog’s actual temperament or
> history.
> 2. This bill would allow for a dog to be
> declared vicious based on things it allegedly does in its
> own e
> nclosure without the dog ever getting out. This law would
> punish people who contain their dogs in an enclosure and
> yet, this is exactly what we want them to do instead of
> letting the dogs run loose.
> 3. The bill would allow the unfair
> targeting of dogs that have not done anything other that
> perhaps bark at the fence to be declared vicious which
> subjects the owner to the same requirement as owners of
> dangerous dogs that have bitten someone and caused injury.
> 4. Dangerous dog cases are often more about
> the relationships of neighbors than about dogs. This bill
> would allow a neighbor to say he or she is fearful that a
> fenced dog might get out or that it might cause them injury
> for a dog that is contained within an enclosure. This is a
> subjective standard that is fraught with possibility for
> unfairness.
> 5. Requiring that owners of dogs weighing
> 40 pounds or more to have a secure enclosure for their pets
> is tantamount to saying that all such dogs are dangerous and
> should be treated as if they have been declared dangerous
> without them ever doing anything. "Secure
> enclosures" by state law are those for dogs already
> declared dangerous. This would mean that these dog owners
> would have to construct a "secure enclosure" for
> dogs that have never done one thing. Here is what a
> "secure enclosure" means that all owners of dogs
> 40 pounds and over would have to comply with:
> (4) "Secure enclosure" means a fenced area or
> structure that is:
> (A) locked;
> (B) capable of preventing the entry of the general
> public, including children;
> (C) capable of preventing the escape or release of a
> dog;
> (D) clearly marked as containing a dangerous dog; and
> (E) in conformance with the requirements for enclosures
> established by the local animal control authority.
> So, if you have to put a sign saying DANGEROUS DOG on your
> fence for your dog despite that it has done NOTHING. AND,
> you have to comply with local requirements for "secure
> enclosures." Some local requirements include enclosures
> with tops, concrete flooring, and size requirements. AGAIN,
> I know this sounds crazy, but this is for ALL dogs weighing
> 40 pounds or more. This law would be unfairly enforced
> against dogs like American Pit Bull Terriers, Rotties,
> Akitas, German Shepherd Dogs, Dobies, Huskies, Malamutes,
> Mastiffs, Chow-Chows, etc.
> 6. Requiring 40 pound dogs or over to
> always be on a leash in the immediate control of a person,
> in a residence or in a secure enclosure, prevents those dogs
> from ever going to a dog park or participating in events
> that are off lead or allow the dog to be separate from the
> handler which include tracking (dogs are on leads up to
> 30’ in length), search & rescue efforts (dogs on long
> leads and move ahead of20handler), herding, hunting, and
> being used as working dogs and police dogs. Most dogs used
> in all of these activities are over 40 pounds.
> 7. This bill would prohibit hunters from
> using a dog that is 40 pounds or over. Hunting dogs are
> typically over 40 pounds and include all sorts of dogs.
> 8. This bill is way too restrictive and
> vague and needs to be defeated in its entirety. Our laws are
> strong enough. Current law provides that if your dog makes
> an unprovoked act while outside it enclosure that someone
> says put them in fear of being injured, your dog can already
> be declared dangerous even if it did not bite, scratch or
> even touch someone. It is a subjective standard.
> FAX & CALL. Email is not a good way to communicate and
> some of them are blocking it now.
> Be sure to put: OPPOSED TO HB 1982 or VOTE NO ON HB 1982
> in bold, large letters as your subject title.
> Bill’s Author: Trey Martinez Fischer, San Antonio
> (512) 463-0616
> (512) 463-4873 Fax
> Clerk: Revlynn Lawson
> Phone: (512) 463-0760
> The Capitol Address for ALL Representatives:
> PO Box 2910, Austin, Texas 78768
> Rep. Garnet Coleman (chair)
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0524 FAX: (512) 463-1260
> Rep. Geanie Morrison (Vice Chair)
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0456 FAX: (512) 476-3933
> 0ARep. Leo Berman
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0584 FAX (512) 463-3217
> Rep. Valinda Bolton
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0652 FAX (512) 463-0565
> Rep. Joaquin Castro
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0669 FAX (512) 463-5074
> Rep. John E. Davis
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0734 FAX (512) 479-6955
> Rep. Marisa Marquez
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0638 FAX (512) 463-8908
> Rep. Ralph Sheffield
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0630 FAX (512)322-9054
> Rep. Wayne Smith
> Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0733 FAX (512) 463-1323

Catch Dog
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« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2009, 01:47:08 pm »

which is the first number I need to call? Like you said this must be defeated. Thank you for bringing it to attention.

McGrath Taxidermy
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« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2009, 11:28:44 pm »

HEY HUNTERS every one needs to take a moment and stand up for your heritage and rights befor its to late !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Danged ole dirtydog !
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2009, 12:46:51 pm »

Sorry Im not familiar with how these procedures work. Do we the people vote against this bill, or do we tell our rep. that we want him to vote against it?
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2009, 01:16:29 pm »

This is another law that's trying to be passed and your repersentives are the ones that make them.
Every hunt and dog owner needs to call or fax to their law maker.
We have over 6 laws that are being heard that will shut down dog hunting if passed.

If we don't stand up and stand together we'll be standing with out dogs.

Douglas Mason
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Confetti Catahoulas

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« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2009, 06:43:29 pm »

   dont they have better  things to do other than messing with heratage
         what next  our horses
 dogs are our tools of the trade ,,  wonder what they would think of a couple hundered hogs running around the state house Evil
      they day they get my dog is the day the pry my cold  stiff fingers from the collar and my .45 colt

Confetti Catahoulas
Skip A Rope Catahoulas
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