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Author Topic: A Good Plott Dog  (Read 5858 times)
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #20 on: March 11, 2012, 07:36:02 pm »


Yep I am convinced you have no clue.  You might know about hounds, but you dont know an dang thing about plotts.  It is ignorance like yours that has plotts out there that dont need to be out there.  Plotts were never bred specifically for mouth and if there is any trait that the plott is weak on it is the mouth.  Most plotts have a medium type chop mouth, not overly loud.  And if you are looking for a plott lines with good mouths,,,Im sure you wont find a line that has a great mouth....that is not a strong trait or strongly desired trait amoung plott hunters/breeders.  You will not find a plott breeder or serious plott hunter that breeds for the mouth.  So why you are laughing about my comment of breeding for mouth waters down a bloodline...keep laughing; I'm not embarrased at all.   Any ol'hound can track and trail; good plotts get rough fast and they stop hogs.  It is obviuos you've been hunting behind Walkers and English dogs, becuase if you had hunted behind good plotts, you would know that they are rough and a good pack of rough plotts will make a hog stop fast and if he tries to break, they will catch him and not let him break again.

You don't think plotts are and were bred to catch game??  Obviously they are not catchdogs, but they were and are bred to bring game to bay and keep them at bay or tree.  Plotts dont keep hogs at bay without getting rough and putting teeth on them.  You have got to be kidding me......I am starting to wonder why I have spent so much time on replying to your ignorant comments. 
Catch Dog
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« Reply #21 on: March 11, 2012, 08:36:58 pm »


Yep I am convinced you have no clue.  You might know about hounds, but you dont know an dang thing about plotts.  It is ignorance like yours that has plotts out there that dont need to be out there.  Plotts were never bred specifically for mouth and if there is any trait that the plott is weak on it is the mouth.  Most plotts have a medium type chop mouth, not overly loud.  And if you are looking for a plott lines with good mouths,,,Im sure you wont find a line that has a great mouth....that is not a strong trait or strongly desired trait amoung plott hunters/breeders.  You will not find a plott breeder or serious plott hunter that breeds for the mouth.  So why you are laughing about my comment of breeding for mouth waters down a bloodline...keep laughing; I'm not embarrased at all.   Any ol'hound can track and trail; good plotts get rough fast and they stop hogs.  It is obviuos you've been hunting behind Walkers and English dogs, becuase if you had hunted behind good plotts, you would know that they are rough and a good pack of rough plotts will make a hog stop fast and if he tries to break, they will catch him and not let him break again.

You don't think plotts are and were bred to catch game??  Obviously they are not catchdogs, but they were and are bred to bring game to bay and keep them at bay or tree.  Plotts dont keep hogs at bay without getting rough and putting teeth on them.  You have got to be kidding me......I am starting to wonder why I have spent so much time on replying to your ignorant comments. 
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #22 on: March 11, 2012, 08:48:49 pm »


I noticed by reading one of your other posts that you've been hog hunting for a year now...(since last Feb).  I've been hog hunting using plotts for the last 8 years.  I know you've read a lot of books...maybe that is why your are such as "Houndsman".  How about this...spend some more time in the woods behind a pack of plotts and then you can join the discussion of a good plott. LMAO, LMAO, LMAO
Catch Dog
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« Reply #23 on: March 11, 2012, 09:09:54 pm »


Yep I am convinced you have no clue.  You might know about hounds, but you dont know an dang thing about plotts.  It is ignorance like yours that has plotts out there that dont need to be out there.  Plotts were never bred specifically for mouth and if there is any trait that the plott is weak on it is the mouth.  Most plotts have a medium type chop mouth, not overly loud.  And if you are looking for a plott lines with good mouths,,,Im sure you wont find a line that has a great mouth....that is not a strong trait or strongly desired trait amoung plott hunters/breeders.  You will not find a plott breeder or serious plott hunter that breeds for the mouth.  So why you are laughing about my comment of breeding for mouth waters down a bloodline...keep laughing; I'm not embarrased at all.   Any ol'hound can track and trail; good plotts get rough fast and they stop hogs.  It is obviuos you've been hunting behind Walkers and English dogs, becuase if you had hunted behind good plotts, you would know that they are rough and a good pack of rough plotts will make a hog stop fast and if he tries to break, they will catch him and not let him break again.

You don't think plotts are and were bred to catch game??  Obviously they are not catchdogs, but they were and are bred to bring game to bay and keep them at bay or tree.  Plotts dont keep hogs at bay without getting rough and putting teeth on them.  You have got to be kidding me......I am starting to wonder why I have spent so much time on replying to your ignorant comments. 

You sir have expressed your ignorance more than I could ever exagerate. YOU have expressed that your dogs catch there game. I didn't make that up. Of course any dog that you can successfully hunt on hogs is gonna put teeth in them when they break or to shut them and make them bay that goes without saying.NO DOG KEEPS A BIG BOAR AT BAY WITHOUT PUTTING TEETH IN THEM. A good pack of junkyard dogs will put teeth in them and make them bay. I never said I was looking for Plotts with big horn mouths. Like any breed out there I assumed there might be some out there with better mouths than others. You took it upon yourself to call me out like I had asked the most bizzare question when I asked about mouth on plotts. And once again you should be embarressed by stating that breeding for mouth waters down bloodlines. That has to be the dumbest statement I have read on here and I've read some ignorant things. Of course if I wanted big mouth hog dogs I would hunt other breeds. Why you have chosen to take a stand on this is beyond me. I've hunted behind English redticks that would make you cry when it comes to grit and putting teeth on a hog. Why don't you do everyone on this board a favor and keep your uneducated opinions to yourself.OR spend a couple decades hunting and breeding dogs and then holla back. I'm done with this...
Catch Dog
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« Reply #24 on: March 11, 2012, 09:11:53 pm »


I noticed by reading one of your other posts that you've been hog hunting for a year now...(since last Feb).  I've been hog hunting using plotts for the last 8 years.  I know you've read a lot of books...maybe that is why your are such as "Houndsman".  How about this...spend some more time in the woods behind a pack of plotts and then you can join the discussion of a good plott. LMAO, LMAO, LMAO
I guess you saw the hog's I'm producing then.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #25 on: March 11, 2012, 09:13:20 pm »

Catch Dog
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« Reply #26 on: March 11, 2012, 09:17:43 pm »

I've caught or killed a total of 37 hogs in the last 12 months with my culls in a part of the country thats not over run with hogs. So for my first 12 months at chasing pigs I don't think thats to bad. How many hogs did you bay up with just your dogs the first year you hog hunted........
Catch Dog
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« Reply #27 on: March 11, 2012, 09:29:44 pm »

I respect the fact you have been hunting behind plotts for 8 years, and I'm not on here to argue over opinions. I've made comments I shouldn't have and feel that before we keep face barking that maybe we should agree to disagree?.....Denny
Strike Dog
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« Reply #28 on: March 11, 2012, 09:36:53 pm »

every dog that someone says  is bred to "run to catch" is just that. Most of us want to catch game and not just hear dogs running and barking. I know I do. I love plotts and when I was in michigan I had a bunch of run to catch plotts. Just like hogs if your hound bites a bear in back axle and gets him to turn he is "catching the game" at that point he better get back and bark or he will be dead.  Its a simple fact that a bear is bigger and stronger than my dogs and if he trys to fight head to head he will be dead. I never had trouble culling those dogs as they do it all by them selfs. I want my cur dogs that I have now to do just what my hounds did on bear. Stop them from running. get them to turn and fight, and then get back and tell me where to get so I can do my part. A smart cur dog will apply just enough preasure to make a hog fight and then wait on the calvary. I know a lot of you run rough curs that catch hogs. you probably catch a lot to. however everyone hunts a little different even dogs of the same breed. Ive seen everything in plotts from a super gritty pit like dog to a stand 30 foot away and squal type and they were both registered plotts and both treed bears. I think some of you guys are getting your feelings hurt a little too much. We're all in this together boys. respect the other guys opinion and go on. Peta loves to see us argue cause it shows a lack of unity.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #29 on: March 11, 2012, 09:39:09 pm »

Peta loves to see us argue cause it shows a lack of unity.


Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean. They're aggressive on the attack and tenacious on defense. They've got really short hair and they always go for the throat.
RAdm. "Jay" R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995
Strike Dog
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« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2012, 09:51:15 pm »

I agree about the unity!!! But you can only put up with so much bashing. The guy who posted this pretty much said anyone that is breeding or has plotts that arent super gritty are junk. I beg to differ. But he pretty much directly insulted any plott owner that doesnt have gritty dogs. It would be better to just not post things like this because all it turns into is an argument. I have hunted behind plotts for 12 years that doesnt make me a hound expert and i dont pretend to be everyone can learn new things from others all the time.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2012, 10:10:13 pm »

there isn't a hog dog alive that doesn't put "some" teeth on a hog to stop it. why else would they stop? When it comes to bears ive seen dogs that wouldnt touch the bear for nothing. but that bear would just stay 50 to 80 yards in front of the dogs and the guys with those dogs would sneak ahead and kill it. Not my style, but they still got there bear. I personally like to tree a bear take its picture and let it back out. They dont breed fast enough to kill many in my opinion. I guess you could do the same with hogs but i bet its a cluster. I personally catch hogs with bulldogs so i need my curs to find and "stop" a hog. I dont like it when they catch before i get there but it does happen sometimes. any way why dont you died in the wool cur dog guys start bashing plotts for being open mouthed and really get this thing heated.
Hog Doom
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Trenton Wilbanks Daingerfield,Tx

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« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2012, 08:45:37 am »


Ive seen several dogs that have kept plenty of big boars bayed, no teeth required...  Wink

there isn't a hog dog alive that doesn't put "some" teeth on a hog to stop it.

Yes there is...  Wink
Hog Doom
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« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2012, 09:10:09 am »


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Catch Dog
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« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2012, 09:25:35 am »


Ive seen several dogs that have kept plenty of big boars bayed, no teeth required...  Wink

there isn't a hog dog alive that doesn't put "some" teeth on a hog to stop it.

Yes there is...  Wink

Thats awesome you have a dog like that. I'm jealous I've just got a young pack and still trying to fine tune them, but the only way they can get one to stop and bay is to put teeth in them. What kind of dog is this and how does it get a runner to stop? How many dogs do you have out to hold a Big Boar? What do they do if one breaks bay? Do they just windmill that sucker and keep him spinning? I'm definetly Impressed Sounds like something I'd like to own myself. Wink
Hog Doom
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« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2012, 09:39:44 am »

Trent didn't tell you??? He just yells "here piggy piggy piggy" and they just stop and wait for him to get there...  Wink LOL!

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Catch Dog
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« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2012, 09:45:42 am »

Trent didn't tell you??? He just yells "here piggy piggy piggy" and they just stop and wait for him to get there...  Wink LOL!
Sounds like he must be a "Hog Whisperer." I've heard the ol'timers speak of such men.....LOL
Hog Doom
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Trenton Wilbanks Daingerfield,Tx

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« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2012, 09:53:31 am »


Ive seen several dogs that have kept plenty of big boars bayed, no teeth required...  Wink

there isn't a hog dog alive that doesn't put "some" teeth on a hog to stop it.

Yes there is...  Wink

Thats awesome you have a dog like that. I'm jealous I've just got a young pack and still trying to fine tune them, but the only way they can get one to stop and bay is to put teeth in them. What kind of dog is this and how does it get a runner to stop? How many dogs do you have out to hold a Big Boar? What do they do if one breaks bay? Do they just windmill that sucker and keep him spinning? I'm definetly Impressed Sounds like something I'd like to own myself. Wink

I never said it was MY dogs!!  Wink  Grin

However, i do have a bmc that has found and bayed quite a few good boars by herself, and i think one of the main reasons they stay bayed for as long as she was on some of them is because she puts NO pressure on them to make them run... Very loose baying..
Ive only seen her put teeth on a handful of hogs, and most of them were in the water ( she tends to get brave in water for some reason )

Bottom comes into play on the runners or a hog that breaks bay...  
Could she stop more hogs by putting teeth on them?  Possibly..
Does she still find and bay hogs consistently? YES

She is nothing special, and like you my pack is all young... She is my oldest dog and only 2 years old..
Ive been hunting long enough now that I should have a older, more experienced pack but i guess im too picky about my dogs..
Always looking for something better, and not enough patience to let the younger dogs mature...  Undecided

Ive had several others that wouldn't hardly put teeth on a hog, but we still caught hogs consistently...   Wink

Hog Doom
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Trenton Wilbanks Daingerfield,Tx

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« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2012, 09:57:50 am »

Trent didn't tell you??? He just yells "here piggy piggy piggy" and they just stop and wait for him to get there...  Wink LOL!
Sounds like he must be a "Hog Whisperer." I've heard the ol'timers speak of such men.....LOL

 Cheesy  Nope, I train my dogs to be the " Hog Whisperers" ...

They find the hogs, and just keep a conversation going with them till i can sneak in and catch them...
My dogs are pretty good about texting me about whats going on too...  Wink
Hog Doom
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« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2012, 10:00:57 am »

Trent didn't tell you??? He just yells "here piggy piggy piggy" and they just stop and wait for him to get there...  Wink LOL!
Sounds like he must be a "Hog Whisperer." I've heard the ol'timers speak of such men.....LOL

 Cheesy  Nope, I train my dogs to be the " Hog Whisperers" ...

They find the hogs, and just keep a conversation going with them till i can sneak in and catch them...
My dogs are pretty good about texting me about whats going on too...  Wink
LMAO! Texting... LMAO! That's great!!!  laugh

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