« on: March 13, 2012, 06:13:31 pm » |
Came home last night from work and check on my pups, usually dogs are go crazy when I come out...my cur slowly came out acting very weak and laid next to me...not like him! This morning samething very slow to get up and weak. Put him in back of the truck to go to vet and when he tried to jump out his back legs just collapsed when he landed. Vet wants to do xrays and blood work. I told him just give me some pain meds and I'll bring him back Monday if he doesn't get better. He's eating and drinking fine. Anybody know what problem is or had something similar happen? Hes 16 months old 58lbs.
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2012, 08:25:38 pm » |
Could be any number of things really. Does he hunt often? When was last time? Where? Did he get on a hog or not? Is he chained or penned? Just trying to help diagnose. He's no old but could be an injury, nerve type. Is he drinking a whole lot? I pray it's not the case but have seen dogs get into coyote poison. Dehydrates them and causes nervous system issues. Can be reversed if caught soon enough. Man I hope it's nothing serious. I feel for you, been there.
"Let's talk some philosophy"
Black Hog 69
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 08:41:34 pm » |
Sounds like some kind of nerve issues JMO, dont really know all the details
If ya cant catchem alive leave em alone !!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 09:51:39 pm » |
I locked him up yesterday went to work and came home to him in tstatement.Last time hes been out is bout week and half ago we were on 4 wheelers and he was hauling a$$ no pig though. The terrain was pretty rocky. We go out hunting maybe two three times a month. He is penned but his pen is 26x12. Hes always in there unless it's time to hunt or play with kids. Theres no chance of poison or anything pike that.. I'm starting to think he might have been playing too much and pulled or stressed something in back hip area. He's really rough always jumping really high and hyper.. My friend from work said his dog wore out her hips one time from playing and being too hyper. Ya it really does sucks I just want him to be back to his bad, loud, hyper happy self again...o ya he stays hydrated pretty. thx for help KeviN
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2012, 10:18:46 pm » |
Just a thot. Had a coondog get coondog paralysis. They usually get it after fighting a big coon I think but i think it could be any coon. Anyway when I first noticed it , his backend was affected first then it worked towards the front until he couldn't do anything but lift his head to eat and drink. I had heard of it before and there wasn't much the vets knew at the time. I just let it run its course and he came out of it.Most of what I had learned then was that they almost always died from it . If your dog tangled with a coon last time out it could be that . I dont know if they can test for it. Just some of my limited experience. Hope your dog gets better.
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2012, 10:17:06 pm » |
Hope he gets better
Get them back legs or get out of the way!!!!!!
Black Hog 69
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2012, 10:17:54 pm » |
I second that
If ya cant catchem alive leave em alone !!!!!!!!
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2012, 12:12:10 pm » |
i had a dog with the same symtoms, one day doing fine, the next day could not use his back legs at all. i took him to the vet and had urelikea, or something like that. it was a type of tick fevor. the vet gave him some deocycycline and he came around.