" I thought greyhounds didnt have stamina!!!!! "

Really who said that?
" bring them string beans to east texas and see how much stamina they have. "
Just asking here but what makes you think East Texas is so tuff of a place to hunt? When I went through there I didn't see any thing that looked any tougher than any where else? Not being a smart Ace but I keep hearing how tuff East Texas is to hunt and I'm wondering why, Is the country over run with bigfoots or what?
waylon ..I have never hunted your neck of the woods so I cant compare east Texas to your land. I have hunted a few places out west and that is gods country compared to here... my comment about east Texas was backed up tonight as a matter of fact, we jumped a hog at 6:00 and the race was on until 10:30 we finally called it a night and caught dogs because somebody had to work in the mornin

. this was not a long race by any means... My area of East Texas has some bad runnin hogs and that is the main reason I made the comment....I saw them string beans run for maybe five minutes at mach 5 that to me aint stamina that is a sprint. and as far as the east texas country goes get out of the car and walk through the woods sometime, I bet you would change your mind pretty quik. Palmeto thickets higher than your head, Briars, yaupons oh and a few vines thrown in the mix make it hard on a dog.. Ohh and I forgot to mention Bigfoot

if that dont clear it up a little bit load up and I can show ya.... not being an ace just my thoughts on the subject

As far as them string beans go they sure can run FAST for a while.....

Stamina= resilient energy and strength: enduring physical or mental energy and strength that allows somebody to do something for a long time
I agree that west texas has its advantages, but I challenge you to go find you a good salt cedar patch and try catching a good boar in there, you might be begging to get back to them big piney woods

, thick shin oaks (also west texas) aint too east either but they are easier than the salt cedars, get in some bad salt cedars on a good boar and you can plan on getting some dogs messed up and being on your hands and knees the entire time your in there. Hogs don't bed up in the salt cedars too much because they suck up all the water, but if they run thats probably where they are headed. Just pray you catch them before they get there.
I have hunted all over the state, north, south, east, and west. All have their advantages and disadvantages.