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Author Topic: Pracitcal Jokes  (Read 3917 times)
Hog Doom
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Dinah Psencik from Dayton Tx.

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« on: March 25, 2012, 12:17:32 pm »

 I know there has to be some good ones just waiting to be told..... Grin

 I try to have good clean fun no matter what we are doing. Here is one example:

 One time we were out with some friends just riding 4 wheelers one night. I just happened to notice a huge opposum trotting across a field. Then a funny idea popped in my head.

 I was riding with my brother n law, so I asked him to put me as close as he could to the opposum. So we take off and he put the 4 wheeler right next to the opposum.

 Well two friends that were out riding with us though that they would help us so they pulled their 4 wheeler along the other side of the opposum..... which played right into my little plan.  Grin

 We pretty much had it penned between the two 4 wheelers and it was running at top speed. So I reached down and grabbed it by the tail.
 and swung it up into the air all in one motion and.....  Cheesy layed it on the 4 wheeler seat right between the two guys on the other four wheeler.  laugh

 One fella was trying to climb over the front and the other guy was bailing off the back. The opposum was trying to leave also, but for a few seconds it had the 4 wheeler all to himself.  Grin  I was about to fall off of the four wheeler I was riding from laughing so hard.

Ive always wanted to catch a small hog, or a coon or opposum around midnight and find beer joint, open the door, fling it in and run like heck. Wonder how much trouble I would get into.

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« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 12:20:41 pm »

Probably not much I'm saying......nobody would care where it came from,....just that it was there now..... Evil

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« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 01:17:59 pm »

good possum story... Grin Smiley

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« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 01:24:06 pm »

Long story short, when I graduated high school the seniors got out on Wednesday to do graduation rehearsal. The sophomores and juniors still had class Thursday and Friday.

The school I went to had a big open air court yard in the center. Wednesday night A bunch of friends and I loaded up a pickup bed with horse crap. We drove across the football field and hid the truck behind a portable building.  We then proceeded to hoist guys and the bags of crap onto the roof.  We then spread the manure all over the courtyard along with a huge sign that said, "we took your $hit for four years here's ours!"
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« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 01:43:09 pm »

Was down at a ranch rodeo down in moorehaven one night, we left there and went to a bar. One of my buddies pulled up and had just got done huntin. He had a boar hog about 150 pounds tied in the bed of his truck. We unloaded it, untied it and were heading to the door. We were about 10 feet from the door and a cop car pulls up! He got out and asked what the f*** we were doing! Told him one of the hogs came untied and got loose.... Of course there was no alcohol involved Grin

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John Esker
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Dinah Psencik from Dayton Tx.

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« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 02:03:10 pm »

Long story short, when I graduated high school the seniors got out on Wednesday to do graduation rehearsal. The sophomores and juniors still had class Thursday and Friday.

The school I went to had a big open air court yard in the center. Wednesday night A bunch of friends and I loaded up a pickup bed with horse crap. We drove across the football field and hid the truck behind a portable building.  We then proceeded to hoist guys and the bags of crap onto the roof.  We then spread the manure all over the courtyard along with a huge sign that said, "we took your $hit for four years here's ours!"

Hahahaha, that is a good one. I love it.

A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
Hog Doom
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Dinah Psencik from Dayton Tx.

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« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2012, 02:04:32 pm »

Was down at a ranch rodeo down in moorehaven one night, we left there and went to a bar. One of my buddies pulled up and had just got done huntin. He had a boar hog about 150 pounds tied in the bed of his truck. We unloaded it, untied it and were heading to the door. We were about 10 feet from the door and a cop car pulls up! He got out and asked what the f*** we were doing! Told him one of the hogs came untied and got loose.... Of course there was no alcohol involved Grin

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So apparently Im not the only one who ever thought of this.  Grin  Well yall got a lot further  than I didi. I have only thought about it. KUDDOS!!!!

A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
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« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2012, 02:13:12 pm »

If you have a friend (aka "prospect') you just have been dying to do something really hilarious too... this works perty darn good.

1. Go to the craigslist site of the nearest location of your "prospect."
(For the most calls, the Houston site works pretty darn good! Evil angel)

2. Post an ad with something to the effect of:
"FREE PIT BULL PUPPIES!!!!! Only two left!!!!! First come, first Serve!!!!!"

3. Google pit bull puppy pictures.  Copy and paste to the ad the best lookin pit bull puppy picture you can find.

4. Post your "prospects" phone number. Then, post the ad.

5. Grab an 18 pack of your choice and get comfortable...  Grin  Grin

P.S. If your prospect has a meeting, test, etc... I HIGHLY recommend coordinating this to fit their schedule.  Grin


Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog
Hog Doom
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Dinah Psencik from Dayton Tx.

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« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2012, 02:26:23 pm »

If you have a friend (aka "prospect') you just have been dying to do something really hilarious too... this works perty darn good.

1. Go to the craigslist site of the nearest location of your "prospect."
(For the most calls, the Houston site works pretty darn good! Evil angel)

2. Post an ad with something to the effect of:
"FREE PIT BULL PUPPIES!!!!! Only two left!!!!! First come, first Serve!!!!!"

3. Google pit bull puppy pictures.  Copy and paste to the ad the best lookin pit bull puppy picture you can find.

4. Post your "prospects" phone number. Then, post the ad.

5. Grab an 18 pack of your choice and get comfortable...  Grin  Grin

P.S. If your prospect has a meeting, test, etc... I HIGHLY recommend coordinating this to fit their schedule.  Grin

  Cheesy  You are sure right about houstin craigslist. A friend of mine had someone post 40 goats for sale at $20 a head and used his number. LMAO!  When he found out who did it, he got them back. He tack welded the lock on the gate to their pasture shut.  laugh 

A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2012, 02:41:24 pm »

If you have a friend (aka "prospect') you just have been dying to do something really hilarious too... this works perty darn good.

1. Go to the craigslist site of the nearest location of your "prospect."
(For the most calls, the Houston site works pretty darn good! Evil angel)

2. Post an ad with something to the effect of:
"FREE PIT BULL PUPPIES!!!!! Only two left!!!!! First come, first Serve!!!!!"

3. Google pit bull puppy pictures.  Copy and paste to the ad the best lookin pit bull puppy picture you can find.

4. Post your "prospects" phone number. Then, post the ad.

5. Grab an 18 pack of your choice and get comfortable...  Grin  Grin

P.S. If your prospect has a meeting, test, etc... I HIGHLY recommend coordinating this to fit their schedule.  Grin

  Cheesy  You are sure right about houstin craigslist. A friend of mine had someone post 40 goats for sale at $20 a head and used his number. LMAO!  When he found out who did it, he got them back. He tack welded the lock on the gate to their pasture shut.  laugh 

Ahahahahahahaha!!! Now there's a good idea!!!!

Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man and work like a dog
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« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2012, 03:13:09 pm »

Heres a good one ! Have a bunch of name plates made up with a friends name and number. Put the plates on some old collars and then go to town and put them on every stray dog you can catch ! People will keep calling him until he goes and takes every collar off of every dog !

A scared dog dont get no meat !
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« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2012, 06:45:11 pm »

My senior year i wanna take 4 pigs and let them go in my school and # them 1, 2, 4, 5
Big T
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« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2012, 07:24:04 pm »

My senior year i wanna take 4 pigs and let them go in my school and # them 1, 2, 4, 5

That's funny!!
Bay Dog
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« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2012, 07:30:51 pm »

I have almost gave a few friends a hart failure by putting a rubber snake under a rag and asking them to hand me that rag. I also cleared a rave around 3:00 a.m. one morning by letting a flourescent green painted diller loose. I wish yall could have seen those city kids running.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2012, 09:26:19 pm »

Lol the diller is funny we used to let stray dogs into the school around lunch they would go straight to the cafeteria lol usually would scare a couple.  Did some more but better not give any high school kids any ideas.  In college a buddy put like 5000 bbs in anothers buddys dorm that was funny.  But the clothes filled with icy hot was funnier.  Also used to put water in old mens rain gauges after a rain that was kinda mean but man they always got more rain than any one else around.  And yes we knew them. One of the funniest was when we took a fake pig a archery target and set it out well about dark me and a couple other buddys said hey let's go ride around and yall bring a big gun incase we see a pig or something well get down there and I slam on the breaks and say there's a pig shoot it well one of them sees it and boom I yell you missed shoot again well by that time I'm laughing too hard and yeah still give him heck about not being able to hit a pig.  I figure I will think of some more oh yeah had a target set up for a guy we knew could shoot well behind it had some tannerite set up so when he hit bulls eye it wouldd blow dang thought he was going to number 2 him self when it went off lol.     
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« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2012, 10:04:02 pm »

When I'm drivin late at night and see someone fallin asleep in the truck I get everyone that's awake to yell when I slam on the brakes its funny the reactions you get from different people lol

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« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2012, 10:16:24 pm »

well not really a joke but here it goes. I just started tstc last year and the first week I was there I noticed there was a pig running across the parking lot on opening day. bobn and weavn through cars. Well it turns out a buddy off mine had a pig that slipped out of the back of his truck somehow lol Evil

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« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2012, 10:46:55 pm »

well not really a joke but here it goes. I just started tstc last year and the first week I was there I noticed there was a pig running across the parking lot on opening day. bobn and weavn through cars. Well it turns out a buddy off mine had a pig that slipped out of the back of his truck somehow lol Evil

That's where I go to school, what technology you in?

curr dogs and caught hogs
waylon-N.E. OK
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« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2012, 10:50:11 pm »

" Heres a good one ! Have a bunch of name plates made up with a friends name and number. Put the plates on some old collars and then go to town and put them on every stray dog you can catch ! People will keep calling him until he goes and takes every collar off of every dog ! "

Now that is a good idea I'm gonna try that one  Grin

Specializing in hard to find cold nosed armadillo dogs.
Osage County,Oklahoma
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« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2012, 10:57:57 pm »

tstc waco automotive last  semester. How bout you.

Come and Take It
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