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Any one else have this problem?
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Topic: Any one else have this problem? (Read 1795 times)
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Any one else have this problem?
March 27, 2012, 11:48:42 am »
I am just venting, so....
When I take off of work because my daughter is sick because my wife has already taken off previously, my job freaks out! My problem with that is that I work from home dealing with peoples' computer issues and such over in Dallas. I am still available, and can be reached whenever they need.... So what I don't understand is why they make a big deal about it. I always handle the problems as soon as they come in, and sometimes faster, because I am at home and can get to it quick. So of the issues need someone on hand and I can understand that, but most of it can be taken care of remotely. Why is it they feel the need to try and strong arm me and say that if I take off again, I can not work from home??? Wouldn't this hurt them in the long run? and wouldn't my boss have more work since I would not be able to help them from home??? I thought I was doing the right thing by being available to help, but instead I get ridiculed and told that it can not happen anymore. IMO, taking care of your family comes first, and any job should understand that. Esspecially when you do your job on a consistant basis. Sorry for rambling, but I wanted to see if anyone else has to deal with this, or if it is just the people I work for...
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1204
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #1
March 27, 2012, 12:09:59 pm »
A scared dog dont get no meat !
Catch Dog
Posts: 201
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #2
March 27, 2012, 12:41:22 pm »
I'm in the same situation working for this MEP engineering firm. I feel for you. My boss has told me in these exact words that work comes before anything including god and family and where would your family be with out you working? It really pisses me off but I deal with it for the experience of working in this field with lack of education but I'll be gone soon enough been put in 5 years already with the company. Another thing is my boss is Persian/Iran and that is just how he runs his company. I'm 30 minutes to an hour early every day for work but the second I'm a minute late to work I get in serious trouble. Oh and Monday and Friday you can NOT call off work or it's termination. I've been told by numerous people that he is breaking every law in the employee hand book but like I said I'll be gone once I get this experience heck I even worked 36 straight hours last month and got paid for 8 hours because I'm salary even had a cot in the office to sleep on for 15 minute breaks or so.
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1180
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #3
March 27, 2012, 01:43:56 pm »
That's what happens when your working for the "MAN". He always got his foot on your neck.
"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."
Hog Doom
Posts: 4288
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #4
March 27, 2012, 02:28:45 pm »
I told a guy in an interview that if my child gets sick I have to take care of him, if day care calls I have to go get him and if that is a problem then don't hire me. Some bosses think mom should take care of everything. I got the job.
"...A man who has nothing which he cares more about than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself..." John Stuart Mill
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #5
March 27, 2012, 03:59:16 pm »
Well Dub, from now on I bet my pay check that will be what I say in an interview. And Jpepper, Lance, and jimco... There's no bluff, they are pricks! They go by "if you don't do it, someone else will" motto... And the FACT of the matter is, not just anyone can do this job. And the training cost involved in getting someone up to par with where I am at with this company is up around 3-9 thousand dollars. I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but I am a very knowledgeable person in this field. I may only be IT Support analyst, but I know about a lot more than just taking care of someone’s’ computer problems . This is about being able to cover all aspects of the IT department in the company, so that if my boss (Manager of IT) leaves or is out, I can pretty much cover for him. I help manage 100+ users at 3 different sites across Dallas, Plano, and Addison. My problem is that it is a thankless job… no one will ever come up to me, besides the users I’m helping, and say hey, good job or thanks for helping out. Not only that, but they don’t even notice it. I deal directly with the CEO and the President of the company (the owners) and all of the management directly. They are all disrespectful, and do not care about their employees or their families. They short installers in the field money, and screw people over that do work on the building all the time. Matter fact, people here recently that have given their two week notice haven’t even gotten their last week check and were escorted out of the building immediately. This may all seem like me babbling, but I’m trying to figure out if anyone else has to deal with this kind of crap. I’m seriously considering getting on with one of my buddies that have a steady job that is a family business, and doing some manual labor. I want to work with my hands and appreciate what I do for a living. Being at a desk, indoors, waiting on someone to call or email me with a problem isn’t what I want to be doing for the next 2-10 years. I think that I would appreciate a job more where I can work to finish something, with a close friend, and then move on to another job and have a feeling of accomplishment because of such. Plus my friend will eventually be taking over the business and I would be in the front line to run my own crew. He makes good money, and better than I am here. I could go on and on, but I’ll shut myself up here. I’ve bounced the idea off my dad and he thinks I’ll regret it… but my mindset has changed since I’ve gotten into this IT field. Yes, I could possibly make decent money at this company in the future… but do I want to put up with pompous A$$ holes and not be appreciated, or work with a good friend and enjoy being outside and working with my hands. I know this is a lot of BS, and is a lot to read, so if you do thank you for listening/reading and thanks for any input on this subject. Just kind of struggling with the whole concept of switching jobs again so soon…. And especially into a different field again. Thanks.
Ryan Shelton
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Boar Slayer
Posts: 1180
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #6
March 27, 2012, 05:12:20 pm »
Well Ryan it's like this. When I was in my twenties just starting a family I worked jobs that I hated because I did what I had to do. I took chit from management then, that I would never take now. I'm 50 now and look at things a whole lot different. I will not take chit from anyone. Life is too damn short to be miserable. You are no good to your family if you are miserable. If you want to try something different
then go for it. If it don't work out try something else. You can always go get another I.T. job. Of the 5 different jobs I had in my life, every
time I quit one because I was miserable, I found a better one. And something else about management, they know who they can pull chit on and who to leave the chit alone. If you blow up on their asse a few times they NORMALLY back off. You just have to be willing to accept what ever consequences there might be. But it sounds to me like your pretty miserable and it wouldn't take much to push you in another direction. If you are TRULY miserable you owe it to your self and family to seek happiness in your job. You are only in your twenties. It's not like your throwing a lifelong career away. You still got 40 something years left to work.
Now go in tomorrow and blow up on some asse. Just kidding, follow your gut man and what ever you decide don't look back.
"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."
Alpha Dog
Posts: 561
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #7
March 27, 2012, 06:23:14 pm »
Check out a company in Richardson called Firehost. If anything open suites your desire I can put you in front of the right people.
Eric Barnes
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #8
March 28, 2012, 10:03:15 am »
Thanks jimco, and well said. Leifbarnes, I'll check that out man. Thanks. I was really pissed yesterday, but I still feel tha I need to leave today. So I am exploring my options. I just really wish I could find something that I will enjoy doing... I guess its like i've said before, That's the American Dream to do what you love for a living... Dream is the key word. I only know a hand full of people that can do what they love to do to make money.
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Alpha Dog
Posts: 573
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #9
March 28, 2012, 10:16:10 am »
Quote from: dub on March 27, 2012, 02:28:45 pm
I told a guy in an interview that if my child gets sick I have to take care of him, if day care calls I have to go get him and if that is a problem then don't hire me. Some bosses think mom should take care of everything. I got the job.
Alpha Dog
Posts: 573
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #10
March 28, 2012, 10:23:07 am »
Ryan. We all "teach people how to treat us". You have allowed them to treat you a certain way, so they think it is acceptable. This does not mean you have to be rude. Just firm. That is what Dub did in his interview.
That does not mean that you will work there. If you are chewed out for being a minute late and point out that you are normally 30 mins early so you expect some understanding ... and that is insufficient for your boss ... you may have to decide to change jobs.
Through our actions and conversations we will teach people how to treat you. If they can't treat me the way I expect ... I tell them. If that proves (over time) that it will not work ... I remove them from my life. Whether it is a job, social group, friends, etc. ... I leave or they leave if they do not treat me appropriately.
As to the job. If it makes you miserable ... it is a bad job. It is then time to find a good one. Start looking.
Alpha Dog
Posts: 940
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #11
March 28, 2012, 01:22:19 pm »
all you can do is lay it out in plain sight. if you and the company you work for don't have the same views on things y'all both need to move on.
"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
Catch Dog
Posts: 201
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #12
March 28, 2012, 02:25:49 pm »
Ryan, I am now in my forties. I have raised 3 kids, youngest graduates this year. For 25 years I have been in skilled trades, working long hours with long drives and not much job security. I have dealt with many managers and owners that I could barely stand to be in the same building with! For the last 5 years I have been self employed. I am a contractor and an outfitter. On average I probably make less than I ever have. But, I am happier than I have ever been. My customers appreciate the fact that I DO WHAT I SAY ! I am proud of the relationships I have built with them, they know they can trust me ! I answer to no one ever again ! There are 2 keyes to being able to do this and your not the first youngun I've told this to. The first thing is stay out of debt ! I could not work for months and be fine because I don't have truck payments, credit cards,atv loans and all the chit most people try to pay for! It does help that my kids are grown now but they still need some help. The second thing you have to do if you go your own way is no matter what ya do, always do what ya say! Even if ya lose some money here and there, do what ya say yer gona do ! People will respect ya for it and you will be sucessful in the end. Good luck buddy !
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #13
March 28, 2012, 02:27:45 pm »
Eric and RL, you are right to an extent... but I am not miserable and I have BEEN putting it out there for all to see. They've known how I feel the whole time I've been here. There are certain things that I could have probably fought harder for, but most would have ended in my termination. My wife does not make enough on her own to support us as a family, or I would have been long gone by now. What sucks is I love working with computers… I just understand them for some reason. I am not an expert by any means though. I consider myself a jack of all trades, and an ace at none. I’d have to say that being a people person is probably my best trait. I get along with just about anyone, and anyone that I don’t get along with doesn’t like me for their own personal reasons, which is fine by me might I add; and even still I can’t find myself to be mad at them. It might aggravate me because I do not purposely have problems with ANYONE, but I do not hate that person. I am too kind hearted sometimes, but is that my curse? I clearly stated what I needed to make to take the job, and they gave me their word they would meet that after a year… well, I’ve done my job, gotten raises, but still not to what I asked for to begin with. Now I’m being told that if I ask for more money I will be fired. So… I like the job, and it is great experience if I want to continue to work in IT… BUT with IT only comes everyone else’s problems. That is the only thing that I will ever get a call about, so it doesn’t make for a very upbeat day if you know what I mean. Not to mention, most of the people that I deal with would rather be stuck up and think that their chit don’t stink, when in all actuality, they caused the problem themselves by doing something they weren’t supposed to do. So it’s a big screwed up circle. I have been looking for a new job in IT closer to home, but with no luck. I have a ton of experience, but I do not have the credentials to back it up. No certs or anything besides an Associate in Science. So I’m either stuck at where I’m at, or take a major pay decrease and try doing something new, again. I guess it’s just disturbing when you get somewhere, and get comfortable, but then find out how people really are, and how they will treat you on a regular basis. Is it too much to ask that if I’m busting my a$$ for you, for you to treat me with the respect that I deserve, and stick to your word??? Is there not a business owner out there that appreciates his/her employees enough to tell them just that every now and then, and treat them like it as well??? I may sound like I am complaining, and to an extent I am, but come on now… be serious here! Don’t you think that a company full of people that enjoy (to an extent) where they work would be much more productive than an environment that everyone is uncomfortable in and gets mistreated? I understand that you have to run a business, I do, but can there not be an easy medium? I’ve been looking for a job for a while now, and nothing has showed its face. The only thing I know to do now is find some manual labor, and get the hell out of dodge. I’m pretty scared of what is to come with the money situation and everything else that comes along with a new job, so pray for my family, if you do that sort of thing, because we are going to need it in the coming months. Thanks for the input and support guys. I have still not made a decision, but the more I think about it, the more my gut tells me to chunk em the dueces!
I guess it's the feeling of the unknown and it being out of my control that really gets to me.
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #14
March 28, 2012, 02:30:51 pm »
Quote from: smarlowe on March 28, 2012, 02:25:49 pm
Ryan, I am now in my forties. I have raised 3 kids, youngest graduates this year. For 25 years I have been in skilled trades, working long hours with long drives and not much job security. I have dealt with many managers and owners that I could barely stand to be in the same building with! For the last 5 years I have been self employed. I am a contractor and an outfitter. On average I probably make less than I ever have. But, I am happier than I have ever been. My customers appreciate the fact that I DO WHAT I SAY ! I am proud of the relationships I have built with them, they know they can trust me ! I answer to no one ever again ! There are 2 keyes to being able to do this and your not the first youngun I've told this to. The first thing is stay out of debt ! I could not work for months and be fine because I don't have truck payments, credit cards,atv loans and all the chit most people try to pay for! It does help that my kids are grown now but they still need some help. The second thing you have to do if you go your own way is no matter what ya do, always do what ya say! Even if ya lose some money here and there, do what ya say yer gona do ! People will respect ya for it and you will be sucessful in the end. Good luck buddy !
Thanks for the advice man! I was talking about that to one of my buddies yesterday. What do you have to do to be a licenced contractor?
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Catch Dog
Posts: 201
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #15
March 28, 2012, 02:50:44 pm »
Not sure in Texas, I started an LLC with ohio state. I build a lot of fence and some cabins, pole barns. It takes awhile to get yur name out and start buildin a rep for yurself but when you finally have people callin you and yur settin yur own hours and wages it's all worth it. I stop contracting in 0ctober and finish my year huntin ! I truly feel that I am happier now. Currently settin on my porch lookin at the garden drinkin my coffee. I may work tomorow not sure yet. May go huntin instead !!!!
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #16
March 28, 2012, 02:58:58 pm »
Quote from: smarlowe on March 28, 2012, 02:50:44 pm
Not sure in Texas, I started an LLC with ohio state. I build a lot of fence and some cabins, pole barns. It takes awhile to get yur name out and start buildin a rep for yurself but when you finally have people callin you and yur settin yur own hours and wages it's all worth it. I stop contracting in 0ctober and finish my year huntin ! I truly feel that I am happier now. Currently settin on my porch lookin at the garden drinkin my coffee. I may work tomorow not sure yet. May go huntin instead !!!!
That sir is the American Dream. I envy you! LOL!
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Catch Dog
Posts: 201
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #17
March 28, 2012, 03:20:15 pm »
Ryan, think about this for a moment. Take into consideration your current debt. Most people can live on much less than they realize. If you really decide that you'd like to be self empoyed you may want to take yur time and prepare for it before just jumping in, especially with a young family. But, if you do decide to and your wife supports the decision then if you can stick it out you will really be better off in the long run, so will your family. My dad was against it also even though he'd always wanted to do the same thing. It seems much riskier to most people than it really has to be. You may be able to use yur. Computer skills for your own buisness rather than someone elses. Regardless of which skills you use the most important thing about starting any buisness is not having any debt for it to support. If you can start with no debt or vary little debt, then you can slowly build a buisness that makes you happy. If it makes money great ! If it takes awhile to start makin any your only out your sweat ! The number one reason most buisnesses fail is due to overhead. If you can work from home that cuts it way down there ! You may have to work another job or your current one while your getting yours going, nuTtin wrong with that right ? That will help your family stay secure. I for one promote self empoyment, although it is not for everyone. Feel free to call me anytime and I"ll tell ya what - know in detail about gettin started. Scott
Alpha Dog
Posts: 573
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #18
March 28, 2012, 03:38:37 pm »
Quote from: RyanTBH on March 28, 2012, 02:27:45 pm
I have been looking for a new job in IT closer to home, but with no luck. I have a ton of experience, but I do not have the credentials to back it up. No certs or anything besides an Associate in Science.
This is a problem and will continue to be one. You need to eliminate this as a barrier to a successful and fulfilling career. Having adequate "paperwork" eliminates doubt about you and your skills. So take the time and make the effort to get certified.
Hog Doom
Posts: 3027
Re: Any one else have this problem?
Reply #19
March 29, 2012, 08:57:20 am »
For now, I’ll be staying I guess. Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do what has to be done. I cannot take a pay cut right now, but if I was in the position to I would be all over it. Thanks for the advice guys, but for now I’m going to stick this one out for now. If I find something better I’m out! I have a family to take care of though… and that comes first and foremost!!!
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
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