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Author Topic: Any one else have this problem?  (Read 1739 times)
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #20 on: March 29, 2012, 09:52:14 am »

I feel your pain. I am married to two cell phones and ut never stops day it night. You can take off but will probably be recalled multiple times to the point you ask yourself ... was I really off? 

Its such a rat race these days no one can understand the principle of "if you can't do it today roll it tommorow" 

The other part that stinks is the fact ..the better more dependable employee you are. The more work you have piled on you ,while that one worthless Sob that doesn't hit a lick gets to go home on time everyday and never gets called in..why..BECAUSE HE AIN'T DEPENDABLE. 

I am starting a new outlook. Today I am going to go on two hours late and when I get there turn the lights off in the office and go back to sleep. When I wake up I am gonna go to lunch ..which will be extra long. If the boss gives me a task I will do it bare minimum and maybe screw it up a little while i gripe uncontrollably. Then I will leave early without permission and turn my cell phones off.
Couple weeks of this and Hell I may get a promotion.    laugh
Hog Doom
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« Reply #21 on: March 29, 2012, 10:17:41 am »

One movie for you... Office Space!!! Great movie, and the part where they are smashing on the copier is a dream of mine!!!  Wink LOL! and the two cell phones thing... right there with you on that.

Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #22 on: March 29, 2012, 03:58:23 pm »

One movie for you... Office Space!!! Great movie, and the part where they are smashing on the copier is a dream of mine!!!  Wink LOL! and the two cell phones thing... right there with you on that.

Yea I more along the lines of the dude in the basement worried about his stapler. Haha.

Caddo co. hog dog
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« Reply #23 on: March 29, 2012, 10:29:05 pm »

I worked for Caddo county district II for a almost two years until three weeks ago I went back to the rig. The commissioner of district two has grabbed and choked two employees one at the county barn and one while we was patching. I seen the second one and know exactly what happened. The hand that I seen get choked didn't wanna do anything because he didn't wanna loose his job. I seen the whole deal with my own eyes and know exactly what was said and happened. What I don't understand is why is it that he can put his hands on his employees but if I hit him I'm a felon??

All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #24 on: March 29, 2012, 11:30:45 pm »

I worked for Caddo county district II for a almost two years until three weeks ago I went back to the rig. The commissioner of district two has grabbed and choked two employees one at the county barn and one while we was patching. I seen the second one and know exactly what happened. The hand that I seen get choked didn't wanna do anything because he didn't wanna loose his job. I seen the whole deal with my own eyes and know exactly what was said and happened. What I don't understand is why is it that he can put his hands on his employees but if I hit him I'm a felon??

Two ways of redemption. 

One physical..... and instantly satisfying...but short lived when you get hooked up.

Two mental.......Does Oklahoma have lawyers?....doesn't matter if he is the president a scumy defense lawyer will take him to lunch...and his a$$ will be on the menu.

Then you get tha money and you can hire another county employee to whip his rear and pay his bail bond. Hehe.

Its all about tactics.

Tanya Harding still does some knee capping on the side if you want something exotic.   laugh
Caddo co. hog dog
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« Reply #25 on: March 29, 2012, 11:51:30 pm »

I worked for Caddo county district II for a almost two years until three weeks ago I went back to the rig. The commissioner of district two has grabbed and choked two employees one at the county barn and one while we was patching. I seen the second one and know exactly what happened. The hand that I seen get choked didn't wanna do anything because he didn't wanna loose his job. I seen the whole deal with my own eyes and know exactly what was said and happened. What I don't understand is why is it that he can put his hands on his employees but if I hit him I'm a felon??

Two ways of redemption. 

One physical..... and instantly satisfying...but short lived when you get hooked up.

Two mental.......Does Oklahoma have lawyers?....doesn't matter if he is the president a scumy defense lawyer will take him to lunch...and his a$$ will be on the menu.

Then you get tha money and you can hire another county employee to whip his rear and pay his bail bond. Hehe.

Its all about tactics.

Tanya Harding still does some knee capping on the side if you want something exotic.   laugh
Yeah I for sure tried everything I could to get him on me. Heck the little guy that got choked didn't even say word the whole time. The words was between me and the commissioner and he started walking back to his truck which was sixty yards away. When he got the door handle in his hand the little guy that got choked asked me what he said. I told him he wanted me to go to the barn. I hardly got those words out and he said WHAT THE F&$% did you say. I said hey buddy don't talk to me like that.. He started literally screaming and running at me. Well I've been in a few squabbles and when he got eight or so feet from me I put my left foot in front of my right and as soon as I did he did a complete 90 degree turn and grabbed the little guy. I know I know, I shoulda jumped in which I did with words but I was on probation from a previous fight and I was reminded by him weekly that that will come back to haunt me if I get into a fight. I told him I seen his true colors and it don't get anymore chicken poop then that. I had to make a decision.. Become a felon or find a different job so that's what I did. It pays four times as much also lol

All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
bayed hard hog dogs
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« Reply #26 on: March 30, 2012, 12:16:32 am »

Boys it must just be in the water because the last month I been looking and talking about getting another job, I also work for the county are commissioner is the biggest a$$ in the world and the road forman's head is so big he thinks he is the commissioner,  you can work your a$$ off and it ain't good enough, the guys that don't do sh!t at work are good to go and never get told to do nothing. Hell I just thought it was because it was election year. Maybe not idk.

Keep um bayed hard tell the bulldogs hit Okie style!!!
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #27 on: March 30, 2012, 05:59:11 am »

sometimesjust pulling your boss aside and explaining how you see thingsin a respecful manor goes along ways , maybe he didnt see it from that angle , if your the hand you think you are I also think he would keep you around , Ive had to line bosses out before even as far as leaving them laying in the ditch , never lost my job over it but I am also a superman in my feild
Hog Doom
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« Reply #28 on: March 30, 2012, 09:01:15 am »

One movie for you... Office Space!!! Great movie, and the part where they are smashing on the copier is a dream of mine!!!  Wink LOL! and the two cell phones thing... right there with you on that.

Yea I more along the lines of the dude in the basement worried about his stapler. Haha.

Have you seen my stapler???  laugh laugh laugh

I'm good now... That was worth the whole thing right there! Good stuff YBM!!! You've yet to let me down! LOL!

Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
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