Well I am on both sides of this battle as well… I am a born and raised American and Texan citizen, and I work and pay taxes. I have the MAN take money from me as well just like every other hard working HONEST AMERICAN! It bothers me a ton that people can come here, illegally, and get taken care of with handouts; or doing damage to other peoples’ properties or worse sometimes, raping, robbing, and killing. BUT… think about everything that immigrants have done for this country… Charles, just like you were saying, your Great Granddad came here and busted his A$$ for his loved ones, and to create a better life for them. There are many many many people here in the US that had the same thing happen. My ancestors are from all over… Germany, London, Scotland, Native American, and ect… But that makes me no less of an American either. I was born here, I have worked my butt off for the right to earn a living, and not just be another statistic, and anyone that comes into this country should HAVE to do the same… matter fact, EVERYONE in this country should have to do the same! Even the people on welfare collecting a check! Make em pass a drug test… make them work for that check cleaning roadways, If immigrants go about getting nationalized the correct and legal way I am all for it… BUT….. How do you propose they get here….? They can’t just walk in… As was said before there is a waiting list for the “approved”… So why let your family suffer because of some “rules” that a ton of people already aren’t following?
I’m sorry, but if I were in one of these third world countries I would without a doubt do the same and find a better way of living for my family and I. So I don’t blame them, but agree that there is a certain way of doing things. With all that said…
My father-in-law is a MEXICAN… Not Spanish or Indian… he has some Mexican Indian in him, but that is beside the point. The point is, he came here illegally, and got one of these SSNs made from a fake DL… He started working immediately for the city I was born in, and is still working there today and about to retire. BUT!!!!!!! He studied, learned the language, took the test, and got nationalized! Now he is a “true” American citizen (like our forefathers were “true” Americans) that HAS made an impact in this country of ours’ and I’d like to think that is what OUR country was founded on; I’d also like to think by doing so he has made our city, state, and country a better place as well. I also look at it from another angle in which, had my father-in-law not did what he did, I would not have my wife, therefor no beautiful daughter to come home to every night either… Now if all of that wouldn’t have happened, honestly, I’d rather to not be alive than to not have my new family, and been able to benefit from knowing them and having their blood and mine make a very wonderful addition to this world; Sydni Jean Shelton.
So there are definitely two sides to this whole thing… We as a country are better than to let people die in the dessert of starving, or drowned in boats trying to get here, or ect (many ects…..) We are Americans! Yes, we do have the first and fore most duty of taking care of our country and ourselves; but as HUMANS, we have an obligation to take care of people in need of our help. Sure, work to eat, and make an effort to survive… but does that mean we have to be hateful towards people that may not deserve it, or may not be able to phisically do so because some other ignorant prick (even true in Americans white, black, ect) wants to sit and hold their hands out waiting for help??? I don’t think so!!! If they want to work and help this state, country, and their families the RIGHT WAY, IMO, by all means bring them in and let them contribute! BUT if they want to come here illegally just to collect a check, not pay taxes, do bad illegal things and send everything outside of this country then no, I agree, please stay where you are at and address your own problems as we are having to do ourselves now.
This is a touchy subject for a lot of people… and IMO we wouldn’t be here and have the country that we do if it were not for the immigrants, illegal or not. So I think that it is a necessary evil; it may be a love hate relationship, but still necessary! I have met and personally known some illegals, and a lot of other "mexicans", and they are ok in my book. I am not racist, but I do not like a free-loader! Period!