Take a look at this and see if something dosent stick out a bit
http://waco.craigslist.org/for/1114365744.htmlCorn Feed Hogs
These hogs have been fed out & wormed for 5 months now, have both boars and sows smaller ones are 75.00 larger sow 125.00 They are mix Domestic & Javelina
hogs not feed out 50lb and under 25.00 50lb and over 50.00-75.00 .As of now we have 7 that are feed out. If looking for non feed just let us know how many you want and we can
let you know when we have them. If you have never eaten wild hog meat you dont know what your missing they are great. The feed out hogs are better but even the ones not feed out
are great tasting they dont tast fatty or greasy at all .The smaller ones are great cooked hole on the pit or in the ground and they make great sausages