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Author Topic: Doomsday preppers  (Read 783 times)
Strike Dog
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« on: April 02, 2012, 12:50:07 pm »

I have asked this on a few forums I visit and so far have got the STUPIDIST responses I could imagine, this forum has a pretty good crowd of intelligent folks WHO THINK before they open their mouths and are pretty knowledgeable in a very nice variety of subjects---so here goes--- BASED ON THE SHOW;

Have yall seen the show?
What are your thoughts on a "DOOMSDAY" of any sort?
Are yall prepping for any kind of catastrophes? IF SO (if you wish to share)
What kind of preparations do you have? And what are your goals?

 Self admittedly we are prepper’s of sorts we live in the east coast of Florida so hurricanes are always on our minds for that I have a good amount of preparations done and ready, most of it is BUG-OUT since we DO NOT intend to stay around for anything over a strong Cat2 storm, BUT this type of preparation is NOT uncommon here in the state.

  We have plenty ammunition of course, enough food for a few days to get to a safer destination---my goal is to build some sort of BUG-OUT trailer and convert it into a mobile KENNEL to load up the dogs and bolt all IN ONE TRUCK--- right now we would have to take BOTH trucks and load them with dogs.  The rest is basic camping gear and a few odds and ends.


"If it is againts the law for a man to fend for himself--- then outlaw I am"
Hog Doom
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« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2012, 01:01:04 pm »

I don't really consider myself a prepper but I have enough junk piled up to self sustain for a good while.  Most outdoors men are better prepared than any of them on this show.  Think most anyone here could live off the land if we needed to.  Now the shelters well no.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2012, 01:05:17 pm »

It sound like the prepping you have done makes more sense to me than the show. You are prepped for hurricanes that hit your area on a fairly regular basis. These guys on that show are preparing for a global disaster that they have no evidense of happening. The ones who want to be self sustaining then go for it.  Some of that mess is just crazy though.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2012, 01:13:33 pm »

Agreed purebolt

Mark, I know LOTS of folks here in the state that are always ready some at a higher degree then others and I agree with them BOTH depending on what you intend to do (stay or leave)--- I assure you that what happened in LA won’t happen in Florida, folks here (for the most part) KNOW when it’s time to start walking OUTA of the state and let mother nature have her way.

Some of them folks just make no sense to me, BUT they aren’t harming anyone so I am all about whatever they do---its fun to watch them though---some pretty cool ideas to.


"If it is againts the law for a man to fend for himself--- then outlaw I am"
Strike Dog
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« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2012, 02:14:28 pm »

you can spend all the money in the world, but if you want to survive you have to change your mindset, not stockpile 7000lbs of creamcorn

Alpha Dog
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« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2012, 02:44:56 pm »

mobile KENNEL to load up the dogs and bolt all IN ONE TRUCK---

Oly I hear what you are saying.

After the three hurricanes in 2004 I built two dog trailers because with me and my hunting buddies we did not have enough room and dog boxes to move dogs in case of a bad Hurricane. I do not need two trailers but I will not be stuck in that situation again.

And I built heavier Kennels! Grin

My old dog went through 3 hurricanes and Tornado in my Kennels. She gets a little spooky when it thunders! Grin

Hog Master
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« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2012, 05:12:32 pm »

mobile KENNEL to load up the dogs and bolt all IN ONE TRUCK---

Oly I hear what you are saying.

After the three hurricanes in 2004 I built two dog trailers because with me and my hunting buddies we did not have enough room and dog boxes to move dogs in case of a bad Hurricane. I do not need two trailers but I will not be stuck in that situation again.

And I built heavier Kennels! Grin

My old dog went through 3 hurricanes and Tornado in my Kennels. She gets a little spooky when it thunders! Grin

Those two in 04 hit me head on, had a little generator to keep the fridge and freezer runnin, had a pile of mre's. But all in all they werent too bad. Had a swamp buggy back then, so we could go anywhere we wanted til the water went down. Had 6 head of dogs and put them in the garage.

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John Esker
T-Bob Parker
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« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2012, 05:36:07 pm »

There's always the old Indian trick, if you can't survive with your dogs, you can survive on them. Evil

Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2012, 05:42:14 pm »

There's always the old Indian trick, if you can't survive with your dogs, you can survive on them. Evil

sick but true, we went to ol miss after katrina and you could see where the city and the country folk were different, the city folk were freaked out and suffering but the country folk we were around it was like just another day. ive got ammo and MREs at most, dont really need much else

Matt H
Cleveland, OH
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« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2012, 08:19:00 am »

Yes, I've seen the show.  Some of it make sense, some doesn't.  Why do some buy land and install a hidden underground bunker that is 3 hours away?  Would they have the time to evacuate to it?  Weather calamity probably but not military or civil unrest.

Even when it is buried and they have the booby traps to protect against intrusion, they are still vulnerable.  They have to have air.  Someone could place plastic over the air source and suffocate them.

I am not a prepper.  I am armed.  Have adequate amount of ammunition. 

I do think the guy running the company is sincere and believes in what he is doing.  Then again, follow the dollars.  He makes money off of people's fears.  It is a gimmick as old as time.

While I have enjoyed watching the show, I'm not sure that will continue.  Lack of variety.  They all seem to be the same.
Lord of the Hogs
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« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2012, 03:49:15 pm »

This subject gets talked about ALOT at work.  Everyone has their own ideas.  Most of the guys at work buy ammo like you wouldnt believe.  They also give me alot of grief for being a "redneck".  My answer to them is this... I have dogs that do the work, all i need is a knife and i have food  Grin  Now i dont stockpile ammo.  I have three or four boxes of 550rds each of .22, a few mags of 223 and a few boxs of 308.  My thought is if it gets bad enough all these Rambo wanna-bes are gonna leave plenty around when their food runs out and they start fadin off..  Grin  AS far as food, ive got chickens for the eggs, and if it gets bad i got some places to shoot meat, that the city folks wont want to go to.
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