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Author Topic: Couple questions about bayings???????  (Read 1056 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: April 27, 2009, 07:50:40 am »

Alright ima try and make sence out of this !!!! I know what i wanna say but it might come out a lil miscomebobulated.... (spelling LOL)

I guess i will start with this .......... I used to go to the bay contest they had a while back in okeechobee at the res. It was always a big turn out..  Thousands of folks from all different parts....

 I entered my dogs a few times .. They did ok . I also entered the catch and tie we did beter in that .. But my question is ??

Is there a difference in "WOODS DOGS" and "PEN DOGS" I feel that there is a big difference.
but i have been told by some there aint a difference..

 One thing i noticed was the dogs that were normally used in the feild kinda were not sure about all the people hootin and holarin..and  goin up and down the bleechers.. i even seen some dogs get pretty messed up cause they would be the last dog before a lil brake and all those hundreds of people would all get up at once in the middle of the last bay and it would scare that crap out of the dog !!!! Im not sure if it was because this event was in an inclosed arena or what??  but you could see the difference in the dogs that were always in a pen and the dogs that normally were used in the woods..

I would love to travel to a bay closeest to home (central Fl.) But it is not aloud in Fl. so i guess the closest place would be Ga. I would also love to get my dogs doin good in a "bay pen" because the huntin spots are gettin hard to find... I love workin my dogs ... I know it is a way different felling catching one in the woods and bayin one in the pen but i feel my dogs would not care either wat as long as they are doin what they love to do...   so with that said
I guess i really did not ask many questions but i would love to hear some opinions !!! im sure you get the idea of what i am tryin to say!!

Even though "I" enjoy the woods part of it. would it be worth it to put my dogs in a pen to keep em in action?? ...

and also i forgot to mention that I have always taught my dogs to not mess with a hog in a pen ,trap , box,  tied , or what ever else !!
If i say leave it they better leave it .. But i can throw them in my lil hog pen and they will listed to me !! Heck i can walk around the pen and have my dogs (one at a time) follow me around the pen and they wont even think about foolin with a hog.. But if i say catch em its a different story.... I can even holar and MOST of the time two or three times i say leave it my dogs will come back to me and pay close attention to what i want them to do...  I this works in the woods cause there is nothing i hate more than i dog that fools with a tied hog while you are tryin to carry him out..  But i would think it would also be helpful in a pen.. Im not sure of all the rules ... but would that help with points?Huh?

Thanks yall!!!!


Chaz Penwright @
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« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2009, 08:12:27 pm »

There is a big deference in the pen and the woods,from my experience alot of  great pen dogs are just pen dogs , with very few exceptions, some might stumble on a hog in the woods if he's lucky, personally never really seen  a awesome pen dog that was a awesome woods dog, But I have planned to change that. Every dog I own will find his own hog, including my good pen dogs, I like to start all my dogs in the pen, have a handle, and then beat the brush with them, if a dog is good in the pen and in the woods you have something that most don't look at it this way, finding and slamming swine is great and alot of fun, and the dog did his job, and then you take the same dog to the pen win a little and that makes me feel great! kind of like a all around horse you could say, rope steers, tie down, break away, and then take the same horse out to the pasture and stick it on a 2000lb bull and load him in the trailer, that's what I call an all around Hand, and that's my goal for my dogs to have a good handle, find me a hog in the woods, pen cows, and go to the pen for a little weekend fun, You talked about telling your dogs not to mess with a hog if you say, There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, just cause he has the handle not mess with a hog in a pen , trap, or tied don't mean you cant flip it. if you want to bay in the pen. I've have not witnessed very many dogs that have a handle in the pen, most pen guys wont do it cause they say it teaches the dog to quit, but i disagree, I personally have a dog that when time is up all i say is that's enough get out and she will come to the gate,  She quit cause i said, not because she wanted to. Its all in the dog i think,
                                                    just my 2 sense.............Hope I could help.............W.D.

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« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2009, 08:37:41 pm »

well said wormy dog I agree totally.

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« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2009, 09:53:32 pm »

I also agree with WDK, very well put!!!! L.D is my favorite, in the pen he's says dang-it I wanna be in the woods Wink

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« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2009, 10:24:05 pm »

very nicely put Justin ,im with you on that i would love to make all my doggs pen and woods dogs. It definitely takes a lot of time and effort the more time training the better the dog.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2009, 06:45:29 am »


Thanks man !!

  I just read my post again and it was all over the place SORRY !!!

You can have an all around dog !! but to be competitive and maybe win a lil do you havta set different rules for a "pen only" dog !! ??

I know what my dogs will do in the woods and in a pen... but if i wanted to get some friends to travel with me to come check it out ??

Just wnat to have all our ducks in a row so knowone has the wrong understanding!!

I wish that there were some places closer to home for me i would love to get into it !!!

For Me i believe that is you have a handle on yer dog in any situation it makes it that much more enjoyable !!

I have heard of some bays in Ga. does anyone know about them in that state?

Thanks again

Chaz Penwright @
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« Reply #6 on: April 28, 2009, 10:43:40 am »

You really did ask some great questions. I attended the last Okeechobee Bay at the Res. You are right there were thousands of people and probably a hundred vendors bigger by far even then Uncle Earl's. It is a shame that they outlawed it down there. Tommy Laman and I won the two dog down there with Hobo and Pine Knot. We won about $7800 for first place. Back to your question, There is a difference between pen dogs and woods dogs especially in the last 5 to 6 years. This is due to intensive breeding programs. Breeding good pen dogs to good pen dogs. The results are starting to show up. However, this is not to say that their can't be individual dogs that can excel at both. A dog that is hunted heavy in the woods figures out pretty quick that he must bay back because of the thickets and other obstickle that a hog will normally bay up in. This can effect his performance in the bay pen. In the early years of competition a dog was awarded a 1/2 point bonus for a call out after the bay. There were several dogs that could do this and the 1/2 point was the difference in winning money most of the time. There are only a hand full of people that have the knowledge and or ability to put this kind of handle on there dog without effecting his baying performance. Breaking concentration is one of the biggest mistakes a dog can make in the pen. A dog with a lot of handle on him tends to want to look out at his handler or what I call check with his handler, this can cost him the bay. However, if you have the ability to do this without effecting his bay it is one of the most beautiful things to watch. I wish it was a manditory rule in our sport. As to attending baying events, there probably aren't go to be any good one close to you, there also some bad ones out there.We will be holding our 3rd Annual Memorial Cup Hog Bay May 9th & 10th. We are located about a hour west of Pensacola, Flordia right on the edge of Mississippi on the coast. We are probably having the largest bayings going right now next to Uncle Earl's we always have people from Flordia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oko, Ark., Missour, Tenn., and South Carolina. We are expecting people from all these states at our up coming baying. We are kind of located in the middle of all these. We have events for everyone novice, amateur, and Pro. Had about 600 spectators and 250 entries at our last event. We would love for you and your friends to come, think you would really love it.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #7 on: April 28, 2009, 01:15:54 pm »


do you have any more info or a link i could read???

That is a lil short notice for work. i am going to Va. tomorrow  on a turkey hunt for a week on our farm. But if i can swindle the time at work i would love to make the trip!!!!!  I have a couple lil pups i am workin with right now they are only 6 weeks old both the parents catch but i am tryin to keep them at a tight bay ... What kinda hogs do yall use for the puppy bay since these dogs are so lil i would not wanna put them in with a stout hog yet ?? Or would i not have a choice they will still only be around eight weeks old but im sure folks would like to see such lil guys given one hell!!! it think it is awsome to watch these lil guys they act like they are 5 years old and been doin it their for a long time!!!

Do all bay's have the same rules? I had a set of them saved on my comp a while ago and i know a lot of places used them but do some places have different rules??

Thanks bubba !!!


Chaz Penwright @
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« Reply #8 on: April 28, 2009, 03:24:22 pm »

 I may be way off but you  dont take a world champ heading horse to Vegas and heel with it.

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

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« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2009, 06:00:27 pm »

You can pull up our website at It has all the information and a built in direction finder. Click on Fort Bayou Ranch Hog Bays the May 2009 flyer. Check out favorite Pic for pics of our bay pen
In the puppy bay I always let people choose the hog they want to bay. We should have something that will suit your pups. As for rules, Here are mine. They are pretty much the same for the bigger bay pens.
1st. 3 judge rule- throw out high and low score.
2nd. Every dog enters the pen with a perfect 10. He is deducted 1/10 a point for each mistake he makes throw the 2 minutes.
3rd. We do not judge on style as for each breed is different.
4th. Dog is to enter pen and gather and maintain the hogs attention without breaking concentration or eye contact.
5th. He must hold him at bay without the use of unnecessary roughness or force for 2 minutes.
6th. If hog breaks bay dog must attempt to stop him any time he has the opportunity to do so. If he catches the hog he must release him within the 5 second count or he will automatically be disqualified.
7th. Dogs will not be docked for distrubance outside the pen this is a judges call.
8th. At no time will any score be changed. However if you have legitimate grevince judge may allow you a rerun.
9th. No protesting judges score once they are final.
10th. No open containers, no drunks, no profanity. We are a family orientanted event.
11th. It is manditory that you have a good time!!! Enjoy watching and competing against some of the BEST bay dogs in the USA. If you win a PRO class event here you will have beaten the best dogs in the country.

Sounds like you have some real good little boogers there sounds like they would be crowd pleasers.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2009, 07:46:40 pm »

Man ima try my best if i cant get others to tag along i will at least try and find someone to ride with me!!!

I have two female pups left i doubt they will still be around by then but if not im sure i can get rid of them there!!

I hope i can make it work cause it sounds like a great time!!

thanks again

Chaz Penwright @
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« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2009, 08:45:28 pm »

I've never competed in bay pen competitions but here the dogs that win bay tight, don't move around very much and bark every breath.  I would think that just because a dog bayed that way it wouldn't have anything to do with how it hunted in the woods.  Either they have it or they don't.  I start all my pups in the pen  and then take them to the woods and hunt.  I have had and seen great woods dogs that wouldn't bay in a pen and great pen dogs that wouldn't leave your feet.  But I've also had some great bay dogs that hunted great.  I think dogs bred for the pen or bred for the woods tend to make the same. 
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