Ok, saturday night we went out to the farm and Justin Corbell and Danielle went with us. The dogs hit a group of hogs in the milo field and worked it for like what seemed for ever but came up empty. We were soooooo disappointed.
So we came up with a plan and decided to do it again last night. James decided that we would bring Rowdy, our yard dog who is a short range, rough, rough, catchy dog

who we only use in certain situations. This being one of them.
Justin had a plan also. He decided that Blue, his catch dog was going on the ground if the dogs struck hogs in the milo field agian.

WE WERE NOT GOING TO GET BURNED AGAIN! Or at least that is what we were telling ourselves.
Well, never try to second guess hogs. We rode those same fields and casted the dogs over and over but nothing. Then one of the garmin collars messed up on Red, our marathon dog, so we spent a good deal of time trying to find him. We finally got him back at closed to 1:30am.
We decided to try one other spot on the east side of the farm since we had disturbed most of the west side looking for Red. On the way over, the dogs winded. So James put Foot on the ground and Justin put his dog Smoke on the ground. They both took off.
The dogs must of hit more than one hog. Foot went one direction and Smoke went another. After a few minutes, Foot was showing bayed on the garmin. We rode over to the area. He was in the edge of a field with a canal and a huge wall of brush between us and him. He was baying in one spot so James turned Rowdy ( the canine pirannah) to him. In order for us to get to the bay, we had to drive down about 150yds to the end of the field, go over a crossing and then drive back down the edge of a disc'd field.
I got to the bay first and I couldn't believe my eyes. There was a big old nasty boar bucking and spinning like a champion NFR bull. Foot and Rowdy were on him like pizzed off bees.

I sent our new cd Blue in to the bay. As soon as the hog saw Blue coming, he bolted. But the hog ran the wrong direction. He ran right towards James and Justin on the ranger. They were unclipping every dog in the buggy.

When the whole pack hit the hog, he hesitated just long enough for our cd Blue and Justin's cd Blue (lol) to lock on to him.j
With two cds and a whole pack of dogs on him, he was still spinning and bucking. I jumped off the wheeler and ran over. I waited for the hog to twist away from me and then I went to grab his back legs. Before I could get my hands on him, this blur came past me. It was Justin, he tackled the hog like it was a footballl player. Hahahaha, one of the funniest things Ive ever seen. The hog still wasn't completely down so James helped Justin get him rolled over.
After the dogs were all pulled off, the hog was still fighting hard to get away. Justin and James were having a hard time keeping him down. They were trying to get the hobbles on him but he was about to throw them both off. Ive never seen a more rank hog.
Finally James yelled for me to get the twenty two rifle. This hog had already cut every dog and he was about to get loose and do some work on James and Justin so James fixed that problem real quick.
James, me and Rowdy

James and Justin with our Blue between them

Weapons of mass destruction. Hee hee