« on: June 25, 2012, 10:48:04 am » |
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2012, 11:03:18 am » |
I enjoyed it guys, even if we caught a 3 legged, 1 eyed, little hog! Ya'll are welcome back anytime. Thanks for the compliments and thanks to Blake for our trade.
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2012, 11:33:23 am » |
that hog looks to have been put though the ringer an time or two.... you guys should be ashamed picking on the handicapped 
Jared H.
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2012, 12:33:46 pm » |
Easy now Trenton....not all Pittsburg boys. Lol
Jeremiah 16:16
There our two types of pain: The temporary pain of training or the permenant pain of failure. Choose wisely...
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2012, 12:42:34 pm » |
They said that you didn't answer... I was asking about you buddy... See, if you'd have been there, we would have just put the dogs up and told you to get ahead! LOL! It's really not that bad of a drive man... so next time you wana make a run let me know and I'll shoot our your way. It took us just about 1.5 hours to get there... well, from my house to blakes, then to there... LOL! I was running a little late that morning... or D Minus as Blake likes to call it.  and Jared, I'd sure like to see how that female litter mate you have looks now. I bet she is purdy!
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Jared H.
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2012, 01:14:48 pm » |
They said that you didn't answer... I was asking about you buddy... See, if you'd have been there, we would have just put the dogs up and told you to get ahead! LOL! It's really not that bad of a drive man... so next time you wana make a run let me know and I'll shoot our your way. It took us just about 1.5 hours to get there... well, from my house to blakes, then to there... LOL! I was running a little late that morning... or D Minus as Blake likes to call it.  and Jared, I'd sure like to see how that female litter mate you have looks now. I bet she is purdy! I'll send u a picture later today. Next time y'all are in Pittsburg holler at me and we can make a run.
Jeremiah 16:16
There our two types of pain: The temporary pain of training or the permenant pain of failure. Choose wisely...
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2012, 01:15:29 pm » |
Easy now Trenton....not all Pittsburg boys. Lol Yeah, some of them are like me and cant catch one at all!!! 
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2012, 01:16:13 pm » |
Will do... Hopefully Trent will put something together soon... 
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2012, 01:29:13 pm » |
They said that you didn't answer... I was asking about you buddy... See, if you'd have been there, we would have just put the dogs up and told you to get ahead! LOL! It's really not that bad of a drive man... so next time you wana make a run let me know and I'll shoot our your way. It took us just about 1.5 hours to get there... well, from my house to blakes, then to there... LOL! I was running a little late that morning... or D Minus as Blake likes to call it.  and Jared, I'd sure like to see how that female litter mate you have looks now. I bet she is purdy! Yeah, thanks to Joshs other hunting buddy we stayed out too late the night before and neither of them showed up...  So I slept in too..
Will do... Hopefully Trent will put something together soon...  All I can put you on right now is dillars and snakes... Josh and Jarred got all the good spots!!  That lil pup of Jareds does real good to be so ugly and spotted!! Must be the Parker in em.. 
Will do... Hopefully Trent will put something together soon...  All I can put you on right now is dillars and snakes... Josh and Jarred got all the good spots!!  That lil pup of Jareds does real good to be so ugly and spotted!! Must be the Parker in em..  LOL! Must be the Parker... LOL! Yeah, there is no way Mr.Mason's blood has anything to do with it... LOL! (totally joking) Well then Trent, I guess we are waiting on Jared to line something up... LOL! That place that we went to was huge!!!! They said we didn't touch it... really nice spot.
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
We'll have to all get together one day, I guess we'll invite the Daingerfield people to come even though that would bring our character down a bit.
Good to see you getting one Ryan! We will all get together soon and go do some damage!
His legacy is rodeo and Cowboy is his name!
Good hunt bro! 100degrees??? TO HELL WITH THAT!!! 
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
Kelton we do we do buddy! And Josh, Probably no more than us Hunt County folks... Lol!  I just love hunting with and meeting new folks. U r good people, and so are Trent and Jared. Just let me know a little ahead of time and this time I'll bring my crew... Might even throw the ol three legger Diablo on the ground... Lol!
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Lol its pork buddy, but thanks goes to them for a good time. That's the way a deal is supposed to be done... nothing worth bragging about though, but u go long enough without one and you learn to appreciate any you can get. Especially in the summer. Josh keep us updated on Pearl man. She should make a dog...
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Good hunt bro! 100degrees??? TO HELL WITH THAT!!!  Lmao! Funny thing with that is, I packed for walking... Lol! Camel back and all. They had wheels so we rolled through the place and then ran to the bay once it was caught. It was kinda nice to be riding... We are used to walking our butts off to put hogs at the end.
Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Hey even if all we catch in is little hogs might as well do it in style and comfort right?