« on: April 30, 2009, 03:39:46 pm » |
The wifo has been reading a lot on yahoo about the swine flu anyways there was a post sayin how the flu was an intentional virus leaked into the public to wipe out a race. Considering where it has killed the most people i figgure what race it was but the poster did not say so I will leave it at that. The part that has me are people really that parinoid these days. She was suprised at how no one had replyed to this person and I told her how do you reply to stupid. I just do not get people like this who work and function in our everyday lives.
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 04:58:56 pm » |
jmo backed by facts learned in classes after 9/11 being in the fire departent in salado for years i went to several classes on bio terrorism and weaponds of mass distruction.. we were taught about secondary divices like the twin towers to target the first responders also they had maps of the best way to speard a epicimic type bug and the map looked just like its flowing now from texas and up to the mid-west and fanning east ward,, then through cali up the west cost and it was to target the USA the event was spread during a christian holiday in mexico during th holiday when the mass of migrant workers head home,, then upon the return of the workers the bio-hazard was already spread before anyone knew what happened due to an disigned bug with a long incubation period i pray that i am wrong but i do beleive that the targeted race is the citizens of the USA.. and it will like back to a radical mid-east group linked to bin laden
and my .02 close the borders now bring our troops home and fortify the home land and our borders
<<<<steps of his soap box Dexter
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2009, 09:03:01 pm » |
hum defently have not thaught about it like that. ouch
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2009, 12:27:42 am » |
i have to chime in here and say that i don't think this would be the case using swine flu as a weapon. here's why. it's just not as practical as other agents out there for a terrorist attack. take small pox as an example. something that could be obtained and has a much higher kill to infection ratio. avian flu might also be another example, very high kill to infection ratio. although this swine flu pandemic is scary(and i guess we can call it that now since the WHO(world health organization) has declared it one), the fact is that the vast majority of people who contract swine flu are going to live through it. so i don't think it's time for conspiracy theories about it just yet...
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2009, 08:29:19 pm » |
i have a theory about how it got started . in the early 2000 s i went on a mission trip to central america building houses . peaple there , just like in mexico have out houses on the side of the road in those mountain villages . an inch pipe carries the waste a few feet and dumps it right in the road where the many kids play . then it runs on down the hill and eventually to the river ( the same one they wash and drink out of ) . i saw several hogs just running loose , all they had to eat was garbage and they drank out of the little trickle coming down the hill . most people lived in a small1 room shed with a dirt floor , and ive seen hogs laying in there during the heat of the day .
looked to me like a prime location for some kind of epidemic to develop , my only suprise is why it took this long .
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2009, 08:34:16 am » |
It is just another strain of flu. No worries from my house. I geuss all you people who are worried about it can bar up your house and live off your Y2K rations............hahahahhah, j/k. I think the media is playing this up BIGTIME. It also takes the limelight off of Obama and the failing stock market.
There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.
"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off match.com" Rich.
Box R Outfitters
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2009, 10:36:48 am » |
I won't lie,cheat or steal nor tolerate those who do !!!!
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2009, 11:38:10 am » |
I agree but then again i was pretty skittish tuesday I was tested for it turned out to be just bad sinus infection. Round of antibiotics and starting to feel better. I posted to say how big of hiprocondriacs some people are lol.