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Author Topic: Blue lacys???  (Read 2056 times)
Bay Dog
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« on: July 08, 2012, 01:25:13 pm »

I am considering starting completely over and going to strait lacy dogs I was wondering if they're a good all around hog dog I know what I've tea researching they seem to be but I'd like to get opinion for lacy owners so all info and comments will be greatly appreciated thanks guys
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« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 05:42:00 pm »

Not my go mto choice but they make pretty good dogs in the rite hands. Ive seen some good ones. they can be pretty timmid sometimes but you just have to be patient

Seth Gillespie
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« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 09:00:35 pm »

I have a tri colored female that is 5 mths old and will hood and get to the bay with the strike dogs if shes in the box when they bay up she will raise he!! Till she's out. I have high hopes for her and i have seen some real good ones good luck hoghounds
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« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 10:49:23 pm »

I would not want to run a whole pack of lacys to many problems with that.  But if you got a hell of a pack of dogs  you take you a couple of hunt bred lacys and put them with the dogs you want them to hunt like and waaaaaa laaa you got yourself a couple of lacys that act and hunt the way your other dogs do most the time .  Sure they gonna have their lacy ways but for the most part make some hell of a dogs !  A clean pack of lacys is a problem waiting to happen !

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« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 06:51:08 am »

Why would a pak of lacys be a problem?

Lacy man
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« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 10:20:13 am »

I couldn't disagree more. I have 2 lacy dogs and have no problem whatsoever ever of them hunting hogs and baying. I'll take a smart lacy dog over any cat or bmc any day of the week. And I ve owned both. Grandpa raised cats and bmcs his whole life and he even stated they don't compare to a lacy in working ability. But I will agree you have to make sure and get them from a working home. If not you could have a mess on your hands.
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« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 10:30:47 am »

Am not talking about one are two lacys, am talking about people that run four five six dogs on the ground at one time .  You start running that many Lacys together and you gonna have problems .  Grouchy as hell want to fight each other, barking in the box riding and they gonna want to all catch out aint gonna be much baying they tend to be ruff dogs anyway .  They gonna be in pissin matches with each other all day .

One two is fine more than that and the trouble is gonna start .

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« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 10:33:55 am »

This has noting to do with working ability sure great working ability I got a couple that are dame great dogs ,  never said anything about that .  Its about the dogs themselves and there attuides and just how they are in general every one of them want to be dominate .

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Lacy man
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« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2012, 10:49:23 am »

I know ppl that run 4 or 5 lacys while hog huntin all they use matter Of fact and they have no issues with aggressiveness towards others. Like I said you have to make sure you get the pup out of the right lines. Hog hound 36 if you wanna talk good hunting lacys out of good stock pm me and we can talk. My dogs are out of Jimmy brooks dogs and you can't beat them. But there are same jam up kennels out there that ppl aren't aware about. I wouldn't buy a dog from anyone but breeders from the Nlda. Period.
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« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2012, 10:57:45 am »

Going to have to agree with thd. For the most part they are grouchy temper tantrams. I have hunted as many as 4 females and did ok hunting just had to watch them in the back and in yard
Lacy man
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« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2012, 11:00:20 am »

Like I said I know alot that hunt with em in "packs" all lacys with no issues and definitely no agreesive behavior towards other dogs. Who's lines are they out of. It really makes a difference like I said get
On Nlda website and you ll find some fine hunting dogs. I d rather have a lacy that loaded up then bm that ran in circles not listening. Lol. Just joking guys.
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« Reply #11 on: July 09, 2012, 11:12:31 am »

I have seen them from a lot of different lines wont name no names on here .  I ve seen Tom bring in differnet lines to breed to all were pretty much the same .  Great dogs but same attiudes not much difference in any of them that I have seen when it comes to this .

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« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2012, 11:14:08 am »

I don't want to start a pissing match, but I'll throw in my opinion about lacys.  The majority of them look to their handlers for direction more than other cur breeds.  They are hotter nosed than some of the other curs.  They mature fast physically but mentally they don't mature until 3 or 4.  They tend to be one man dogs and are real standoffish with strangers.  They also can be bad to "pick" at a hog and cause them to break.  There are good ones just like any cur lines.  I currently own one, my blood dog, and I have owned several including one from Jimmy Brooks. 

The more I see of the people's representatives, the more I like my dogs.
Lacy man
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« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2012, 11:18:56 am »

Well I wouldn't rule them out. I can promise not all lacys act that way. It's in the specific lines ou spoke of. If you talk to any Nlda breeder they will inform you how they re dogs are and I ve seen 95 percent of them and have seen 20 on one coon at a get together wit no fights no issues just one common goal of killing the coon. So once again I disagree it was be in the lines youre talking about. Because that's not a temperant a true lacy shows. And I'm not sure about the maturing at 3 or 4 because my 19 month old
Male is beyond any cur I ve seen. And neither my male or my 8 month female have issues with strangers as Long as I m there. If a random person walks up and I m not there then sure I want that in my
Dogs but once they meet you with me they have no issues.
Lacy man
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« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2012, 11:21:36 am »

Bed thing I can say Is before you go on other peoples opinions get a lacy from a true huntin home and make your own observation because apparently everyone here runs cats and bmcs
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« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2012, 11:32:09 am »

There are a couple breeders out side of the nlda that I would go to I'm one and then a buddy of mine from eden has some jam up cow lacys.  Know of a couple in the tlgda that are good one east of waco and then a guy down on the coast.  Was skeptical of the guy on the coast till I seen a pup out of his dogs work and it changed my mind on his.  My dad had a brooks dog and she was dang good.  I have seen both sides on maturing my dads old dog he had really didn't come into her self till 6 or so but man she turned it on then.  What I am getting at is there are some pretty big differences with in the lacy breed. Something else that always made me wonder is seems like a lacys mentality really changes for the better after she has a litter of pups.  I think the lacys and a cur has about same nose it is the lacys brain thinking that makes them decide to take it or not.  Guarantee lacys think and not sure that is always a good thing lol. 
Lacy man
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« Reply #16 on: July 09, 2012, 11:47:38 am »

Haha good point purebreedcolt
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« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2012, 11:59:51 am »

I have a pretty good female, she's tlgd registered. Quite a few people on here have hunted behind her. She is pretty closely related to TexasHogDogs lacys. She has absolutely no dog aggression. Plenty of people on here can testify to her abilities.

Taylor Colt Christian- TDHA member

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« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2012, 12:02:39 pm »

Most people will not see there best lacy dog till he are she is four to five years old.  My Bell dog was this way and others I have seen .  Good as young dogs but really turn the coner between four and five years old .  The key word with Lacys is patiences !

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« Reply #19 on: July 09, 2012, 12:17:49 pm »

I have hunted with and seen most of this line I have here from Tom.  Chigger a great little find dog that I never ever seen trash ever in ten years seen him find 100's of hogs for me and Tom.  Chigger saved me from a big boar hog one day as I slipped and fell down into a dry creek bed with a 275 lbs boar hog stairing me in the face not 12 yards from me and me flat on my face from the fall the boar charged and chigger stepped between us caught the hog on the end of the nose thank God gave me time to get my sences back .  The Kolie bitch as ruff as a dog can be on a hog a real hog stopping bitch,  The Hoss dog woooo weeee what a dog on a hog a big boar hog nearly killed me and him both one day in a tank he was cut all to hell and back along with three other dogs and never let go if he did I would have been toast we didn't run catch dogs back then didn't need them , The Bonnie bitch a great bitch that ran with my Little Ann dog and that was a chore to keep up with Ann.  Amos a good one and this Buddy dog I got a ruff ruff some buck on a hog .  The Claire bitch in her day was a good one.  This Dee Bitch will flat out bay the hair off a hog as good of a baying dog as there is in my opinion and find them too, my Bell dog is up there with the Chigger dog as smart a dog as there is alive has found many many hogs for us and has till this day not trashed will come jump on the wheeler with you if a  young dog is trashing.   I don't care what line of dogs Lacys-Bmc-Cats-Hounds-Bulldogs-PickaPoos to Winnie dogs  they are all going to have there little quirks here and there but the main thing is can they consistly put hogs are game on the table if they can do that then all else can be dealt with .

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