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Author Topic: for my religious friends...  (Read 9600 times)
Catch Dog
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« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2012, 02:41:21 pm »

Noah this something I do agree with you on I dont always agree with you but you do have some interesting and insightful post keepim comin
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« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2012, 02:41:38 pm »

People ask for other to help them pray about a situation because God asks us to. Absolutly nothing wrong with that. Yes, God does have a will but prayer does make a huge difference even though not everything turns out how we expect it to. Being drug to church isn't the end of the world either. You need to go and learn from others and just like going to school, work, or exercising, no one wants to do it. Iron sharpens iron. Just remember that it's not about how much time you spend in church or in the woods thinking about God. All that's going to make a difference is your relationship with God. Don't ever compare you life to another persons because even if someone looks like they have it all together, they may have no relationship with God or they may have a great relationship with Him and they're life may be rough. It's not about being religious at all. God actually told us not to have a religious spirit. If that had been a person saying that for their own good they would encourage us to have a religious spirit.

Some people call it damage... I call it hog sign.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2012, 03:09:34 pm »

marks,  Do you think God loves Noah or Justin or myself and others like us any less for not going to church ? As stated, we still pray , just not in a church. Also do you think church goers think of us any less? Just curious as to your thoughts on the questions.

Jimco, i know the question was not directed at me but i thought I would share this tidbit (a large reason of why my beliefs are what they are)

My mothers side of the family are devout catholics to say the least(grandparents attend mass daily and are very involved in the church). My family attends church 90% of the time on saturday evenings and goes to dinner afterwards, one particular evening after mass we went to eat with my gparents and roughly 10-15 other members if the church. As conversation began one of the members made a remark i will never forget,  " did you see what Mrs. X was wearing, you think she would take more than a minute to get dressed before mass", this was followed by more snide and rude comments by others. The woman they were referring to was someone I hold very close to my heart, she is a true saint....she has 12 children(most i am good friends with) and works her tail off daylight to dark 6-7 days a week just to keep the lights on, she has more or less fostered other "troubled" youth her entire life, (including myself in a rough patch of my life) never turning a childs friend in need away. To say they are below the poverty line is an understatement. The belitteling comments continued and angered me to the point that i snapped in front of every single one of em, by the time i left they each knew exactly what I thought about their "catholic" holier than thou ways and how big of hypocrits i thought each and everyone of them were. My own grandfather called later that evening in tears apologizing for their words......that day was the last time I attended their version of "church"..........stills blows my mind to this day that these people  consider themselves in higher regard than others who are less fortunate due to their looks!

Sorry i'll get off my soapbox, that incident was over 2 years ago and still frustrates me, after that i decided that my  "church" would be where i personally felt closest to my Lord, not in some fancy building surrounded by people whom i did not care for.

This is something I hear about alot when it comes to church. .......This person from church offended me....I'm quitting church....This church didn't visit xxxx in the hospital....I quit church..........This church member gossiped about me......I quit church. I hear it having to do with church more often than with any other topic.

It doesn't make sense to me. When another hog hunter hunts unethically or bad mouths your dogs do you quit hog hunting? Of course not. That is ridiculous. There are bad apples in every bunch. The church is full of them just like hog hunting. Sometimes a whole congregation may have even lost their way.  I'm certainly not condoning their actions but you have to be confident enough in yourself and your relationship with God to overlook them. If you aren't happy with someone in your congregation then call them out , ignore them or seek out another one that will build you up instead of tear you down. There have been several guys on this thread say 'I used to go to church but xxxxx happened and now I quit.'  I bet most of you same guys will back me up if I tell another new member on here they have to have thick skin if they are to last on this forum. The devil is one sneaky son of a gun and what better way to get you out than to attack you from within. We have several where I attend that like to wonder into other peoples business and insert their worthless opinions. They are easy to spot and I just ignore them. I just laugh most of the time.

I'm getting a little soapboxy too. haha
Hog Doom
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« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2012, 03:15:51 pm »

Maybe I'm missing the point, but I think Justin is wondering why in a "only God can judge environment" do people insist on passing judgement? What makes them so Hollier Than Thou? IMO, this goes hand-n-hand with most churches that I've been to... which is why I choose to talk to God and pray and be closer to him on my own time... Correct me if I'm wrong Justin, but I would have to agree with you. What's to learn from someone who needs to pay attention theirselves...? Well, other than to not do what they are doing... LOL! If your relationship with the Lord is sound, and you are comfortable not going to church, what's the difference so long as you have a relationship with the Lord...?

Do work, make chit happen, and never stop moving forward.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2012, 03:54:12 pm »

I my opion the problem with people at church is they read the words but dont git what its tryin to tellem.Just readin the instructions on the box dont git the job done you got to follow them
Catch Dog
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« Reply #25 on: July 10, 2012, 03:55:20 pm »

I guess if you have done what the Bible says and you are a more christian person alone than you are with a church family then by all means go it alone, that is every mans personal decision, but how many can honestly say they sin less and are closer to God now that they don't attend church? I think most just don't get called out for it as much. My brother for example used the whole hypocrits or holier than thou arguement and now doesn't attend church. My other brother also doesn't attend and hasn't for years (not sure of the reason. I was little at the time). Both will tell you they believe in God but I can tell you from observation they don't live their lives as stronger christians than when they were attending church. I don't know how God will judge them but I do think they would be better off in church. Again, church aint perfect but we are all on the same path. I have problems just like you do. I need you to help me just like you need me to help you.

[24] And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:
[25] Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #26 on: July 10, 2012, 04:15:39 pm »

Judge not lest you be judged
Catch Dog
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« Reply #27 on: July 10, 2012, 04:29:49 pm »

marks,  Do you think God loves Noah or Justin or myself and others like us any less for not going to church ? As stated, we still pray , just not in a church. Also do you think church goers think of us any less? Just curious as to your thoughts on the questions.

You know how you read something once and hear one thing and read it again and hear something else? I think I answered the first part already but as far as other church goers....unfortunately I think a lot would think less of you but a lot wouldn't. Depends on the church goer. As far as my opinion.....I think you have the right idea but are a little misguided. Religion to an extent is a mind set..a way of living and thinking but there are also a lot of direct guidelines. I don't know you guys well at all. Just what you post on here and honestly other than Noah (because he post very unique topics) I can't single out a single comment off the top of my head that you or Justin have posted. I don't think you can pick and chose what part of religion you want to practice and ignore the rest. Its a package deal.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #28 on: July 10, 2012, 04:34:42 pm »

I have always believed in god!  A few years ago when I started going to church on a regular basis, I have gotten closer to God!  I think attending church is like a tune up, we need it to stay strong in Christ!  As a christian it is our duty to share the strength of God with others!   Maby it's in the woods, maby  some of us are good public speakers, it doesn't matter, just share the word!  I do believe most that do believe in God were dragged to church as kids, and as we lost our way in life, we went back to how we were raised and asked God for help!   The single most important thing we can do is to show our children our relationship with God, and hope one day they will follow him....more than likely if my parents hadn't dragged me to church as a kid I would have still never made a shadow in the door of the church!!!    So a big thank you to my parents..... There are deff people that are only Christians on Sunday... So be it, I cannot worry about there relationship, for I am a sinner and have no room to judge others!    God helps me every day, it may not be when or how I want...but his plan is In his time!  As I plant my crop God will help it grow!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #29 on: July 10, 2012, 06:21:43 pm »

Man... I really did not want to get into this discussion again, but oh well... guess I asked for it haha  Grin

As I have matured as a human being(still an evolving process  Grin), I have come to the understanding that the more I learn... the less it seems I really know.

A fundamental issue I have with most all religions is the fact that EVERYBODY thinks they are right... and EVERYBODY else is wrong...  this human desire to claim "ownership" on a concept of understanding of a higher being is, quite simply, a tool for men to control men.

Religion is man's feable attempt to explain, CONTROL, that which is not his to do so.  Since the beginning of a thinking man, we have record of our ingrained genetic desire to label something that we've come to call "religion".  I will not go into the pre-Abrahamic religions now, but as for what most of us now recognize... Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are all based on the same idea.

... allow me to say this again.

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are ALL BASED ON THE SAME IDEA.

... allow me to break this down for some of you even further... 


BUT... You were born HERE, in America.... so you are smug in the fact that YOU are "protected" in your beliefs, and will have "everlasting life", as for the rest of BILLIONS of "non-believers" accross the world... "GOD" will send them to hell to burn in eternal damnation because they have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour...

... Yep.... that makes complete sense....   

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
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« Reply #30 on: July 10, 2012, 07:01:51 pm »

Many of my traditional Christian friends mention "prayer requests", both on this site and in my everyday life.  I don't want them to think that I do not care... because I do.  I just fundamentally believe there is no point in asking God to change his plans if you know what I mean

Matthew 18:20
King James Version (KJV)
20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I believe that when more people pray for a given cause... the better the outcome...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
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« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2012, 07:15:50 pm »

"wherever there are two or more gathered, I am there." This is only my opinion, but the theory of church is for fellowshiping ( not sure that is a word lol). I too was raised for most of my younger years by my grandpa, who was a pastor. He was one of those country preachers that could lift you up so high with a sermon that you would have to look down to see heaven. If the doors were open I was there. At the age of about 13 I became disenchanted with the church that I had attended for all those years, when like it was mentioned previously, I saw the people that had been out the night before drinking it up and cheating on their spouses. These same people were the ones that were sitting in the front pews saying amen and hallelujah the loudest. Not wanting to give  up attending church altogether, I attended several (14 to be exact, that is how many we had in our town) and continued to be left wanting. I decided to talk to the one that I felt wouldn't give me the answer, but who would help guide me to where I could find my own answers, my grandpa. By this time he had long since left the pulpit, was a little hard of hearing, unable to perform the duties as a deacon but was still as much in love with his Lord and Savior as the day he began his journey. After listening to me ramble on and on, he asked me a question. He asked me "Why do you attend services?" I thought he had lost his mind, but I answered him as best I could because I knew he never asked a question lightly. I told him I attended to feel closer to and worship the Lord. He just shook his head and said "Baby you don't have to attend an organized service to do that." Now I really thought that he had started to slip. I asked him "Well, why did you feel the need to minister?" He said shoot thats easy, I wanted to bring the word to those that may not know Him. Your granny always said that I could talk the horns off a billygoat, so I thought as long as I like to talk I might as well talk about something that I felt strongly about and the rest is history. He said when he started out he didn't do his worshiping in the church all the time. There were stretches that he never set foot in a church, but he still worshipped. It could have been when he was plowing a field, hunting, walking or driving down the road, etc. He told me "Baby the Lord doesn't care where it is that you worship Him, as long as you take the time and do it with love in your heart." I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes, just felt the need to share.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #32 on: July 10, 2012, 10:17:06 pm »

So none of you pastoral delegates wanna play I guess?

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Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
Catch Dog
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« Reply #33 on: July 10, 2012, 11:51:19 pm »

I didn't come to argue religion. I just intended to say my first little piece about prayer and then the questions and soapboxes came out. Lol. These type threads never seem to come to any solutions or anybody switching sides so I'm backing out while we all still like each other.  I leave you with one final thought.  Roll Tide!!!
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« Reply #34 on: July 11, 2012, 12:03:01 am »

I didn't come to argue religion. I just intended to say my first little piece about prayer and then the questions and soapboxes came out. Lol. These type threads never seem to come to any solutions or anybody switching sides so I'm backing out while we all still like each other.  I leave you with one final thought.  Roll Tide!!!

Roll Tide.....BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!  Lol


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Strike Dog
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« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2012, 09:08:58 am »

Noah what is it your wanting to play?  I dont understand your post from the start, this was orginally about not praying when people ask for prayer request.  Now it has evolved to you stating that Americans are smug in there belief of God and what his word says?  and his word does say there is but one way to heaven John 14:6 Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me.  That makes perfect sense.  God is soveriegn and his word is absolute.

You said you believe in God for your own reasons.  There is not but one God and im not sure you where your getting your information.  Please use scripture to support your statements so we know what you are saying is the truth.  Im not hear to argue or sway anyone from one direction to the other but I will say again if your going to speak on what Gods word says give us scripture so we can check this out and make sure it lines up with Gods word.


Hog Doom
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« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2012, 09:47:50 am »

Noah something is wrong when I understand what your saying!!!!!!  When you are born a different belief then you think your way is the right way are we praying to the right god? Are we Christians cause our parents guided us into being a Christian ? Why yes it is. Is it the American way to be a Christian yes it is. But the Muslims judge us as we are in the wrong. Do we really study there beliefs or any other beliefs. 
I tell my kids to only believe stuff they see. Don't believe what people tell you. My kids are in a Christian private school. Cattle my 6 year old ask me dad how do I know God is real I cant see him. Im like holy chit how do i answer this . So I say faith my son faith.
Then the 6 year old said so if I have faith that means that sasqauch is real? Holy chit again. Thats when I said you going to have to talk to someone more educated than me.
So if i raised my kids to believe that a sasqauch was God then you would have a hell of a time convincing them different .
Sorry to ramble but Noah im on the same page with a open mind.

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
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« Reply #37 on: July 11, 2012, 10:00:36 am »

just saying, i see quotes on this board that are saying you dont have to go to church to be saved or talk to God and that is correct you will not find anywhere in the bible that says you have to go to church to be saved.  So if you dont go to church who is your spiritual leader, who is your accountability with who do you fellowship with.  Do we just pick and choose what part of Gods word we want to live by or do we take it for what it actually says.  why would you just want to take what someone says for truth without searching and finding out what the truth is when all you have to do is open up the word of God and see for your self?   

I will say this and think about it.  Everyone wants a savior but not everyone wants a Lord!  To have a Lord in your life means you have to submit to him.  how many of us that say we are believers and submit to what Gods word says and live by it.

Romans 1:18-25
everyone will be without excuse

James 2:14-19
faith without works is dead

Matthew 7:21-23
do you really know him?


Hog Doom
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« Reply #38 on: July 11, 2012, 10:19:06 am »

Not going to try to argue being a Christian as I am a Christian. But im open minded about things. I bet every Christian on this board was raised Christian. There parents and grandparents were Christian. Columbus was Christian. There's a pattern there. Now the guy down the road that owns the store that is Muslim is a great guy I talk to him all the time. He is from Iraq. You will not turn him into a Christian I will a sure you. Sorry!!!!  Im not to close minded to look at the world through a clear pair of glasses. If you live in America and you were not raised Christian or no belief when your down in the dumps and have nothing and needing something the odds of a Christian taken you in and introducing you to God is way better than a Muslim taken you to there God.

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #39 on: July 11, 2012, 10:53:36 am »

I see no productivity in debating religion.  Each of us have our own views and are unlikely to be change.  Each of us chooses what works for us. 
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