« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2012, 08:19:37 pm » |
Looking good!
I need to pick up one of them sisters tomorrow. She needs to see these piney woods during the summer time.
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2012, 08:23:37 pm » |
Ben, I need to get them going... but I've got three other young ones on the chopping block right now.
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2012, 08:25:59 pm » |
Ben, I need to get them going... but I've got three other young ones on the chopping block right now.
It's tough raising a line of dogs and keeping it solid and it's damn near impossible to do it right by yourself. I feel your pain. It's nice though when all the breedings come together to make a superstar.
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2012, 08:29:31 pm » |
I don't know if any superstars will be made... but, hopefully a few hog dogs will come out of it.
That's why my two year olds are where they're at... I had too many to hunt and not hunting near as much.
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 08:58:18 pm » |
mike thats a good looking dog ! dont think i could have a dog named obama though ..... i'd be scared i'd kick it too much !! lol
« Reply #6 on: July 10, 2012, 09:45:48 pm » |
he is looking good now... are those white marks on his hips from the lesson? 
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2012, 10:00:17 pm » |
Dang good looking dog mike, he looks gritty!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2012, 12:35:21 am » |
Mr. Mike are these out of the same cross as Mr. Bryants striker dog??? I want to say he said something about tweety x obama as parents but i may be wrong.......i was very impressed with striker, he is a go yonder get it done dog!
"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland
"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
T-Bob Parker
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2012, 12:43:20 am » |
He's looking real good! The runnin gear on fancy is so effective I can't get a dang pic of her standing still unless she's chained to the truck!!! Here she is though  What would she be? Like a second cousin twice removed? 
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Well, let's think about it T-Bob... Fancy's momma is Brandy, who's momma is Tweety. Tweety is my pup's momma/grandma. Brandy's brother is Obama, who is my pup's daddy/brother... and also a son of Tweety. So, they're kin some how or another!!!  Fancy is lookin' good!
Man they look good Mike!!
Get ahead dog!
T-Bob Parker
Well, let's think about it T-Bob... Fancy's momma is Brandy, who's momma is Tweety. Tweety is my pup's momma/grandma. Brandy's brother is Obama, who is my pup's daddy/brother... and also a son of Tweety. So, they're kin some how or another!!!  Fancy is lookin' good! Sounds like a Ray Stevens tune. I'm my own grandpa!
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Looking good Mike. I love all of that leg. 
A television can insult your intelligence but nothing rubs it in like a computer.
Thanks everyone, I'm really looking forward to see how this litter turns out. he is looking good now... are those white marks on his hips from the lesson?  Peaches, you reckon he's a hog dog now? He's got the scars to prove it! 
Mr. Mike are these out of the same cross as Mr. Bryants striker dog??? I want to say he said something about tweety x obama as parents but i may be wrong.......i was very impressed with striker, he is a go yonder get it done dog!
"the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland
Justin, Striker is a Tweety grandson and an Obama nephew. The Brandy dog that Circle C posted about passing the other day was Striker's momma and Obama's littermate sister. My Hunter dog is Striker's littermate brother and will be the next one bred. If you liked Striker... you'll like his brother.  The Preacherman dog Bryant has is also out of Obama.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 12:38:42 pm by Mike »
He looks good bud, you have any pics of these sisters to him you kept?
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
He looks good bud, you have any pics of these sisters to him you kept?
These are the last pics of my Lucy pup from a few months back. She was born with her running gear.  UNDERDOG, Jasonmac and Uglydog have the other three females in that litter. Bryant brought his out when we worked them.  
Shes a looker! They are all good looking dogs though.
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson