Quote from Cutter Bay Kennels "No one likes getting there dogs cut down. However, if you are hunting for sows or boars with no teeth, coon hunting may be more fun for you." Josh i dont think any of us said they where scared of teeth. the topic is about the size of teeth and what makes different hogs have diferrent size teeth. 
Cutter Bay Kennels
Quote from Cutter Bay Kennels "No one likes getting there dogs cut down. However, if you are hunting for sows or boars with no teeth, coon hunting may be more fun for you." Josh i dont think any of us said they where scared of teeth. the topic is about the size of teeth and what makes different hogs have diferrent size teeth.  Driving down the road in there after the first couple days you will see more dead dogs and more dogs layed out on tail gates than you ever will at one time !! Fun hunt though and you get to catch a lot of good hogs !!!!!!!
Maybe I interpreted it wrong, or maybe not.
"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.  " Josh Farnsworth
I dont know if i worded my reply wrong or what  my bad if i made it sound like i like to see mine or anyother persons dog get kiled or hurt??? If i made it sound that way i am sorry. I definitly dont want to come across like that ! I am the first person to put on a catch collar and catch vet on my dogs and they last one to take them off !!! i believe in watchin the dogs work.I feel that they know that they can get hurt i and i know that there is not much room for error on my part !!! but that is what keeps us and them coming back !! its not the safest or easiest adrenalin rush to find but we all keep doning it to the point it becomes a lifestyle !! Yeah i would love to teach my dog to only find hogs with 3 inches or better but that would not get the job done !!LOL I guess we just hafta take what we can get !! every now and then a dog wrecker !! As for the green swamp thing i was just agreeing with others that the place has some nasty hogs with good teeth !!! and it is not hard to see every other truck bed with wrecked dogs or dead dogs !!! not that i like it but it just something that is normal for that place !!
« Last Edit: May 06, 2009, 01:15:38 pm by cetchdawg »
Cutter Bay Kennels
Cetchdawg ,
My apoligies then. I acutally thought you were referring the the panhandle hunt coming up. I took it that you were saying that there were wreckers there, and I may want to rethink dropping hounds there. Again, sorry for the confussion. I have seen plenty of hogs in Green Swamp West that had cutters the size of my pointer finger. That place is unreal with what it can produce. Hope all is fine, and back to the discussion.
"To me it is not always about the game you caught, but the memories you can't let go of.  " Josh Farnsworth
no prob here at all  !! hey man good luck in a few weeks !!! Chaz
The size of the cutters on a hog, has to do with 1) Genetics- It is just like everything else on a hog (i.e. size, color, snout length, etc.) the genetics has the majority of the bearing on the cutters. 2) Age- now this has more to do with the diameter of the cutters. A young hog may have long cutters but they will be skinny. An older boar with have thick whetters and thick teeth.
I am sure nutrition may have a little to do with it, but the majority is genetics and age (diameter). And you will see it in the areas you hunt. The place I have to hunt, is notorious for producing boars with big cutters as you can see with my pics. but I have hunted places where the boars didn't have very long teeth. We have cut the cutters on boars in the bay pen, and over the course of time, they will grow back and be constantly sharpening while doing so. A hogs tusks never stop growing so if they do get broken they will grow back.