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Author Topic: doctors dang  (Read 1300 times)
Hog Doom
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« on: July 21, 2012, 06:48:21 pm »

Just got to grip lol.  Last night was at a bachelor party deal and we were messing around on the leon river well I was bow fishing a little ahead of the group and long story short knee gave way and fell down the bank my leg was at 90 degree angle when I finally stoped I grabbed it put it back straight and my knee cap was still on the outside of the leg so I took it and slid it back in place.  Get out of water but still had to get up bank got to top and it came out again.  Worst pain I have ever felt so had to go into work this morning and check deer then I went to the er to at least get some pain meds to relieve this dang pain.  Doc comes in I tell him my story and he about fell out of his chair when I said I reset my leg lol then the damn guy goes to poking and touching my leg damn I about punched him.  So he says well your bones are all good on xray but who knows on ligaments and muscles and I said yep I figured then he touches the dang knee again I said damnit that hurts number 2 lol.  Then get this little annoying old woman in there and I'm trying to get up on the table and she grabs my right leg and I was like NO ouch no lol. The dang woman was dang near as bad as the doc wanted to touch my knee and I kept telling her no don't touch it it hurts like hell.  I know they see some real dweabs in there but do they just like seeing cringe.  Think I will be spending a lot of time on here for a while I can't walk or do number 2 on this knee just not looking forward to what a mri says. 
Bay Dog
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« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2012, 07:01:09 pm »

Good luck. Had surgery in january for what sounds like the problem you got. 4 months before the doc would let me go back to work. And still hurts like he!!
Hog Doom
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« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2012, 07:12:21 pm »

Kemp you aint helping lmao.
Bay Dog
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« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2012, 08:03:12 pm »

Just tryin to help Grin angel
Hog Doom
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« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2012, 08:05:46 pm »

sounds bad. did you get a MRI? they can atleast see whats goin on in there. and yes they love it. im on the loving side of it anyway Grin Evil

Matt H
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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2012, 09:29:08 pm »

I've had the exact same thing happen a bunch of times, dislocated my knee the first time when I was around 14, and its been giving me problems since and i'm 22 now. Ever since the first time I did it, its been a whole lot weaker, it doesn't take much to dislocate it now. I had am mri done and there was microtears in some of the ligaments, but nothing that they could do about it. The only advice I can give ya is to find a knee brace that you can stand to wear all the time. It'll help a bunch.

John Esker
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« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2012, 09:32:42 pm »

Lol guess it is funny for them but dang it hurts lmao.  No call the actual doc monday so hope to set something up with them.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2012, 10:08:57 pm »

I did that in the military. Put it back and had to walk a few miles to the nearest base and then I could get transport. When I got to a Dr I told her how it had come out. She asked if it went back by itself so I told her how I held the leg straight and picked up the knee cap and pulled it around to the front. That Dr asked "Didn't that hurt?" I told her "no, I want to do it again." She could not believe I put it back and then walked on it. I just asked what was I supposed to do just lay there and die. I don't think Dr's are all that bright.

So now I will tell you to just suck it up and stop that sniveling. Pain meds are for wimps. Just rub some dirt on it and get up.

Now when my knee pops out I have learned how to fall so it does not come all the way out and then get back up hoping nobody saw me fall. I have hunted with people running full speed to a bay. I just can't do that. They have better technology now but I was offered a surgery that would either work or I would not walk again when I did mine the first time. I am thinking about getting surgery on my knees because things are much better and I am tired of falling.

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CentralTex 254
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« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2012, 08:30:41 am »

When I messed mine up I ran side ways into the lawn mower with my knee acting a fool. It was the worst pain I've ever been in. Heres an injury list broke left ankle fractured one leg and both wrist and hands at the same time when I use to race motocross and all that wasn't anything to when I ran in to the lawn mower and dislocated it. The "docs" told me that i ripped the patella in my knee cap which is unhealable. But with lots of physical therapy it gets better and it won't dislocate as much because it build muscles in specific places to hold everything together. Or just go in an get another knee cap put in

Come and Take It
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Strike Dog
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« Reply #9 on: July 22, 2012, 08:52:51 am »

I've done the same thing to both knees.  It aint fun.  Started when I was playin ball in school.  Finally the docs figured out my knee caps werent sitting exactly where they were supposed to.  They offered surgery, but at 16 I said hell no.  Went to a good sports doc in orlando and he told me the best thing was physical therapy.  It helped while I stayed in shape.  But, the best way they explained it to me was...the outside of your quads are naturally stronger than the inside, so when you plant hard or get you knee in a bind the muscle pulls the knee cap that way.  And once you do it once, it just becomes easier for it to happen if you dont keep up with the physical therapy.

Good luck, you'll learn how and what you  can and cant do.  Just be careful.  I've dislocated mine missing a step and jumping down to keep from falling, climbing up a set of rocks while fishing....hell I could go on with that list forever...just take care of it.

Also, I aint a doc, but some other good advice I got was to keep it mobile.  If you have to wait till u see an orthopedic, dont just immobilize it.  I aint saying to walk around on it, just move it enough to keep from stoving up

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Catch Dog
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« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2012, 09:21:55 am »

Some big ole wolly mammoth lineman cut my legs out from under me in high school from the side and my knee did the same thing, I got an MRI and it showed that the ligaments weren't torn but stretched and that there was basically nothing that they could still hurts from time to time. Hasn't slipped out again but it just aches sometimes. I am not a whiner but it aches so bad that some nights I cant sleep.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2012, 12:18:56 pm »

Dislocated my shoulder in a fight in h.s. worst pain I've ever been in after that it didn't take much at all to dislocate it again finally had the surgery which I regret every time I stretch...good luck lol
Hog Doom
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« Reply #12 on: July 24, 2012, 11:49:30 am »

said looks like mcl torn and did somethin to patella and only mri will tell the rest
Hog Catching Machine
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« Reply #13 on: July 24, 2012, 12:36:22 pm »

Well good luck man,.....I don't envy you one bit.

It's easy to judge the character of a man, how he treats those that can do nothing for him.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #14 on: July 24, 2012, 09:08:13 pm »

Oh ya that hurts tore my acl an mcl steerwrestlinh 2 years ago , get ready to b on crutches for awhile
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