"Pedigree indicates what the animal should be. Conformation indicates what the animal appears to be. But PERFORMANCE indicates what the animal actually is."
I just watch it and laugh, because it's made for entertainment, and nothing more. Now I must say, if Robert were my brother and he pushed me like that, we'd have been fightin, lol.
~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~ www.southerncomfortcombine.webs.com*Proud member of the Mississippi Hunting Dog Association* ADBA Safe Dog Program Evaluator and Trainer
The show was entertaining and i guess thats what they were shooting for. The "big boar"  sure looked like he had been tuned up by a real dogger a day or two before. Ears gone and tore up and teeth dubbed.. If that dont tell ya its staged i dont know what..... I am sure the feud is just put on for a story line. He will shove her around a little more until she lines him out real good then they will come together and make daddy proud... Its all for ratings! They dont need to be showing injured dogs though.  10-4 on that.. I couldn't believe that big boar was so torn up. His ears looked like they'd already caught him 5 times. And you could definitely see his teeth had been knocked out. I love it how they make hogs out to be so vicious and deadly. The people on the East coast must be scared to death hogs will one say overrun new York city lol in most clips you can see a high fence in the background.. I agree on Robert being a DB, he wouldn't last a second around our crew. One minute he is screaming for help like a lil bitch and the next he's knockIng girls out of the way. Decent show, funny but definitely portrays us hog hunters in very redneck, hillbilly way I thought the same thing!
Forget pistol she looks like a dog and wears rodeo queen chaps hog hunting  !! Lea is the beauty queen and the only reason I watch the show besides laughing at the fact they catch more hogs in the open in one episode than I have ever mabie that's how they do it out west idk. It's entertainment just watching and making fun of the dumb stuff they say and rewinding and finding stuff like a man standing in front of a hog the dogs are chasing hiding behind some brush with his head sticking up like he didn't just let it up in front of the dogs.
For as much as pistol talked about the safety of the dogs she is all about being the center of attention even if that means leaving the dogs bayed. I know its all for TV but thy can make it a little more realistic, people that have never been watch that show and think its like that when you go.. I know I have never had a hunt that easy, there is always thick brush or a tank we have to get in. Like someone said earlier... The hogs ran in the middle of the camera crew.. And they always show the dogs pretty close to them then suddenly you hear a bark and it shows the dogs taking off haha.. I watch it to laugh.. but at times it pisses me off because I know its not like that.
I have to laugh. I'm not gonna get stuck!!!! Yeah right.
I love how dogs bark. Pan camera to show dogs standing around. BOOM...... Hog appears outta nowhere. My kinda hunting.
What channel is it on dish
ch 118
Who raises cows in a high fence ranch?
Can we bring Knightstockterriers back just for his American Hoggers opinions? I always enjoyed his Jerry Campbell rants. 
Who raises cows in a high fence ranch?
that's what i was thinking! And every hog they caught was right against the fence
Can we say STAGED !
Danged ole dirtydog ! LIVING THA DREAM !!!
T-Bob Parker
Who raises cows in a high fence ranch?
I have personally worked on 11 ranches that I can think of off the top of my head in north tx that are high fence operations but also have cattle for the purposes of keeping the brush eat down on shooting lanes and taxes
Windows Down, Waylon Up.
Circle C
Who raises cows in a high fence ranch?
I have personally worked on 11 ranches that I can think of off the top of my head in north tx that are high fence operations but also have cattle for the purposes of keeping the brush eat down on shooting lanes and taxes I think all but two of the high fence ranches that I have hunted in the hill country have cattle on them...
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
40000 acres?.......that whole lot of fence. Did they have Killer T-Rex hogs too?
I think the point is......if you paid 20k a mile for high fence on 40k acre a few calves isn't going to ruin your business. I just wish they would stop the bs storys.
There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.
"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off match.com" Rich.
M Bennet
its funny how we are making fun at them, but their the ones making money at what we love to do.
Monty Bennet
its funny how we are making fun at them, but their the ones making money at what we love to do.
the reason i dont like it and im not going to bash is what we love to do is hard work and thay make it look so easy