« on: May 12, 2009, 11:02:40 am » |
I have seen where people talk about differant bred Americans. What are the differant types and what is so important about them? Performance,Scotts,etc? I have seen two. One was over 100lbs and a pet. One is around 50-60 and is a catch dog.
There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.
"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off" Rich.
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2009, 11:29:23 am » |
johnsons are usually bigger, i do know that, the scotts are smaller, bred to be working dogs
I have 2... a female johnson type that is a pet, she weighs over 100 lbs, still might use her in the woods but itll be a place where id ride because she is just to damn big to be led thru the woods, plus i doubt she could go thru a whole hunt without passing out, lol
my male is a 70 lb smaller one, he is a pretty good catch dog, has a lot of energy
daniel (RIP on here) has a female scott type that is a RCD and a freak, she has more energy than most curs.
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2009, 11:46:06 am » |
Johnson type were developed as estate guardians...the old man put english bulldog, St. Bernard, and who knows what else into his dogs. Typically these dogs are larger (both male and female) in the 90-100+ range, bullier, and don't breathe as well.
Scott type (or performance) were developed/bred to work (catch work). Typically, they are in the 60-90 pound range, longer muzzle, more athletic.
Then there are "hybrids" - a cross of the Johnson and Scott types. Some of these look good and work...however, there isn't hardly any consistency in what they produce.
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2009, 11:51:28 am » |
The Johnson Bulldogs originated in Summerville, GA by Mr. John D. Johnson. The came from the old plantation line of Bulldogs in the South they were used more as guard dogs. The Scott line of dogs was developed by Alan Scott and were primarily used for catching cattle and hogs they have a longer snout and are generally smaller more athletic dogs. Johnson  Scott 
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2009, 12:01:02 pm » |
The discussion here seems to be revolving around the Scott and Johnson bull dogs so Ill try to keep my comments in line with that theme.....
I feel it is obvious that the Scott TYPE is both bred, and proves superior in the woods, as a working dog due to its physical structure. That being said, no matter the breeding, the TYPE is what matters. A dog does not have to be Scott bred to be a performance dog, regardless of the breeding, it will have to exhibit those physical characteristics, such as a longer nose, balanced body, muscle to weight ratio, deep chest, well sprung ribs etc., to preform.
Johnsons may throw a good performance catch dog some times and Scotts may throw an overweight short nosed future heat stroke on occasion. (granted that each would call such an occurrence a CULL)
I guess that my point is that each dog should be judged on its own merit regardless of that law of averages and regardless of its breeding. That applies to all catch dogs, not just those two breeders.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 12:04:00 pm by Monteria »
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2009, 12:04:52 pm » |
All basically correct answers.....a "modern" day johnson will not consistently work here big and to hot for them... A hybrid if you can find a good one can get it done but after 20 years the original 1/2 johnson and 1/2 scott/performance has degenerated to were you have to find breeders trying to use a performance type hybrid.... Performance/scott/woods dog types will prolly suit a man best for a useable woods catch dog. Here is Pee-Wee a performance/woods bred dog w/ NO Johnson blood at all. 95#s and 26 + in tall...    Pee-wees sire,Porky...all woods dog,no modern or main stream bloodlines   Pee-wee and his mom....  More to come....gotta eat lol
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2009, 12:45:11 pm » |
underdog do you own that porky dog?
was that pic taken at your place ?
it looks just like a guys place here in oklahoma
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2009, 01:13:46 pm » |
not bad info for the basics but it could be argued that the american bull dog is just over sized catch weight pit developed in a different direction than historically with x,y and z added for looks and size as needed or wanted,remember Jonh D and Alan were marketing these dogs for profit....and back when dog fighters did not really keep the big,large catch weight dogs...they were sent to the country for catch dogs and generally were less dog agressive than there smaller relatives. Probabally the reason the american bull dog used to be called the "american pitbull dog" ...just my thoughts... underdog do you own that porky dog?
was that pic taken at your place ?
it looks just like a guys place here in oklahoma
No but know the owner well and yes, the pic was taken at his place in Oklahoma.
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2009, 01:17:37 pm » |
Pecos21, no doubt these 2 men were the "forefathers" of the modern,marketable American bulldog.
is the guys name Bob , i forgot his last name
is the guys name Bob , i forgot his last name
Yes, did you ever see Porky or tammy in person? How bout Grub or July? PM..if you get a chance.
good lookin abs underdog shiner looks kinda similar to my dog Buddy  and here's Roxie, she is a pet. 
yes i have seen all of his dogs. really nice dogs..
that porky dog is the dad to Mike's Clifford dog.
i got a pair of dogs from Bob a few years back, he had a grey hound dog too. im not shure if he crossed it with the ab's or not.
i have lost touch with Bob , hows he doin?
Thanks Shawn....your male deos resemble is he bred? The female is the one you considered selling awhile back correct? they both look pretty nice. underdog
yes i have seen all of his dogs. really nice dogs..
that porky dog is the dad to Mike's Clifford dog.
i got a pair of dogs from Bob a few years back, he had a grey hound dog too. im not shure if he crossed it with the ab's or not.
i have lost touch with Bob , hows he doin?
Put the brakes on....Mike has a Porky son? could someone please get me a pic and more info on this dog? who was the female? I am very interested in this Cliford dog if anyone can fill me in please. Thanks. Craig, how long back has it been ? Porky has been dead for a bit..yes he did breed one of the stags to a Porky daughter... Here are two of the stag/bulls from him that reside here in Tx. Edited for....yes craig he is doing well as of last week lol.  
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 03:24:48 pm by UNDERDOG »
Thanks Shawn....your male deos resemble is he bred? The female is the one you considered selling awhile back correct? they both look pretty nice.
Not really sure on Buddy's breeding, my niece came up with him from a friend of hers who had mistakenly bought him thinking he'd look like an english bulldog...  ..  my niece gave him to me. Yeah I was thinkin of sellin Roxie but the wife put the brakes on that, I think she'd be a good breeding dog to a smaller male ab, like Buddy but as far as her catching she's just to big and clumsy...she's fast, and athletic, but really to big.
Man Clifford is the super star of this web site  clifford is out of a catahoula gyp Bob had. it has been a while about 5 or 6 years since i have talked to Bob i got clifford and a litter mate to him sold the brother to Doug Mason i think he ended up in Georgia ,Doug can correct me if im wrong. i had 2 more after that are still local. those crosses are cool looking dogs
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 03:32:15 pm by craig »
Circle C
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Man Clifford is the super star of this web site  I never said I was smart Is Clfford straight AB? if so he is prolly Porky x Tammy or Porky x ...crap can't remember her name right now.... Craig,Mike and Mr. Mason I assume that Clifford is a good dog correct? what was the reason for selling the brother? i had 2 more after that are still local.
How much of this blood can you put your hands on? Thanks for everthing. Thanks Circle C...any more info on him? Bryant