underdog clifford is out of a catahoula gyp Bob had, blue lep.
as good as they come, i think alot of people would second that.
those dogs just got bigger than i wanted .
thats all of those dogs i know about , except your dogs
does Bob have any dogs left?
Thanks Craig....was it one of the gyps in the tail gate shot I posted earlier? prolly the smaller one? or did you see the gyp?
Bob has a coupple left...I just got a gyp back from him we were breeding to July but it did not take....there are a couple around.
So Clifford is one of our famous "catahoula bulldogs" lol I am glad he is a good one,he may have had a coupple brothers named Danny boy and....?? Appreciate the info.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2009, 04:00:52 pm by UNDERDOG »
yeh, if she came from Bob i bet thats her
Yeah when look at those pics you can really tell he is built like his daddy. Clifford Getting it Done! 
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
Cool, Matt thanks and to everyone else...sorry for jackin this thread...I just get exited when I see old dogs I know of or had a hand in...thanks. yeh, if she came from Bob i bet thats her
I think he is from Leaah, the small cat gyp on the tail gate pic....she had cancer and was recently put down. If indeed that is his litter then the whole bunch of them turned out good but rough....
Circle C
Any chance the Stag crosses belong to Charles Gasch down in Pearsall?
Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Any chance the Stag crosses belong to Charles Gasch down in Pearsall?
Yes sir they do.....he really thinks highly of them.
small world after all 
Bryant, I got Clifford from Craig when he was around 1 1/2 old... he's 6 1/2 now. He's been a helluva catch dog for me. I love everything about him, his handle, his temperment, his size and catching ability. With the exception of the last year or two, he was the only catch dog on most hunts... caught a lot of big ones by himself. I always wondered what the dogs he's out of looked like... his daddy sure looked good. 
Mike, seriously, Clifford may be the coolest looking dog I have ever seen. and I have seen an a** load of dogs!!!
Thank you! 
Mike, seriously, Clifford may be the coolest looking dog I have ever seen. and I have seen an a** load of dogs!!!
No doubt, The first time I saw him, I was impressed. The pics dont really do justice, to show his size, I think. He's a big dog. On the subject of American Bulldogs....I have had an American/Pit cross and a full blooded American Bulldog. Thus far, I have been pretty impressed with them. The AB/Pitt cross was a heck of a dog. Straight ear, easy handle, and good winded. I lost him last summer. Sent him in to a bay, hog broke, and never seen hide or hair of him since. The full AB I got right after from hd curs. I really like this dog alot,he is also straight ear, super docile, easy handle, and good winded. He has taken his fair share of cuttins and never let go yet. I have to admit, I was suprised at how well these dogs could handle the heat and was impressed about the amount of grit they had. I dont know the breeding on either one, but they sure were and are good ones. Here are a few pics of them Cujo...AB/Pit cross. I am still hoping to find this dog and will still give a reward for any info. Lost in Riesel Tx  Bocephus on the right..Full AB..This ol dog has really impressed me.  Bocephus and my APBT Sadie on a early winter morning swim w/Bryant  SHNF 
Richard E.
Ammo got killed by a speeding truck after that we put Doc on a chain. Doc broke the chain and tried to jump the fence and got hung up.
Scott hit the nail on the head, except that performance type now typically is pit bull infused in them down the line, however, scott type was considered the performance type until Screamin Eagle, Dorsey, Hines, and several others added pits.(This is my opinion from what I have read over the years and is also the opinion of many other credible folks involved in the breed, but by no means a fact in most cases)
"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."