I still have my blue brindle pit for sale. He is 1 year and 2 months old. Caught few pigs with him, knows wat a bay is and catches hard on ear everytime. He is breed between gotti and razoredge bloodline. I bought this dog mostly for looks and also as a back up catch dog. He weights around 85 to 90 pounds really stocky and sharp looking, ears are clipped also. This dog can also be good for breeding if not hunted. I dnt wanna sale him but i gotta have the money asap. Iam asking $500 o.b.o will also throw in a 6 month old pit pup that is son to him as a bonus. The mom to him is a pitbull terrier which she is also a catchdog. I have pics of both dogs. #903-946-3195 located in Mount Vernon tx,