Been steady grindin' away at the swine as usual, but today was a real good day, so I thought I'd share with yall.
Whaler and I bumped on this ol' boarhog about 6 mnths ago, was invited to hunt with a feller(now a perty good friend

) on his deer dog lease and we beat that whole damn place up(15K acres) before ol' Whaler finally winded this boarhog from the road and bayed him up... sent Bucho in, hog broke and Whaler/Bucho went on with him into some BAD CHIT for almost a half mile before giving out...
... fast forward to today... shortly after that first encounter, the ol' boar picked up and moved somewhere, no more sign has been seen since. Well, got asked to come make a round early this AM and was at the gate at 0530... only to find out that some group from West Palm had beat the property up all night and beat us to the punch!

... Oh well, we were already locked and loaded so we eased in to see what trouble we could get into... after all, beats the hell out of sitting at the house lol!!!

As we eased in, had Whaler/Shiner up top and we came on a good track, goin' RIGHT to the rough area we'd tangled with the old boar previously... I WAS STOKED

... tried to put the A-Team on the track, they trailed in about 500yds but couldn't figure it out... the WHOLE half mile square block was bad flooded and dogs were trying to trail in chest deep water. Rode around the block and couldn't find a track comin' out, so I figgered he was in there SOMEWHERE

... so got down wind and stabbed in on foot!!!
Waded through some rough chit, before they pulled out on scent... 2,3,400yds later... bayed solid

Painstakenly made our way to them through the gallberry/vines/palmetto/thorns, and water...

... got to a small, BAD thick patch and seemed like the two were split bayed as they were both barking at about 50yds apart... got a bit closer and they came back together... hmmm.... I eased in ahead of the group with Bucho to seal the deal, at around 10yds, cut the Bucho to him....
Bucho smashed his way in through the heavy brush and I heard the hit, big, deep grunting and thrashing... as I went to pick my foot up to run in and help...
... Have any of yall ever watched the movie Predator? lol... At one point in the movie, a huge "jungle boar" comes flying through the air and hits a guy... well, if you HAVE seen that movie, then you can appreciate that when I say this sombitch came at me fast... I AM NOT JOKING

... To my suprise, I see this big hog steaming head-long at me at FULL DAMN STRIDE. ... now I have always taken great pride in my athleticism/reaction under pressure.... in this half of a second, I felt as though I was paralyzed as the big hog, at full gallop, ran right to me...
... RUNNING DEAD ASS BETWEEEN MY DAMN LEGS.... without ever missing a step.

... have to admit, it happened so fast, all I was able to do was close my eyes in the attempt to brace for impact lol... I felt his broad back actually lift me off my feet as he passed under me lol...
... Shine was right on his ass and bayed him up about a hundred yds away... thinking the hog had broke/tossed Bucho, I went to callin' trying to get the Buch back... but he did not come... started to push into the heavy brush as I heard him in there moving around... when I finally made it in... found a HELL of a good black boar caught with Bucho on one ear and Whaler on the other!!!

... Hollered my help in, handled hog, and sent Whaler on to help his momma... walked Bucho in and caught the second hog, a good barr. Both had good teeth and my inner thighs are still trying to forget that fact lol...

My three best... as for the guys holding them... I guess they'll do

... the work "fruition" comes to mind when I tell this story... I have put much effort and thought into raising/training a set of dogs that can produce this type of hog consistently without getting cut to hell... In this sense I am deeply gratified... I am happy with my dogs.
... having said this, I'm sure they will all get their heads cut off next wknd lol... but I'll always have this memory HAHA

Whaler and SJ... both excellent products of a my training regime

Lee and a sow(Sawfish/Camo/Spinner) from a god-awful grape-vine/briar crawl from hell.... good times

Have some good video but my phone went swimming today lol... might try to put them up if I can salvage any