1st I have a 2.5 yr old Bluetick gyp. She is my main strike dog, but is open! She will hunt out about 400-500 yrds and will get out further in sign! She has a really cold nose and will not stop hunting!! I have had her for about 1-1.5 and she has gotten really good with me! She will open up before she sees pigs, but when she opens on trail it won't be long till she is bayed up!
2nd I have a 2.5 yr old male BMC. He wont hunt out to far by himself, only about 100 yrds out, but he has found me a couple hogs.. He will go out with other dogs, and as soon as they bay he will be there. He is really rough, he will try to catch any size hog! I haven't had this dog long, but he is everything the guy said he was!
3rd I have a 1-1.5 yr old 1/2 Plott 1/2 Catahoula. She is just started but has already found 4 hogs for me and is turnin out real good! I have hunted her with the bluetick and she hunts right with her and she will NOT open on trail! Only when looking at a hog! She's not real rough but will put teeth on a runner and get in its face and bay!
4th I have a 1.5 yr old rednose Pit catch dog. He has caught many of hogs for me and he catches hard! He will hit ear and if the ears are takin he will catch on jaw or on the end of the nose right below the eyes! U need a break stick to get him off!
5th I have a 7/8 Cat 1/8 Walker pup out of MBennets yard. She is 9 months I think and has been started on hogs.. She has been in the bay been a couple times, but hasn't been to the woods yet.
I will show these dogs hunt in the woods, or u can have a trial with cash in hand!
I am asking $800 for the bluetick, $325 for BMC, $200 for plott/cat, $250 for cd, and $100 for the pup.
I have pics and videos of the dogs working!
Call or text me at 5124220198 Don't call from 8am-3:30 because I will be in school.