« on: September 11, 2012, 09:38:16 pm » |
Who all fixes there dogs? My mt curr has came into heat and the last thing i need is a litter of mutts. My question is who has had there dogs fixed and how/if did it change them... Did they have excessive weight gain? Did it change there hunt drive? Any advise is great. Dont wanna risk ruining my dog over setting her out for 2 weeks every 6 months ya know. Thank u
sshh... ya hear that??? there bayed boys!!!!! TDHA Member
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2012, 09:44:22 pm » |
shouldn't hurt the hunt none at all but imo neither should detting up through a heat cycle
hattak at ofi piso
Bawl Mouth
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2012, 09:52:03 pm » |
Ive got a fixed female and was sort of sceptical.........But it is well worth it. No worries about who i put her in the box with or when. Their the way to go for me
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2012, 09:56:54 pm » |
Reason i ask is because my friend i hunt with all his dogs r males, i just have my female mt curr and male pit, so now that shes in heat im afraid i gotta leave her home cause of the other dogs, dont wanna place there drive off of hogs onto her
sshh... ya hear that??? there bayed boys!!!!! TDHA Member
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2012, 10:12:51 pm » |
I got one thats fixed and she still burns the woods up little on the over weight side
Bawl Mouth
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2012, 10:18:19 pm » |
I haven't seen any negative affects
M Bennet
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2012, 10:20:24 pm » |
they lose their drive as they get older ,
Monty Bennet
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2012, 10:33:09 pm » |
My best dog is fixed. She prolapsed when she had her first litter of pups at 3 years old. It did'nt affect her at all but she was a grown dog with alot of hunting and hogs under her belt. I've seen others that were fixed and they hunted good but I have seen a couple that it changed. Me personally, I would'nt do it unless I just had to for medical reasons or unless she was a dog that I knew I would never want to breed. What's a couple of weeks. Leave her at the house and just hunt behind your buddies dogs. You don't have to have a dog in the pack to have a good time. It would really suck if in 2 or 3 years she was the best dog in your part of the country and all you could do is remember the day you had her spayed and say that you wish she could have some pups. JMO.
A scared dog dont get no meat !
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2012, 10:33:38 pm » |
My lead dog is fixed. I got her fixed cus she was bred to my bulldog. MY FAULT. Dumb mistake. But i will say that i like her better now. This was last year. All she wants to do not is get gone and burn the woods up. And shes not as moody when i put her in the box with other dogs.
Seth Gillespie
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2012, 10:36:01 pm » |
My best dog is fixed. She prolapsed when she had her first litter of pups at 3 years old. It did'nt affect her at all but she was a grown dog with alot of hunting and hogs under her belt. I've seen others that were fixed and they hunted good but I have seen a couple that it changed. Me personally, I would'nt do it unless I just had to for medical reasons or unless she was a dog that I knew I would never want to breed. What's a couple of weeks. Leave her at the house and just hunt behind your buddies dogs. You don't have to have a dog in the pack to have a good time. It would really suck if in 2 or 3 years she was the best dog in your part of the country and all you could do is remember the day you had her spayed and say that you wish she could have some pups. JMO.
But id go with this. I wish i had some pups out of her.
Seth Gillespie
Bawl Mouth
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2012, 08:10:32 am » |
My spayed bitch is 6 and she'll hunt all week. But if you dont hunt em much im sure they get fat and lose drive.
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2012, 08:51:19 am » |
My cousin has a brindle bitch thats fixed.. She came to him from some people that had her as a house dog and had no idea what a hog was. That was probly 4 years ago, she was about 3 when he got her.. she is as solid as you can get imo and other than being a lil over weight shes the most consistent dog I have ever hunted behind.. Would love to get some pups outa that dog but owell thats the only down side to a fixed dog to me..
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2012, 09:09:22 am » |
Only "fixed" dog i have is my male bulldog. he got to my gyp who was in heat the day before i had him fixed. ALL the pups are making damn good dogs. Now I wish i hadnt have done it.
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2012, 09:22:09 pm » |
I had both my females spayed about 2 years ago.... they're both about 6 now and hunt even harder than before. My dogs go long periods without being hunted since hogs are scarce around here and I can't tell that they're slowing down any at all when I put them back in the woods. Good luck.
It's easy to judge the character of a man, how he treats those that can do nothing for him.
« Reply #14 on: September 13, 2012, 06:49:13 am » |
Every bit of advise ive gotten on this subject is great.. Thanks to everyone thats shared.. But it seems like its just a game of chance now.. If i get it done she could stay the same or get greater, or it could backfire and her get fat lol and not have the equal amount of drive... This is the 1st time shes come in since i had her i think im going to ride it out, leave her home come hunt time and just see how everything works out. I would like to just get her fixed but as yall know theres risks and i havent been put in a spot to take them risks yet. Thanks for all the advise
sshh... ya hear that??? there bayed boys!!!!! TDHA Member
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2012, 08:03:22 am » |
Give her a teaspoon of powdered alum in her food bout twice a week for couple weeks I tried this on my gyp, she came into heat all the time before but after trying this she hasn't came back in depends on dog but I've heard this can keep them from coming into heat for as much as a year. Then you really want to breed her just get a shot from vet to bring her in.
Have patience, put forth the effort into training, and watch the fruits of your labor stop squealing monsters in their tracks. No greater satisfaction than that.
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2012, 09:59:12 am » |
Give her a teaspoon of powdered alum in her food bout twice a week for couple weeks I tried this on my gyp, she came into heat all the time before but after trying this she hasn't came back in depends on dog but I've heard this can keep them from coming into heat for as much as a year. Then you really want to breed her just get a shot from vet to bring her in.
Whats powered alum and where can you get it?
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2012, 04:13:15 pm » |
Give her a teaspoon of powdered alum in her food bout twice a week for couple weeks I tried this on my gyp, she came into heat all the time before but after trying this she hasn't came back in depends on dog but I've heard this can keep them from coming into heat for as much as a year. Then you really want to breed her just get a shot from vet to bring her in.
Whats powered alum and where can you get it? x2
sshh... ya hear that??? there bayed boys!!!!! TDHA Member
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2012, 10:07:03 am » |
I got a fixed female been fixed since 6 months and she's 18 months just watch the amount of feed you feed them and amount of exercise shes not over weight and will flat out go weather you hunt her all week or just once month she's been out for 3 months because of the heat and spider bite when we go you better be ready to cover some ground cause her and max my buddies dog are going to get gone in a hurry.
Off the hood and on the run its bout to get fun
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2012, 11:37:23 pm » |
You can get powdered alum from the grociery store its an ingredient used in pickling, an old hog hunter told me this a while back and I gave it a shot and so far its worked great. The gyp I use it on comes into heat after everytime that I run her, so up until now I haven't been able to use her much but since trying this she has went from barely started to gaining on my lead dogs heals at an astonishing rate, starting to think shes one of the smartest dogs I have she retains training like a sponge. I got my powdered alum from spice aisle in walmart n I just use a table spoon twice a week for three weeks initially and bout one tablespoon a month now, the guy that told me this said that after he used it his gyps wouldn't come in until he went and got a shot for them and he hunted 30 + years.
Have patience, put forth the effort into training, and watch the fruits of your labor stop squealing monsters in their tracks. No greater satisfaction than that.