down with the sickness- disturbed seven nation army- white stripes enter the sandman- metallica closer- nine inch nails dog huntin man- david cooler ambitions of a ryder- tupac Bawitdaba- kid rock
and by far #1 hog dog song-> Eye of a Hog Dog- Blooms Brothers theme
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 05:54:46 pm by Texas_Cur »
"Don't make it easy. Make it perfect." --Jonathan Hayes
"You can get high like Uncle Ted, from massive horn." --Ted Nugent
“If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven't done anything today.” --Lou Holtz
i was looking at youtube vidios once and somebody had remicksed the song eye of the tiger and made it eye of the pig dog
yal prolly haven't heard of them but pretty much any Rahmstein song (spelling)
we used to listen to swamp music by lynyrd skynyrd before every hunt, but i think it was bad luck, kept having dry runs,,,  has a cool line in it about hounds catching coons
the best song would have to be "here comes the boom" by "P.O.D" for those one out hit ups. or "collerina" or "born again pigger" by james McKay. there on youtube
Till death do they part:) luggers for life!
Boar Collector
yal prolly haven't heard of them but pretty much any Rahmstein song (spelling)
Du Hast is a good one.
"Them pigs can run.. but they'll only die tired"
agreed texas hog dogs
"here comes the boom" i think it's by saliva. set it to the music where every time they say "boom" you see a catch dog hit an ear.
that song about old red helping the guy escape from prison hillbilly deluxe turnip greens
"swamp music" by lynyrd skynyrd if anyone's making a coondog video.
yea i would say that the david coolers dog hunting man would be a good one...look into colt ford songs he is sorta country rapper...and just about any southern rock would be awesome
Mine is Bart Crow Band the wear my ring song we alll use to play it a bunch and right when we would get into listen to it we would strike a bay so i guess you could say its our lucky song
If your wife makes you sale your dogs, you divorce her.
Run through the Jungle- Creedence Clearwater Revival Blake Shelton- 'Ol Red
Ole RED! It's the first one that came to my mind. I know it's in regards to a prison break but it is also about a Redbone that let something pretty powerful  mess him up.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 12:03:25 am by Purebreedcolt »
the intro song we have on our Doggin Texas 1 dvd is still one of my favorites, "the game" by drowning pool. just gets the adrenaline pumpin! 
Any of the old Southern Rock: Skynyrd, Allman Brothers, Molly Hatchett, Blackfoot, Foghat, etc.
definitely david cooler!!!! dog hunting man!!
colt ford ride through the country or huntin the world
saddle up by michael knight
lynyrd skynyrd swamp music
Hank jr family tradition
charlie daniels band long haired county boy
smokin armadillos im a cowboy
these are just a couple i like!!
Chris Knight's. "old Man" song..............there is a line that says "I had an old dog, he lived 15 years, train got his leg, coon got his ear.....he loved to hunt, and he loved to fight, the way I used to be on a Saturday night." That makes me thing of some hog dogs.
Cory Morrow "Well the Doc. said son you gotta quit this live you lead before you die, I said I can't quit, its all I know, and I can't afford to die. How i'm supposed to pay your bill when I'm six feet in the ground, and who in the He!! is gonna feed my dogs when I'm no longer around?"
toothless old hound
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 12
roly poly by bob wills is a good hunting somg. I dont know why it gets me in the huntin mood. Mayb daddys little fatty reminds me of a big fat barrow.
I also liek dualing banjos. I know thats a little sick cause that guy in that movie says Im gonna make you squeal like a pig. So that little diddy makes me think of huntin pigs. Kinda makes me antcy too in case I ever ran into a weird guy like that on my place. Im afraid id have to shoot him cause i'm not about to get myselfd all bound up in a situation like that no way. No sir Id just have to fight my way out of that one and leave the sorry sucher in the woods wher only me and charlie knew where he was. Man I don't want to turn out now thinkin about that movie.
Trail barkin' like a Blue Tick in a 'Coon preserve!
I saw a similar thread like this and everyone that posted a song tried to put a youtube link or another link to the song. That way everyone did not have to look it up to hear it. Something to think about. Some good songs. A few I hadn't heard.