stay classy?
Hog Dog Pup
Posts: 1
My leopard curs are way worse than my bulldogs. Never had my bulldogs jump a dog but my hounds after the pig is dead will without warning jump my bulldogs without hesitation so im not shere if you can blame a bulldogs breed if they are worked with proparly.
please dont take this personally, but id discipline those leopard curs too. if it didn't work, id cull them just as fast. no dog is gonna start a fight in my pack, regardless of breed.
another good way to avoid fights is to make them leave out and go hunt some more. they shouldn't be hanging around trying to claim the pig. while you're making them leave, make sure someone else has the bulldogs leashed up and separated from the pack until it's time to move on.
Culling a 10 month old pit bull for fighting after it is turned on is about like culling your curs for baying cows at that age. You just correct the problem. A good way is too take the dog away from it having sight of the hog, make it sit' and calm it down with long strokes down its side while praising the dog. Sometimes they may need an attention getter but it isnt something that can be fixed faster than getting another dog.
"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."
Caddo co. hog dog
I gotta question if yall dont mind.. I have a catch dog that i started and so far i would say finished.. I got him from a pound, they said he was an inside the house kinda dog. (inside dog) i guess you could say guard dog. He will show his old traits sometimes if he doesnt know a person. Just a small growl and once a guy walked up to him and he ran under the truck and growled.. lol very vicious.. just playin but anyway i was just wonderin what yall thought about it. I holler at him and most of the time he stops
All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
mutt hunter
A friend is hunting with a pit and dogo down in South Africa, the pit is so HEATED even after the catch that he redirect after the hog is dead towards the other dog - literally jump on the dogo (Which is a BAD move, since the dogo is not the one saying no to a fight either, but he wont start it). It starts to destroy the other dogs temperament too, since he is ofcouse watching his back after the catch, so the situation develops.
He has to keep them appart for at least 30-40 minutes before the pit is down again. On some few hunts he had to quit after the first pig is down.
I guess this is not very typicial for a pit ?
The pitt is 10 month only and quite a catcher already. He hunts 4-5 times a month.
Any suggestions ?
i havent read the whole story but i say cull. or neuter and train it out of him. pits like that are what give them a bad name. just like our good bred hog dogs are natural hunters some pits are natural fighters because they were bred for that in the past and some still are. i would try to hunt him with a very good shock collar and when he shows aggression towards anything but a pig light em up and make sure its something he wont forget. but cut the balls off for sure
Caddo I raise mine from pups usally alway raise them with cur pups I never let one fight or growl over a food bowl.nor at my kids but your dog being a older dog might just be protecting your home just let him know you don't approve of him being mean. I also agree with jeff don't let any dog fight over a hog not just a pit!
Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal) Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Are yall saying that you should cull a pit because it is dog aggressive?
Joey, Yes. In my eyes anyways. Ellis, When I was looking for a catchdog a while back I called one guy to talk to him about one he was selling. He told me she was solid but I would have to watch her after the catch. She would get alittle "grab happy" after you broke her off. I told him thanks and hung up. I dont expect a driven dog to go from 90 to nothing but a pit has to know what they can or cant catch. Like I said, too much damage can be done. Too many dogs out there that dont act a fool. Shawn, Stay classy. Although some of the cd i have owned never did this the ones that did seemed to be the better ones, heck i have been around ALOT of good cur dogs that did the same thing after the catch, they claimed the hog to be theres and didnt want another dog around that hog, although the curs may not do as bad damage i sure as hell aint gonna hang up on some of the dogs i have seen do that if they were for sale. And it aint like they jumped another dog and went to town it was more of a quick growl bark and then they realized what they were doing was wrong... But to each his own in this circumstance i WOULDNT CULL at 10mnths old just a good old fashion whoopin 
Hunt Hard or STAY HOME! "If the dog won't leave and go look, I'm not wasting my time." Quoted by Bryant.
stay classy?
Shawn is one of the classiest hog hunters i have had the chance to meet he would give the shirt off his back anyday of the week. 
Hunt Hard or STAY HOME! "If the dog won't leave and go look, I'm not wasting my time." Quoted by Bryant.
Caddo co. hog dog
Caddo I raise mine from pups usally alway raise them with cur pups I never let one fight or growl over a food bowl.nor at my kids but your dog being a older dog might just be protecting your home just let him know you don't approve of him being mean. I also agree with jeff don't let any dog fight over a hog not just a pit!
He has no dog aggressions at all.. He only growls at people he dont know..
All things work together for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
"Too many dogs out there dont act a fool." Thats because they are not properly trained. Dont cull a pit for getting stirred up at a young age especially if he is getting the job done. Just doesnt make a bit of sense unless you are scared of them.
"You lose a lot of money chasing hogs and women, but never lose women chasing money."