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Author Topic: To the Obama supporters.  (Read 11782 times)
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #20 on: November 02, 2012, 03:56:48 pm »

So are you going to give me the 20-30 thousand I need or what???  I need to know pretty soon.

Don't tread on me.
hogdog hunter86
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« Reply #21 on: November 02, 2012, 04:02:22 pm »

you dont have a job im talking about old people and the sick kids that need to fix there home or get
 help with doctor bills stuff like that hell come cut my grass i pay 250 to cut it all i have is a front yard to cut it takes about 1 1/2 hours to cut
Hog Doom
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Trenton Wilbanks Daingerfield,Tx

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« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2012, 04:14:13 pm »

you dont have a job im talking about old people and the sick kids that need to fix there home or get
 help with doctor bills stuff like that hell come cut my grass i pay 250 to cut it all i have is a front yard to cut it takes about 1 1/2 hours to cut


I'll do it!!!   If you let me mow it once a week, I'll be able to buy a Dogo in only 2 months!!!  Grin
Catch Dog
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« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2012, 04:16:31 pm »

you dont have a job im talking about old people and the sick kids that need to fix there home or get
 help with doctor bills stuff like that hell come cut my grass i pay 250 to cut it all i have is a front yard to cut it takes about 1 1/2 hours to cut


I'll do it!!!   If you let me mow it once a week, I'll be able to buy a Dogo in only 2 months!!!  Grin
Lol. This is gunna get good.  Your hell when well
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #24 on: November 02, 2012, 04:20:42 pm »

He replied very emphatically that socialism for the common man is a good thing...Is this really the consensus of Obama supporters and why they support him so excitedly.

Hmmmm.  I guess I will be your huckleberry.

This is not the concensus of why people support him.  Much less "excitedly so".  Like all groups of people, I think there are many reasons.  Some support him because they believe he is the better choice.  Some support him because in their view he is the "lesser of two evils".  Some support him because they dislike Romney.

I am an independent voter.  I have never voted a straight ticket.  I don't care much on the state/local level about party affiliation.  I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal.  I do not believe that most voters fall into the false dichotomy of only the left or right.

From a fiscally conservative viewpoint, both the Rs and the Ds overspend.  It is sooooo annoying.  I think either candidate will continue that, just as their predecessors did.

From a socially liberal viewpoint, I do not like the positions Romney has taken.  I much prefer those of Obama.

So I think I will likely vote for Obama.  It is a moot vote.  I live in Texas.  I hope that explains that not all those who support Obama support him because of socialism.

Now let's discuss socialism.  That term is one who evokes fear in most of us.  So I think we need to first define it.  I googled and couldn't find one common definition.  The most common aspects I could find were that "socialism is in one form or another the use of taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability".  I don't know that I agree with that definition.  Under it, such group things that are beneficial to all society are socialism.  That would include the military, highways and roads, police, fire depts, postal service, garbage service, prisons, public schools  ...  and those are the ones I can think of at this moment.

I think there is another category that technically falls under "socialism".  Social Security comes to mind.  But since I have paid into it (involuntarily) for 35 years and soon will be able to benefit from it  ...  I don't advocate its dismantling.  I am annoyed/offended that in the 60's, congress passed a law that changed the way it was accounted for.  They count it both as a liability (it is a separate fund afterall) and yet they count it as revenue for budgetary purposes.  So when they say they ran a budget deficit of $X, that has been reduced by the excess social security funds that they issued a treasury note for.  No other entity in the world does that, to my knowledge.

Then there are the safety nets.  This is where I think it gets tricky as to where to draw the line.  We have medicare for the elderly.  That is socialism.  But I support it.  There is something about casting aside someone who is elderly that bothers me.  By the same token, I do not support the common practice of heroic procedures for the elderly.  Where to stop is difficult to agree upon.  

Food.  I grew up poor.  I starved.  I went to bed hungry too many times.  So I may view this somewhat differently.  I think children need to be assisted at times.  To allow children to starve in order to lower my taxes is not palatable to me.  I do think this area is abused by adults, but that does not change regardless of who is president.

I think there are socialist programs that need to be revised or eliminated.  Among them  ...  government agencies such as the EPA, FDA, etc.  Corporate welfare & subsidies, the farm subsidies, the tax code, support for PBS, museums, symphonies and arts, etc.

In summary, we live in a sound bite world today.  Yet when the dust is settled, most of the issues are way more complex than can be resolved with a sound bite.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #25 on: November 02, 2012, 04:35:14 pm »

Ha, I might believe a directional driller. I defitenely don't believe your any kind of engineer, my 4 yr. old niece has better grammar and sense than you. How do you survive out there with the roughnecks knowing you support Obama?

Drill here drill now
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« Reply #26 on: November 02, 2012, 04:52:46 pm »

He replied very emphatically that socialism for the common man is a good thing...Is this really the consensus of Obama supporters and why they support him so excitedly.

Now let's discuss socialism.  That term is one who evokes fear in most of us.  So I think we need to first define it.  I googled and couldn't find one common definition.  The most common aspects I could find were that "socialism is in one form or another the use of taxpayer funds being used collectively to benefit society as a whole, despite income, contribution, or ability".  I don't know that I agree with that definition.  Under it, such group things that are beneficial to all society are socialism.  That would include the military, highways and roads, police, fire depts, postal service, garbage service, prisons, public schools  ...  and those are the ones I can think of at this moment.

I think there is another category that technically falls under "socialism".  Social Security comes to mind.  But since I have paid into it (involuntarily) for 35 years and soon will be able to benefit from it  ...  I don't advocate its dismantling.  I am annoyed/offended that in the 60's, congress passed a law that changed the way it was accounted for.  They count it both as a liability (it is a separate fund afterall) and yet they count it as revenue for budgetary purposes.  So when they say they ran a budget deficit of $X, that has been reduced by the excess social security funds that they issued a treasury note for.  No other entity in the world does that, to my knowledge.

I agree...
Then there are the safety nets.  This is where I think it gets tricky as to where to draw the line.  We have medicare for the elderly.  That is socialism.  But I support it.  There is something about casting aside someone who is elderly that bothers me.  By the same token, I do not support the common practice of heroic procedures for the elderly.  Where to stop is difficult to agree upon.  

Food.  I grew up poor.  I starved.  I went to bed hungry too many times.  So I may view this somewhat differently.  I think children need to be assisted at times.  To allow children to starve in order to lower my taxes is not palatable to me.  I do think this area is abused by adults, but that does not change regardless of who is president.

I think there are socialist programs that need to be revised or eliminated.  Among them  ...  government agencies such as the EPA, FDA, etc.  Corporate welfare & subsidies, the farm subsidies, the tax code, support for PBS, museums, symphonies and arts, etc.

In summary, we live in a sound bite world today.  Yet when the dust is settled, most of the issues are way more complex than can be resolved with a sound bite.

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2012, 04:57:39 pm »

you dont have a job im talking about old people and the sick kids that need to fix there home or get
 help with doctor bills stuff like that hell come cut my grass i pay 250 to cut it all i have is a front yard to cut it takes about 1 1/2 hours to cut

Oh no, I've got a job and a very good one, but you specifically said you would help anyone that needs help.  I need help, I don't want to pay for it by myself, that sucks I will never get a Dogo doing that on my own. Cry  Please help me Mr.  I can't drive your way to mow your yard if I can't pay for the truck lol.  Can I get it in advance?  Just pay me up front and I will figure out everything else later on down the road. 

Don't tread on me.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #28 on: November 02, 2012, 04:59:56 pm »

Ha, I might believe a directional driller. I defitenely don't believe your any kind of engineer, my 4 yr. old niece has better grammar and sense than you. How do you survive out there with the roughnecks knowing you support Obama?

Now that's funny right there....  My papa quit scholl in the 6th grade because his father got hurt and became disabled, he was the oldest so he went to work, he can write better than this fella shows....  Hes 76 now and can prob. use a computer just as well too. 

Don't tread on me.
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2012, 05:03:00 pm »

Say whats on your mind boys I dont give a dam I got money and I give it to anyone who need help
I work hard for my money I live by god and help anyone I can love to hunt but what ever all
Say it goes in one ear and out the other I got the I don't give a dam going on in my mind that
The only thing wrong with me I like this stuff we went from dogos to pits to Obama keep
Talking I have nothing better to do today but this and I'm a work what do yall think about that
It's hard making $250,000 a year but I try

   After the first of the year The EPA ( Environmental Protection Agency ) will be turned loose by Obama to reak havoc and impose extreme regulations on the Operators ( that is the companies that pay to have the wells drilled and where you get all your money). These regulations will make it to expensive for most of the Operators to keep working. I don't know what your trade is in the oilfield but it will affect everybody from the top down. If the Operators do not work then neither do we. These regulations will also affect the coal industry, steel industry, manufacturing industry, electric companies and anything else that is deemed to put off carbon emissions which includes automobiles ( horseless carriages Grin ) and heavy equipment. Maybe you should try talking to some of the owners and operators of the companies that sign our checks and get their opinions on what will happen to the oilfield if Obama gets reelected. It might change your mind although I doubt it. You seem to be more worried about free college for your kids and getting taken care of even though you admitted that you make $250,000 a year, your words. Just remember that nothing in this world is free and a college education is no good if you can not find a job and I believe you will see the cost of Obama sooner than later.

                                            To everybody else.

   I hope and think that Romney will win but four more years of Obama might actually be a good thing for America as bad as I hate to say it. I believe that we could recover from the effects of four more years, it would be hard but possible. The good that it would accomplish would be that it would open the eyes of most people when it comes to the true Democrat party. They would realize that the Democrat party is not the same party that it was 15 to 20 years ago or atleast they are not trying to cover up their agenda and hide their hard left socialist thinking as much as in the past. I believe that four more years of Obama would be the death of the Democrat party, they just do not realize it yet. I believe that alot of the " 47 % " want to work and would if given the opportunity and four more years of high unemployment and record debt and deficits will light a fire under those people and make them jump ship. They will finally see that socialism does not work. It will not be to late like it is in Europe because there will be enough of us left that remember what this great nation was founded on and what it was like before Obama. Just stock up on ammo in case we have to fight the ones that do not jump ship.

A scared dog dont get no meat !
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2012, 05:14:28 pm »

When ever people say they are ok with socialism. Grab what ever they have and divide it between the two of you... Works great if the ate eating or drinking some thing. Then say... Good, so you mind this.

"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
Hog Doom
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« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2012, 05:17:18 pm »

i cant wait to see noah and his reply to this

Matt H
Cleveland, OH
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« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2012, 05:21:33 pm »

When ever people say they are ok with socialism. Grab what ever they have and divide it between the two of you... Works great if the ate eating or drinking some thing. Then say... Good, so you mind this.

So I assume you are opposed to social security and medicare.  Most of us have family members that utilize these programs.

Are you opposed to the tax subsidies that farmers and the oil industry get?  I can't think of one area that has more socialism than our current tax code.  It is bought and paid for.

How do you feel about the new highway from Austin to I-10?  The government condemed the land and the allowed a private company to build a toll road.
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« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2012, 05:22:28 pm »

I was very tough for me as a kid...if I told you you might not believe it... Smiley so I am very sensitive to the needs of children and the elderly...and I always said I don't mind paying my share of taxes...well at 57 I don't have much time left to get ready if I am to maintain my standard of goal is the same and I failed on the first attempt but the goal is the same but how to get there has changed...

but here lately I keep thinking about all the wasteful spending that the government keeps doing with our tax fix the problem they need to get on the same retirement plan the average American gets to have...

My alarm was going off at 3 am and I was working 6 days a week 12 hrs. a day for a good while...but I normally work 48-54 hours a week anyway but usually get up at 5 a...don't get me wrong...I do appreciate my job but when I am driving to work early in the morning I think about those who don't go to work that are able to do so...and I have been paying my taxes faithfully without complaint...

Today I paid taxes on my 10 acres, right at 1000 dollars and right at 1500 dollars for my house taxes...just paid over 3000 dollars on house insurances, oh....and 400 dollars for flood insurance...then I get taxed at the gas pump and when I buy dog food and clothing I get taxed is never ending....everyone wants a piece of my pie...  Huh?

to me most systems are set up with good intentions but then greed sets in and in a few years it goes south...some of the systems that are meant to help the needy are are great if you are truly needy but these systems need to be set up to help people get out of the rut and not keep them there...

I choose to do what I do because I want to have things but I also want to lead my family through example and my hope is that they rise higher than I...

Training dogs is not about quantity, it's more about timing, the right situations, and proper guidance...After that it's up to the dog...
A hunting dog is born not made...
Boar Slayer
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« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2012, 05:23:04 pm »

When ever people say they are ok with socialism. Grab what ever they have and divide it between the two of you... Works great if the ate eating or drinking some thing. Then say... Good, so you mind this.

I bet they get real mad if you reach over and take a bite out of their sandwich. Grin
I really do not believe that Obama wants a socialist America. He is after a world under one Govt. and he wants to be king of the world !

A scared dog dont get no meat !
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« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2012, 07:09:29 pm »

I wish to ask the Obama supporters and those that may vote for him a question. Let's hull 'er down to the cob here boys,.....this is my question: How can you support/vote for a man that refuses to salute the American flag?

It's easy to judge the character of a man, how he treats those that can do nothing for him.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2012, 07:17:52 pm »

I wish to ask the Obama supporters and those that may vote for him a question. Let's hull 'er down to the cob here boys,.....this is my question: How can you support/vote for a man that refuses to salute the American flag?
His Beliefs and what he stands for and supports in general is y i will never vote for him.

I gotta pack'a pigs Bayed tight in'a Bryar patch!! -945 BOAR BUSTERS-
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #37 on: November 02, 2012, 07:52:20 pm »

I wish to ask the Obama supporters and those that may vote for him a question. Let's hull 'er down to the cob here boys,.....this is my question: How can you support/vote for a man that refuses to salute the American flag?

Really?  That is your "issue"?  He does/has saluted the American flag.  I am unaware of any time when he has refused.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #38 on: November 02, 2012, 07:56:01 pm »

but here lately I keep thinking about all the wasteful spending that the government keeps doing with our tax money...

just paid over 3000 dollars on house insurances, oh....and 400 dollars for flood insurance...

The government at most levels wastes tax dollars.  Regardless of who is the president.

You do realize that your homeowners insurance is not a government program.  It is a commercial enterprise.  You are not required by the government to have it.
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« Reply #39 on: November 02, 2012, 08:26:55 pm »

Firemedic, it is simple, they are communist sympothizers. A person who refuses to place their hand over their heart during the national anthem aint much of an smerican, muchless a human and the same to hus supporters.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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