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Author Topic: To the Obama supporters.  (Read 11798 times)
brad s
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« Reply #80 on: November 04, 2012, 06:43:01 pm »

I think everyone below the mason dixon should their own president and let those yanks screw themselves. Jus sayin

I go where the dogs go!
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« Reply #81 on: November 04, 2012, 08:46:24 pm »

Do you hunt?
Would you like your children & grandchildren to have the right to hunt?
Are you employed by a state agency?
Is your employment tied to the oilfield?
Does your employment depend on a strong or growing economy?
Are you a Christian, do you believe the USA was founded on Christian values?

The democrats are trying to take away our rights to hunt.  They are trying to take our guns.  If they get our guns they have us as their slaves, with no way to defend ourselves.
If you are employed in any of the ways that I listed above, be ready to be unemployed!   They are going to stop the fracking of the oil wells, which will stop the drilling, the oil drilling that is taking place across the USA depends on the fracking of the wells for the production, which in turn will stop the economy.  If you work for a state agency you will probably lose your job, because there will be no tax revenue to pay your salary!   Our economy in Texas will be in one hell of a bind!  And then we can buy all of our oil from the Middle East, which will drive fuel prices up, and make the Muslim countries that want to do away with the USA richer.
Obama is a Muslim!  Muslims believe in killing anyone that is not Muslim, at any cost!   I am a Christian, I hunt, & I own guns, enough said!!!!
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« Reply #82 on: November 05, 2012, 06:38:45 am »

My groceries are up 30% from last year and rising.

I contend that is because of government welfare programs.  They are called "farm subsidies".  It is because Iowa is the first primary so everyone backs the ethanol programs that take more energy to produce the ethanol generates.  Our laws requires that corn, which is a primary food block for many of our foods is diverted to create energy.
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« Reply #83 on: November 05, 2012, 06:41:12 am »

In my opinion, if your for Oboma then your ignorant!
That is as useless as me stating "If you're for Romney, then your ignorant".  When you promote your view by insulting the people you are trying to convince  ...  you will never get your desired result.
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« Reply #84 on: November 05, 2012, 07:10:35 am »

My groceries are up 30% from last year and rising.

I contend that is because of government welfare programs.  They are called "farm subsidies".  It is because Iowa is the first primary so everyone backs the ethanol programs that take more energy to produce the ethanol generates.  Our laws requires that corn, which is a primary food block for many of our foods is diverted to create energy.

Plus the value of the dollar is lower. It takes more of them to purchase a product.

"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
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« Reply #85 on: November 05, 2012, 07:31:10 am »

In my opinion, if your for Oboma then your ignorant!
That is as useless as me stating "If you're for Romney, then your ignorant".  When you promote your view by insulting the people you are trying to convince  ...  you will never get your desired result.

There is some truth to that.

There are three things Obama wants to do. Increse Taxes, Increase Social Programs, raise the Debt

IF you look at the facts and history, increasing taxes and all these social program has never helped an economy. Just here in the US. The states with the highest tax rates are the poorest. Ex: California As opposed to Texas who is doing fairly well compared to most.

The same is true world wide. Canada is kicking butt and taking names. They have the lowest taxes in... can't remember if its north america or western hemisphere or what. Had you owned canadian money the value of it has gone up.

You can not sustain these social programs. Just look at Greece and all these other places.

No where is debt ever good. Especially in the amount the US has. Debt adds weakness and risk.

So if its not ignorance what is it? Just blatantly ignoring the facts? These are not Republican talking point... these can all be looked up. This is not word game to make some thing look one way or another... its flat out math.

The other problem with Socialism is every ones business becomes every one elses problem. You do drugs and we have to send you thru rehab on our taxes its our problem. You buy lottery tickets when your on welfare its all our problem. You don't want me all up in your business... don't take my money.


"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
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« Reply #86 on: November 05, 2012, 07:58:14 am »

How is it that anyone who enjoys the freedom of owning guns, dogs, trucks, ATV’s, boats, and homes can support a Liberal Democratic Party. 

This is a "false dichotomy".  Enough said.

Both parties are changing rapidly and neither has a clearly defined outline anymore.

While I tend to agree with this statement, I think they actually do.  Both have the clear goal of being against whatever the other party does or supports.  This varies by day.  So they are both acting like wind turrents.

There is an honesty and sincerity about your post that I appreciate.
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« Reply #87 on: November 05, 2012, 08:01:43 am »

My son lives in New York and I was planning on going up there to visit him and take him some of his firearms. I get to checking on the concealed carry reciprocity agreements. Forget about Illinois, Mass., and New York. It matters not that I have a permit I am not allowed to have a pistol anywhere in my possession in the state./quote]

Actually, that sounds like a "States Rights" issue to me.  10th amendment.  If the people in NY want to restrict firearms more than those in Texas  ...  is that not their right?
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« Reply #88 on: November 05, 2012, 08:02:26 am »

  Im shocked at all of the school yard bullying on here.

 There were some very good politcal points made on this thread. But its really no ones business who anyone votes for.  Im glad that I live in a country where everyone gets a vote and gets to vote how they choose, reguardless of what anyone else thinks of their descision. Dogging one another over who they are voting for is childish. If you are concerened about who gets elected then just go vote. Bullying people to vote one way or another is tactics used in third world countries. Not the United States.

 The best way to sway people to vote the way you wish is to educate them about the issues and facts. Not to put them down for their descision. Badgering people only makes them put up walls and not listen.

A voice of reason.  Thank you.
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« Reply #89 on: November 05, 2012, 08:17:44 am »

You don't want me all up in your business... don't take my money.

I agree with your sentiment.  But it is like much in life, everyone wants the "other guy" to be subject to those rules.  How many oil companies want those rules applied to them?  They lobby hard and receive huge tax subsidies  ...  yet turn around and argue they are only responsible to shareholders interests.

Farmers demand subsidies yet scream about all of the other welfare programs.  And they don't want you "all up in their business".  They would be quick to tell you that they are an independent business, how hard it is, and that they must have the farm subsidies. 

Heck, I am even guilty.  I navigate the tax code for a living.  So on some level, I don't think I want it simplified.  I probably want it even more complex. 

Too often, we all only see things from our own skewed perspective.  It is darn easy to be a hypocrit without even trying.
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« Reply #90 on: November 05, 2012, 09:18:07 am »

I agree it's very hard. My son was in Pre-K. I told his mom and the school that he had no business in that program. They purposely did not count my income and only used his mothers. It's rediculous.

There are a lot of people on these programs who don't need to be but do it because its available. Why not... I'm paying for it might as well use it. I don't blame them. These systems cause that thinking. It's kind of the same with O&G... If every one else is getting subsidies why shouldn't we.

"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
Hog Dog Mike
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« Reply #91 on: November 05, 2012, 05:06:17 pm »

My son lives in New York but no longer NYC. Last year he paid 53% of his income in income taxes which included federal, state, county, and city income taxes. This does not take into consideration the sales taxes and fees for tunnels. Just how much is fair?

I read today that if Obama is re-elected the EPA has plans to put new rules and regulations on the coal industry that will be impossible to meet. The end result will be a collapse of the industry at a cost in excess of 700 billion dollars. Gasoline and electricity will be a great deal higher. My cousin who is in the salvage business is buying equipment from the coal mines and shipping it to China and Viet Nam. They are not worried about any regulations.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #92 on: November 05, 2012, 07:30:13 pm »

My grandpa allways told me dont gripe about somethin unless
you plan on doun somethin about it.   Everybody that thinks
they know how to run this f***** up country better than the one that
Gets voted in...well please do,  otherwise it does absolutely no good
waistin ptecious air.  Im 32 yra old and ive NEVER voted,  i see no point
In it.  Atleast untill they let somebody in the runnins that makes less than
50,000 a yr.  I hope that makes sense i know how sensitive sone of you are
When yall cant make out what people are sayin.

James long
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« Reply #93 on: November 05, 2012, 07:37:40 pm »

I read today that if Obama is re-elected the EPA has plans to put new rules and regulations on the coal industry that will be impossible to meet. The end result will be a collapse of the industry at a cost in excess of 700 billion dollars. Gasoline and electricity will be a great deal higher. My cousin who is in the salvage business is buying equipment from the coal mines and shipping it to China and Viet Nam. They are not worried about any regulations.

   I call BS on that. My company makes 75% of our money in coal. I would of heard about this................

There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.

"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off"
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« Reply #94 on: November 05, 2012, 07:41:31 pm »

Its time to burn'em out. They are ALL criminals, no matter if the coal and O&G industry is goin belly up or not.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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« Reply #95 on: November 05, 2012, 09:08:37 pm »

Im 32 yra old and ive NEVER voted,  i see no point
In it.  Atleast untill they let somebody in the runnins that makes less than
50,000 a yr. 

I think not voting can be viable.  I wish ballots had the "neither of the above" option.
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« Reply #96 on: November 05, 2012, 09:48:25 pm »

How is it that anyone who enjoys the freedom of owning guns, dogs, trucks, ATV’s, boats, and homes can support a Liberal Democratic Party. 

This is a "false dichotomy".  Enough said.

Hopefully, I misunderstand your statement.
Please explain how this is a false choice.  The goal of a socialists or "Liberal Democratic Party" is to make everyone equal.  Telling young people the right thing to do is to "redistribute wealth" and reduce competition, is a lie.  Free and moral men can see right through the lie, when their liberty is threatened. 

The Liberal seeks to make the working class similar in all aspects of their daily lives.  I used examples that fit the audience here at easttexashogdoggers by listing guns, dogs, truck’s, ATV’s, boats, and homes.  These items are taken completely or regulated out of existence.  Taken by tax or taken by force it's all the same in the end.  That is what happens in when a government forces equality on it's subjects. 

I don't see the false dichotomy or false choice in my statement.  Enough has not been said.



"We are all on our way out...ACT ACCORDINGLY"
Strike Dog
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« Reply #97 on: November 05, 2012, 10:00:09 pm »

This not put together properly.  My intention in the second paragraph was to say this.

These items can be taken completely or regulated out of existence.  Taken by tax or taken by force, it's all the same in the end.  That is what happens when a socialist government forces equality on it's "subjects".



"We are all on our way out...ACT ACCORDINGLY"
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« Reply #98 on: November 05, 2012, 11:52:52 pm »

How is it that anyone who enjoys the freedom of owning guns, dogs, trucks, ATV’s, boats, and homes can support a Liberal Democratic Party. 

This is a "false dichotomy".  Enough said.

Exactly. How can you hunt and support Obama? Its like having Jewish friends and supporting Hitler. Huh?

"Capitalsim, God's way of determining who is smart and who is poor."
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« Reply #99 on: November 06, 2012, 12:06:38 am »

RL thank you for your ohnesty in that statement,all businesmen have number cruncher that can TELL U WHAT AND WHEN you have to spend.and ive HAD my share of bean counters .no better than the guberment .yall no most of the ways goverment works and the HOLES.if imake 500,000 gross and have 40,000 in the bank NET, you bet you azzzz yall gonna tell me spend it now  or give it to IRS. wheres the payback,me humpin my butt for ya'll is all it is.PS     the HNIC, im first in line for the the NEW CONTINTAL ARMY,lets take back our country
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