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Author Topic: Barrs  (Read 12296 times)
Hog Master
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« Reply #40 on: December 11, 2012, 11:09:04 am »

Sorry we had 4 boar hogs and 1 sow that we turned in. We actually had one more sow on the trailer that was about 200 too. I have nothing against traditions that have been passed down. Talked to my grandpa about this and he said that some used to do that, but most weren't picky at all. He said that they didn't have the money turn a Barr hog loose in country to let get bigger. What ever they trapped or caught they ate. Didn't matter if it was a boar sow or piglet.  It was a meal for them. 

Dirtydog, we were going to weigh, but the damn tractor got stuck in the sand, and I mean deep sand... Once we got the tractor out we had to pull our truck out, hog was Panicking bad so we put him in the hog trailer...

TShelly, we catch a few here and there, We took one to the TDHA competition, that went 255... that's the last one we've caught...
If I remember right Clayton, Will and I caught one about 2-1/2 years ago, that was a MONSTER BARR, I'll see if I can find a pic and post it...

That's cool Clayton, I thought I had remembered Able said y'all took one up there. Must have been year before. There's one or two running around nicks place we took the nuts out of after they got caught in a bobcat trap lol, if y'all end up catching them one day let me know. Id like to know how big they end up. They are around 130# now

Get ahead dog!
fatboy outfitters
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« Reply #41 on: December 11, 2012, 11:24:39 am »

Ya that was a sow that weighed 255. Abel was talking about the sow she ran us about 2 miles.  We called her a baron sow. Didn't look like she had to many litters for as big as she was. We never have caught one for a tournament.
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« Reply #42 on: December 11, 2012, 11:44:09 am »

Ya that was a sow that weighed 255. Abel was talking about the sow she ran us about 2 miles.  We called her a baron sow. Didn't look like she had to many litters for as big as she was. We never have caught one for a tournament.

Sounds good man. Hopefully we'll see you at your tournament this year

Get ahead dog!
Van Dorn
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« Reply #43 on: December 11, 2012, 11:59:40 am »

"Well we have to make it where we comply with HDTT as we have already agreed to be apart of.  We had to revamp rules because of the change from from live back to dead.  So we are going back to the 2011 rules."

There is your answer straight from BOARWILD.

Dead hogs and no barrs for TDHA as well!

 That's gonna keep every team east of I-45 from entering TDHA!
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« Reply #44 on: December 11, 2012, 12:14:30 pm »


 That's gonna keep every team east of I-45 from entering TDHA!

I'm partially with property on both sides of 45.  I'm entering.

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« Reply #45 on: December 11, 2012, 12:20:46 pm »

"Well we have to make it where we comply with HDTT as we have already agreed to be apart of.  We had to revamp rules because of the change from from live back to dead.  So we are going back to the 2011 rules."

There is your answer straight from BOARWILD.

Dead hogs and no barrs for TDHA as well!

 That's gonna keep every team east of I-45 from entering TDHA!

There is a saying that I was told as a young man. You should not assume because u make an arse out of u and me. 

Yes it's a dead hog hunt and no it's not no Barr's.  thank you for ur help though.


Get'em boys
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« Reply #46 on: December 11, 2012, 12:45:47 pm »

Boarwild please let us know how it will stand we are trying to get our teams together for the year and what places we will let settle for the competition. I would hate to have to start  killing my dogs for trashing on barrs.j/k I doubt we will put a team together if barrs don't count. We will hunt the bumpers and the dwells.
Another point I hunted in Florida on a government  property that no one works hogs on there were three Barrs caught we would have waisted our dogs energy and time if we were in a competition . If my dogs catch4 barrs int one day they are done so my money was waisted.

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
Hog Doom
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« Reply #47 on: December 11, 2012, 12:50:50 pm »

I have also received several text and phone calls the word is spreading fast people are getting on here and reading. The local boys are highly upset about this rule. I can forward any text that was sent. Some are very ugly.

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
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« Reply #48 on: December 11, 2012, 01:07:32 pm »

well it truely upsets me that that's what people care more about.  Hopefully we don't look back on this sometime in the future and say well if we just had a little more money to pay lobbyist to fight harder we would still be hog hunting with dogs. 

There is no set rule at this time that says we are or are not allowing barr's.  I hope i have stressed enough times now that this is the biggest discussion we are in at TDHA at this time. There will be an answer out very soon with plenty of time to plan. 


Get'em boys
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« Reply #49 on: December 11, 2012, 01:17:39 pm »

Boarwild you are correct. This rule was not stated by the tdha as of now. It was stated by the trail of tears. Most I know do not enter the trail of tears this would have been my first time to enter it. As it just got on its feet real good last year and caught my eye of something I would have liked to enter. Boarwild has clearly stated how he liked this post to see where alot of people stand and there opinions.

Hog hunting can start more crap than anything I have ever seen!(HDLCrystal)
Remember John Wayne was just an actor the real cowboys is who he looked up to..........
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« Reply #50 on: December 11, 2012, 01:55:18 pm »

i have a suggestion/question to everyone. I like a good compromise and unlike the government we have it think a compromise is possible.  There are probably just as many people who don't like barr's in contest compared to who does. 

What if we had a stringer capacity on barr's.  IF our stringer was 4 we only allowed 1 or 2, stinger of 5 we only allowed so many.  Basicly whatever the stringer number is we only allow so many barr's.  I would bet its not that ofter you catch 4 barr's in a weekend unless you were hunting a game proof place which we don't and have never allowed. 

What say you?  please respond becuase i am here and listening. 


Get'em boys
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« Reply #51 on: December 11, 2012, 02:09:12 pm »

I say why change the rules? Barrs have always been allowed and there have never been any issues. The poloygraph will take care of those who cheat.

This is a state wide hunt... for the most weight.

People hunt feed lots...

People hunt farm land...

People hunt hunting ranches where protein is fed year round...

All these places produce big, heavy hogs... and lots of them.

East Texas has barr hogs... that's the best chance folks in this area have to compete when compared to other areas as far as weight. Barr hogs don't grow on trees like people think they do.


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« Reply #52 on: December 11, 2012, 02:27:58 pm »

for the past 7 years people from east,south,west and north Texas hunters have complained about Barr's being allowed.  There is a hand full of people representing the people who want to allow barr's and a lot of people representing to the board by phone calls and past pm's that doesn't want to allow barr's. 

The 6 or so people responding that do want to allow boars is getting overwelmed by the other.  What need to happen is people need to voice there opinion's on this site as well as TDHA's site.  We have to go with a way that makes the more people happy.  We are here for the people who care about his dog hunting and if we go against a majority we are cutting are legs off.  A vote has not been passed on any one way or the other at this point but the vast majority as against Barr's, and like i stated that is from more people in east texas that don't want to allow them then ones that are voicing there opinions on here. 

A general comment and not meant to any of ya'll but people love to complain after the fact but surely never want to say anything when given the oppurtunity before hand.  This is your oppurtunity.  Mike and Chance you have voiced your opinion and that's all you can do.  Encourange others to join you if they feel the same. 


Get'em boys
Bar R Ranch
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« Reply #53 on: December 11, 2012, 02:46:25 pm »

Why don't one of Yall start a  new topic as a poll and see which one gets the most votes. Huh?
Hog Master
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« Reply #54 on: December 11, 2012, 02:48:41 pm »

I'll voice it for our team and Rocking O team who has placed 2nd these last few years with big Barrs strings. People will probably take this the wrong way, but the majority of hog hunters I know that still practice barring hogs and hunt the TDHA and others contests every year arnt "Internet hog hunters." They are dog men who are still trying to actually preserve the sport through breeding the right dogs and workings stock daily. I will try and get more to create an account and voice their opinion on here.

To me by allowing there to be no Barrs you are taking the competition away from the DOGS!!! Tell me how can the dogs tell a difference??? thats right, they are out their doing their job finding a hog. may it be a sow, boar, or barr. that dog still did its job, but because of people complaining; the competition is now about men and their hurt feelings over having no barrs to hunt. They are the main reason we are here, to  further the sport of "working dogs"

By outlawing Barrs you are making this more of a competition driven by the hogs and not the dogs


Get ahead dog!
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« Reply #55 on: December 11, 2012, 02:56:18 pm »

Thank you Tshelly. 

I'm not saying you or anyone did but before it gets to that, please don't refer to me as the one who makes the final decision.  I personally beleive there is a happy medium but i am one voice on a board.  Don't think of me personally doing right or wrong.  i am just here to listen and make your voice known. 


Get'em boys
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« Reply #56 on: December 11, 2012, 03:10:04 pm »

Thank you Tshelly. 

I'm not saying you or anyone did but before it gets to that, please don't refer to me as the one who makes the final decision.  I personally beleive there is a happy medium but i am one voice on a board.  Don't think of me personally doing right or wrong.  i am just here to listen and make your voice known. 

 lol yessir I know you are only on the board and simply will be a voice. we are glad you are listening to both sides. It will be good by us either way TDHA decides. Thank you for you assistance. You are doing a great job

Get ahead dog!
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« Reply #57 on: December 11, 2012, 03:17:33 pm »

Im for barrs. I don't catch but 2 or 3 a year if that many but if i catch one for a tournament then i want to use it. If i have a stringer of boars that gets beat by barrs then so be it. I'll shake their hands and tell them good job and I'll get you next time. Some people believe that when you make a barr that he will not travel and will stay on a 500 acre place. A barr will travel more than a boar because he is not tied to the sows and following them around. A barr follows food sources. We caught a barr that was over 20 miles from where he orginally started. I know this because he had a green ear tag in his ear and i know who tags with green ear tags and turns all of them out on his own place after he barrs them and worms them.

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« Reply #58 on: December 11, 2012, 03:53:55 pm »

Im for the Barrs. If the dogs catch a boar or barr they got the job done, and the hog should be allowed. It may take someone half the day to get their dog to stop a hog then get there and see the hog is a barr so it cant be used, thats not right.

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« Reply #59 on: December 11, 2012, 04:00:53 pm »

Im for the Barrs. If the dogs catch a boar or barr they got the job done, and the hog should be allowed. It may take someone half the day to get their dog to stop a hog then get there and see the hog is a barr so it cant be used, thats not right.

X 2

It would suck to have a "X"hr or more race etc only to catch a hog that does not count.

Bryant Mcdonald
New Caney, Tx.

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