« on: February 12, 2008, 08:45:07 pm » |
Just wandering if anyone has ever been booggered off a hog and had to walk off & leave a bad hog. Ever had the dogs to get scared & quit a bad hog?
This has happened to me a few time and my dogs quit and me too.
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2008, 08:48:17 pm » |
once so far....and I won't soon forget it 
"No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session" - Mark Twain (1866)
"I hate rude behavior in a man, I won't tolerate it"~Woodrow F. Call
"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."~Thomas Jefferson
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2008, 09:14:43 pm » |
Yep I feel you on that matt
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2008, 09:45:06 pm » |
Yeah, I was with Matt and Lawrence on that one. The one time a was really scared was when I untied a sow and she came after me. It was a hot, humid morning and we caught a big sow, 250lbs plus, way back in the woods. Tied her up and realized we couldn't get her out... so let's let her go!  She was burning up, so I figured she'd just lay there. Well, I got the ropes off and sprinted up the fence line away from her. When I turned to look back, she was ten feet behind me and gettin' closer... y'all seen the shows with the bears charging? I jumped on to the top strand of barbed wire hanging on to a pine sapling. She could have easily grabbed my leg, but luckily went through the fence. Unlucky for the dogs who were all tied up neck and neck on two-dog leads... but that's another story! 
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2008, 09:51:34 pm » |
aint a hog hunter out there that aint looked for a fence post or a SAPPLIN at 1 time or the other.me myself only carry a blade and more than once checked the handle,specially in the middle of a millo feild with hogs runnin amuck
pig snatcher
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2008, 10:11:55 pm » |
aint a hog hunter out there that aint looked for a fence post or a SAPPLIN at 1 time or the other. You can scamper up a full grown oak tree like a squirrel with the rite motivation. 
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2008, 10:15:58 pm » |
When I get where I am not afraid of hogs it won't be fun any more. 
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2008, 10:22:41 pm » |
CHITS and giggles an sometimes NIGHTMARES
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2008, 12:05:33 am » |
ive been scared of hogs plenty of times we put my dog on a mob of about 30 and there was two big pigs both would of nearly been 400lb that had me worried the hole time we were gettin a hog out of the mob. and my cousin and dad went hunting years back and they seen a hog on the road it bolted in the scrub and they took the dog in there 5 minutes later the dog was wimpering and tryed to back away when a huge boar flew out and attacked them the only reason the dog grabbed the boar was so my dad and cousin could get away my dad put my cousin up a tree but then told him to run then my dad ran and when they were out of sight the dog let go of the pig and went back to the car . it just shows what a dog will do for you if you show it love . i dont know how big the pig was but they reckon it was like a half sized cow.
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2008, 06:36:21 am » |
That hasn't happened to me with dogs, yet. I just ain't been at it long enough, I'm sure it will.
I have been pretty scared by hogs before. I was walking out of a big CRP field after an evening of deer hunting. The field met a wheatfield, then I'd walk along the edge of the wheatfield another 600 yards or so to my truck. As I got to where the CRP and wheat met, I smelled hogs. I'd walked right into a big group of them. They all started moving around & soon nearly all were directly downwind of me. The only thing for me to climb was a big fencepost at the gate..... so I decided to try to find one to shoot, then climb. There was a big hog standing just inside the wheat about 25 yards from me, and I could find him wiht my binos, but not my scope. The hogs that were downwind of me woofed at me for a while, but what really unnerved me was one hog in particular that stood there and kinda growled. He would do it with every breath, just a low growling noise. Of course you could hear lots and lots of jaw popping. It seemed like a long time, but probably only lasted 30 seconds. They finally all bolted and ran to a creekbottom behind me. When I got back to the house, one of my buddies was there & he asked me what happened. He said I was white as a sheet. That's the only time I felt really helpless in a situatin like that. I really thought it was gonna be "fight or flight." Luckily the hogs felt the same way & they all ran off.
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2008, 08:13:20 am » |
i don't think i've been on a hunt where the dogs have quit the hog, because it was too bad i mean. i did get quite a scare back in December when we got on a 310lb boar. i got in a little too close to where he was bayed up trying to get where i could see to get some footage. he busted out of the underbrush and was headed right at me, as in i was looking right into his eyes. i tried to get moving behind some little trees and my boots were caught in some vines. luckily when he was about 8-10 feet from me he turned and went to my right. if he had wanted me though, i would have been toast. that was all a bit scary 
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2008, 09:09:24 am » |
Okay i may be frowned upon after this but i need to tell the story to make me feel better,kinda like a docter meeting  We have a place in Gladewater,Tx that is about 1100 acres that was an oil field, So they cut lanes in the trees and brush to there oil rigs. Well i went there bymyself one hunt and i had call kevin adkins and micheal waddle to meet me there well they were running late as usuall  and they had catch vest and catch dogs with them. I had my big catchy ybmc and a red cur that was a little rough and my catch dog. Well me and the land owner that we make a quick run through the briar and berry thicket at one end of the ranch till they got there. So i droped my two dogs out and we started the hunt we came around one clearing and there stood 2 hephers and a young bull all red. Well there was a black one too and after further evaluation the land owner said that is a HOG and we looked and sure enough was  , Well this hog was so big it was litterally eating and grazing with the cattle and thought he was one of them which he was. I started to get out the catch dog and i noticed my 2 dogs through the head up and start for the hog. I looked at the land owner and he said are you gonna try and catch that thing. And i told him WE BETTER WAIT FOR BACK UP!!! So i had to do it for the sack of the dogs and my lone catch dog i called the 2 bay dogs off and i loaded them up and headed back to the gate for micheal and kevin. Well to this day we have not seen the hog. However we did manage to catch 8 hogs that day  And we didnt run across BIG BOY. That was the only time that i can remember having to call my dogs off becasue i was scared to mess with the BIG BOY alone. Note: The rancher and ranch hand both stated before the hunt they did not want to get in there and mess with the hogs.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 09:11:13 am by elliscountyhog »
Hunt Hard or STAY HOME! "If the dog won't leave and go look, I'm not wasting my time." Quoted by Bryant.
pig snatcher
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2008, 02:52:15 pm » |
Ellis, there is a difference between scared and smart. You knew you were biting off more than you could chew alone and did the smart thing. 
When I get where I am not afraid of hogs it won't be fun any more.  X10
Richard that don't sound like the guy that got me started, all I ever heard was the bigger the better and 1 bulldog was plenty
I wouldnt say Ive been scared but have been surprised which spooked me a lil(Im too big to get up a tree or balance on a t-post). But never quit a hog that was bayed and if the dogs quit him Ill be finding some different dogs.
hunt em hard, give em no excuses, and cull harder!!!!! "Rather have a sister in a whore house than spots on a dog" "Pretty is as pretty does"- BigO
brad s
My adrenaline is pumpin to hard to be scared but i have gotten lil nervous a time or 2 when i was solo. One time i got on hogs an was gettin dark with no light an unfamiliar territory. But thats it. Not scared of the hog just didnt want to be stranded in woods with no light. (This was before garmins)
I go where the dogs go!
Only hogs I ever thought about bein' scared of are the old, smart ones... an old, smart hog has a IQ comparable to that of some of my slower friends... very scary  Seriously, though... when I see that an old hog is "thinking" about what he is doing... it does scare me a bit, because the predictability of the situation has just gone out the window.
Welcome to the Gun Show
Noah Metzger 352 316 8005
Only hogs I ever thought about bein' scared of are the old, smart ones... an old, smart hog has a IQ comparable to that of some of my slower friends... very scary  Seriously, though... when I see that an old hog is "thinking" about what he is doing... it does scare me a bit, because the predictability of the situation has just gone out the window. Lol, the first paragraph is spot on for someof my buddies lol "the sun is shining somewhere in texas" -Jason Boland
"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
M Bennet
yes it happen to me , dogs stopped baying and after cd tried him 4 or 5 times they all went back to the truck. the big oh boy is still in the aere
Monty Bennet