No action or video of this one. We caught the boar in a mile by mile corn field that is six foot tall so Riddick had to use his nose until the last few feet of the chase. Yes I use a Garmin. I only started using one when they first came out before that no trackers at all. That's why I say hold to the death type dogs don't make good "One Out" dogs. The dog has to be smart enough to let go and come back if he is to tired to hold any longer, but still hard enough to hold any hog no madder the size. Here is a link to Riddick http://www.l3outdoors.com/subpage3.html
That is a nice hog. Nice teeth.
What do you think happened to his leg? It looks like it is cut smooth off.
Rex Bumpus
nice hog brother.....
i'm stopping at the house to change clothes and i gotta go back out to the wife's family to the "dinner" stuff after the funeral
No dice. Went to the three certified scales in town and two where broken and one was out of town and would not make it buy the 48 hour dead line. I can only guess the weight to be 300+ because it took me and Hunter a hour of trying to get him loaded last night. I can load a 250lbs without help and this guy about wrecked me and Hunter. The leg has been missing from the first time I saw the hog two years ago in case I didn't write that very well. I also will be mounting this hog out of pure respect for an old warrior like him. He may not be the biggest we have caught but he has gained a lot of respect from me over the last two years.
I think it was buckshot from a chopper hunter. We have alot in our area. Infection and fly's probably got to it and the rest fell off. This skin was folded and grown back over it's self. His head and ears looked like he had shook off more than a few dogs in his life. Lots of old wounds on them.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2009, 02:24:21 pm by L3Outdoors »
I can't even see the eyes on the pig in these picture! hahaha!
Logan Bolton  (901) 831-1713
great hog and story of a hog warrior
brrruuuuuuuup....caught....GET OUT.......GET Out....
Bay Dog

Posts: 48
This is how I roll
nice story the more you talk the more i want my one out dog well keep me informed thats a very teethy pig
would you hurry up and flip this pig