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Author Topic: scoring a bay  (Read 959 times)
Bay Dog
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« on: June 20, 2009, 07:09:21 pm »

I was at the Bremond bay today, first for me. Really enjoyed talking to all the people about hunting pigs and dogs.  I had a question about how you score each round.  The way I understand a perfect score is forty. Is there written rules for scoring or what a deduction in points is for. When the dogs latched onto the pig the judge stopped the bay were the dogs disqualified. I also keep hearing a staff member asking people not to take pictures, why can't you take pictures during a bay. Thanks to the friendly people that stopped what they were doing many times to answer my questions.  TNT great event I will be back at the next one.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2009, 09:54:29 am »

Welcome, and also check out Bay results on when we get it all posted, pictures coming.

Bating starts with one, two or more judges.  Each judge has 10 points for the dog at the begining, they they get deductions as the bay goes on, for look outs, loop outs, and not having undivided interest in the hog with eyes on it at all times.  Some might get deducted for baying too far away, not as much control there, some might get deducted for being over gritty and pushing the hog, not containing them as they should be doing.  Most count off 1/10 of a point for each mistake, catching a hog for 5 seconds gets one d/q'ed.

Hope this makes it better to understand and look to see you back.

This baying was for a fund raiser for TDHA on it's scholarship fund.
Thanks for all that worked, donated, and came out, with out you it wouldn't have been a success.

More post to come with pictures.

Douglas Mason
Bay Dog
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« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 11:20:02 am »

i think the pictures part as something to do with trying to keep the pictures outta the wrong hands. that way the anti dont get a hold of them and use them against the future events. one picture and a bad capition can have a lasting effect..

brrruuuuuuuup....caught....GET OUT.......GET Out....
Strike Dog
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« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 10:54:08 pm »

  That is right!!  A friend of mine had a baying and there was some folks there with hidden cameras and so on.  It made the news and was a big mess.  I hope I didn't offend anyone by saying no cameras but it's just not worth the headache.  I did have a few taking pics for the website we are having done.
 Gilbert Thompson
 T-N-T Bay Pen

Gilbert Thompson
T-N-T Bay Pen
Bay Dog
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« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2009, 02:37:48 am »

We weren't offended, Just didn't know if there was a sole proprietary issue on the pictures. Wanted to forward some to Iraq to a buddy. 
Strike Dog
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« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2009, 11:29:07 am »

I was the crazy girl with the big camera running around, and there are some good shots for Gilbert's web site that I'll post soon. It just takes me a while to edit them because I look through every single picture to pick the best ones and touch up anything on the hogs or dogs that could be construed in a negative way. For example, it looks like one of the hogs had been trying to root under a panel and got a little cut on his nose. Nothing bad, nothing from the dogs, but I'm touching up that little cut in every picture of him. My threshold for bay pictures is that they could be printed in a newspaper or magazine and we'd be proud to see them. I also use the cattle trial photogs as a guide, but even they will post pics of a ACD caught on the nose of a cow, so we're tame in comparison laugh

Strike Dog
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« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2009, 10:23:24 pm »

  Thanks Joseph and TrueblueLacys.  Those pics are smokin I bet.  No problem on sending those pics to your friend in Iraq.  Those guys and gals over there could use something to take their minds off things for a while.  Be sure and let him or her know that we appreciate them for everything they are doing.

Gilbert Thompson
T-N-T Bay Pen
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