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Author Topic: TDHA Benefit Bay pictures  (Read 1555 times)
Strike Dog
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« on: June 24, 2009, 06:31:42 pm »

The first batch of pictures from the TDHA Benefit Bay is uploaded! There are still more to come, I'm about half way through the Two Dog Am, but I hate to make y'all wait. I have about 80 on the new Flickr account, I'll let you know when I put up the rest.

You will notice that you can't right-click, copy or download any of these photos. In keeping with the spirit of the bay, which was to raise funds and increase membership, I would like the pictures to benefit the TDHA if possible.  (And Gilbert - just PM or email me what pictures you like so I can send them to you.) I'm not going to require people buy pictures for a set price, but I do want to encourage you to make a charitable donation to the TDHA if you want copy of a picture.  What you donate is up to you. If you plan to use these pictures to help sell a litter, dog, stud services or hog dog products, I encourage you to consider the economic benefit of the image and donate accordingly.

Once you've sent in your application or donation, leave a comment here or send a PM with your name, email address and the titles to get a full-size digital versions of the pictures.

But here are some watermarked previews...

Bay Dog
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« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009, 09:32:20 pm »

great pics have to give credit were it is due to get the live action ones you get at that quality is amazing

brrruuuuuuuup....caught....GET OUT.......GET Out....
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 07:48:13 am »

man you sure do know how to take them pictures Grin

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« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2009, 09:53:16 am »

Excellent photos and great marketing for TDHA Membership!!!!

That first pic with the lighter colored leopard dog on the right looks awefully familiar...
OH! I guess that'd be old Pea-Eye(or PI), out of my QD Blue(boy do i miss her and my Maverick - Pea-Eye's littermate brother)
Daddy was Sugarfoot, owned by Bud Harding(good friend and mentor).
I think he and 1 sister may be the only ones living right now, but every pup out of that litter including parents were jam-up bay dogs.
Unfortunate circumstances cut their lives short(non-hog related)

this is QD and Maverick in an Old & Young at Skipper Dodson's Baypen in Groesbeck many years ago.

Keep up the good work TrueBlueLacys!
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 09:59:58 am by Maver!ck » Logged

"And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."  That means wild hogs too Wink
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« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2009, 10:58:15 am »

Excellent pictures Julie! Thank You for your support of the TDHA!

Guys, I know yall can send, a little to use a proffesional photo of your dogs, you can also pay-pal donations to TDHA at

Strike Dog
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« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2009, 03:25:58 pm »

Thanks guys! I'm glad everyone is enjoying the pictures. I wish I had been there for the early classes, maybe I'll try getting a hotel room next time. But there are over 100 up right now and I divided them into the different classes on Flickr so people could find their dogs easier -

A few people have asked what would be an appropriate donation. I do want this to be based on what you can charitably give to the TDHA, but I'd say start at $10 and work up or down depending on what you want to use them for. If it's just for a scrapbook and money is tight, maybe that is too much, but if you are going to use them to sell puppies or the dog or whatever, they should be worth more to you.

Also, if there is interest, I can get professional prints made for people as well. I could do 4x6, 5x7 or 8x10 for most pictures, though some of the grainier cropped ones may only look good at 4x6, but I'll know that before ordering. If you are interested, shoot me a PM and we'll work something out.

For all the parents, I did get pictures of the pig chase too. You can see all of them here - - but I'm posting a couple previews below. These would make awesome Christmas cards, don't you think? laugh
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 03:28:28 pm by TrueBlueLacys » Logged

Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2009, 04:38:14 pm »

Great pics. This was my first time to attend a baying and would just like to say what a great time we had. Thanks to everyone . Julie are there any more pics. of the one dog am. div. ? Would love to have a good shot of my dog.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2009, 04:45:10 pm »

Dill, I don't have a bunch, my battery ran out right before the Jack Russell Sad, but there are a few more I'll post tonight. What does your dog look like and what type of collar is it wearing?

Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2009, 05:00:21 pm »

He is a Blue Lacy with an orange collar.
Strike Dog
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« Reply #9 on: June 25, 2009, 06:13:19 pm »

  Way to go True Blue!!  That is a good idea and very nice of you.  I know there are several out there that wouldn't mind paying for these kind of awesome pics.  The quality is nothing short of AWESOME!!
 Thanks again for coming out and taking some awesome pics.

Gilbert Thompson
T-N-T Bay Pen
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« Reply #10 on: June 26, 2009, 01:48:47 pm »

OK y'all, I think the last of the pictures is up.

Check them out, and if you like one and want it for your own, send me a PM. You can make a donation through PayPal at, or you can join TDHA if you aren't a member yet and I'll accept that in lieu of a donation. If you have any problems with making a donation or would rather write a check, contact a TDHA BOD member. Any of the can help you, but I'm going to pick on Eric, who you can reach at, BRUTE on TDHA or Eric on ETHD.

I'll be adjusting this baying picture process to make it easier for everyone, so if you have any feedback, let me know!

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Strike Dog
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« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2009, 06:58:46 pm »

OK, I was going to do a paypal donation, but it was $25 to join, so I decided to spend the extra few dollars and join using paypal. TBL, please pm me with picture details privately, thanks.

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