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Author Topic: Father and Son Hunt  (Read 571 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: February 17, 2013, 10:38:18 pm »

I took a friend of mine Kerry and his son Calem doggin for the first time this past weekend and they had a great time. We hunted the ranch casting the dogs at the waterholes to see if they could find us some bacon. We didnt have any luck at the first three waterholes but the next one was pay dirt. We dropped  Goose and Thor, they split up working the waterhole and Goose took off nose to the ground. He was out about three hundred yards scooting along and all of the sudden he hit the breaks and headed the other way. I told Kerry he was on their trail and was backtracking, sure enough he opened up and we heard a rally. We dropped the rest of the dogs and I was leading in Rhino with Kerry and Calem behind me. All of the sudden we see a hog coming down the trail straight at us with Goose right behind him and I told them they better watch out we got a kamikaze coming at us. The hog stopped about ten yards from us I cut Rhino loose and the hog broke right into the pond with Goose and Rhino on him, caught hog. All of the sudden here comes kamikaze number two with Thor on his butt, the hog was running straight at me so I got into linebacker mode to take him out, the hog never slowed down a bit so when it got within acouple yards from me I had second thoughts and did alittle side stepping  and the hog ran right under me and jumped into a fiberglass water tank thinking he was safe but Thor jumped right in behind him caught hog. My younger dogs had another hog bayed about two hundred yards away so Kerry stuck the first hog in the water trough and then we made our way to the pond and I drug the second hog out of the pond and Kerry stuck that one and off we go to the third bay. My younger dogs did great baying their butts off, we cut Rhino loose and it was a done deal. We got a triple!!!  Calem was watching in amazement right behind us in all the action. He's a big American Hoggers fan and he said this is nothing like they show on TV, ha ha. IN all it was a great hunt  and memories for Kerry and Calems first time dogging experience. Heres a few pics enjoy.

Catch Dog
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« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2013, 11:58:13 am »

Good hogs, that's a nice lookin box!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2013, 12:24:27 pm »

Damn good looking box and yellas. Catch dog reminds me of mine always has his eyes on his catch and if he can get his lips on ones ear hes pullin it in. I say post up some more pics of the yellas and that box!!! HAHA
Catch Dog
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« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2013, 08:28:47 am »

Damn good looking box and yellas. Catch dog reminds me of mine always has his eyes on his catch and if he can get his lips on ones ear hes pullin it in. I say post up some more pics of the yellas and that box!!! HAHA
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