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Author Topic: Hill Country Wild Hog round-up  (Read 4669 times)
Catch Dog
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« on: March 03, 2013, 11:43:59 am »

I will post the flyer this afternoon.
The Contest will be April 26-28 2013
Weigh in will be in Cherokee, Tx (which is inbetween LLano and San Saba)
5 heaviest LIVE Hogs

----Side Pots----
Heaviest Boar
Heaviest Sow
Most Hogs
Catch Dog
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« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2013, 08:13:40 am »

Can someone help me post the flyer. I can email it to ya. Thanks
Catch Dog
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« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2013, 10:11:48 am »

Lacy man
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« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2013, 11:13:18 am »

Is the money being donated? Or are the hogs being sold and the teams get the money from the hogs?
Catch Dog
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« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2013, 04:17:47 pm »

1.   1-4 man teams only
2.   Hunting is open to any area in which you have legal permission to hunt and meets our event criteria.
3.   $300 per team (non-refundable) must enter in main contest to participate in side pots. Side pots are optional.
4.   Team members are the only ones allowed to tie hogs. Helpers are allowed to help but not allowed to handle hogs.
5.   Team members must remain together unless split bays occur. Teams must immediately regroup after each catch.
6.   For the purpose of this hunt, hogs are defined to be feral, free ranging wild hogs which have not been previously held, trapped, pen raised, and released for the purposes of being hunting in this tournament. May hunt behind a high fence but must be larger than a 1000 acres.
7.   No trapped hogs allowed. Hogs must be dog caught and tied.
8.   Only live hogs which are able to walk across scales under their own power will be accepted. No exceptions.
9.   All hogs ran across scales and into pen will be property of Perry’s Buying Station. You will NOT get a check for these hogs. No exception!!!! This money will be used for expenses of the tournament and for next year’s tournament.
10.   All members must have a valid Texas Hunting license and must obey all Texas Game laws.
11.   Hogs caught outside of the official contest will not count.
12.   Only Team members are allowed to be in drawings for prizes after the hunt.
13.   If by any chance there is a tie the team with the heaviest hog wins.
14.   All 4 dog owner team members MUST be present at weigh in. No exceptions!!!
15.   An official time keeper/end of the line judge will determine the close of check in.
16.   The team with the greatest total weight of their five LIVE heaviest hogs wins.
17.   100 percent of the entry fees will be paid out in cash. The number and amount of paying places will be determined by the number of teams entered. Side pots will pay 100 percent.
18.   It will be each team’s responsibility to have a final copy of the rules.
19.   All hogs must weigh at least 80 lbs.
20.   Each team captain has the option of standing in the weigh in area to witness his or hers teams hogs being weighed and as the other teams are being weighted. Please be courteous of the judges and the space they need to conduct the weigh in.
21.   Anyone behaving in an unsportsman like or disruptive manner will be asked to leave.
22.   Once the final decision of the contest of officials is made, the decision stands.
23.   Any contestant found to be cheating, attempting to cheat, or violating any of these rules will cause the disqualification of the entire team and forfeiture of any and all entry fees. The perpetrator and or team may also be banned from future contest.
24.   Barr hogs will be allowed in this tournament.
25.   You may also hunt high fence ranches but the hogs must not have been previously turned loose by your team or by anyone else and must be a 1000acres or larger.
26.   Buckle money will come out of total pay-out and then be divided between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If under 10 teams the payout will be for only top two teams. 
Bay Dog
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« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2013, 01:29:41 pm »

Count me in!!!
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2013, 02:26:31 pm »

Count me in!!!

and this hillbilly also
Catch Dog
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« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2013, 07:02:30 pm »

Gun Dog Supply Sent some prizes to give out. Have several more suppliers sending prizes as well.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2013, 11:19:53 am »

Catch Dog
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« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2013, 09:51:31 am »

Will will have early registration opening up this week and end on Friday April 19.
If you would like to enter early so you dont have to show up to registration on April 26 between 1:00-3:00Pm please send in a money order  and entry form by no later that April 19 so that it has time to get to us throught he mail.
I can email entry forms and final rules to you just Pm me your email address.  Thanks
Catch Dog
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« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2013, 05:52:28 pm »

Should be a good turn out. Just got in a package from tejas outdoors. They gave a cut vest, 2 cut collars, 2 pair of hobbles, lead, and staple gun. Gun dog supply gave two $25 gift certificates. Will have a bunch more door prizes as well.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2013, 02:28:30 pm »

Just order another bay vest, cut collars, nylon dog collars, leads, staple gun, break stick, hobbles, wound care supplies. Going to have a lot of stuff to giveaway at the end of the tournament. 
Catch Dog
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« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2013, 11:34:42 am »

These are the final rules.
I have had a couple people ask questions about if barrs were allowed in the side pot. The side pot is for  Heaviest Boars only not barrs. Barrs can be entered in the main contest just not the side pot for Heaviest Boar.

1.   1-4 man teams only
2.   Hunting is open to any area in which you have legal permission to hunt and meets our event criteria.
3.   $300 per team (non-refundable) must enter in main contest to participate in side pots. Side pots are optional.
4.   Team members are the only ones allowed to tie hogs. Helpers are allowed to help but not allowed to handle hogs.
5.   Team members must remain together unless split bays occur. Teams must immediately regroup after each catch.
6.   For the purpose of this hunt, hogs are defined to be feral, free ranging wild hogs which have not been previously held, trapped, pen raised, and released for the purposes of being hunting in this tournament. May hunt behind a high fence but must be larger than a 1000 acres.
7.   No trapped hogs allowed. Hogs must be dog caught and tied.
8.   Only live hogs which are able to walk across scales under their own power will be accepted. No exceptions.
9.   All hogs ran across scales and into pen will be property of Perry’s Buying Station. You will NOT get a check for these hogs. No exception!!!! This money will be used for expenses of the tournament and for next year’s tournament.
10.   All members must have a valid Texas Hunting license and must obey all Texas Game laws. If any game laws are broken your team will be disqualified.
11.   Hogs caught outside of the official contest will not count.
12.   Only Team members are allowed to be in drawings for prizes after the hunt.
13.   If by any chance there is a tie the team with the heaviest hog wins.
14.   All 4 dog owner team members MUST be present at weigh in. No exceptions!!!
15.   An official time keeper/end of the line judge will determine the close of check in.
16.   The team with the greatest total weight of their five LIVE heaviest hogs wins.
17.   100 percent of the entry fees will be paid out in cash. The number and amount of paying places will be determined by the number of teams entered. Side pots will pay 100 percent.
18.   It will be each team’s responsibility to have a final copy of the rules.
19.   All hogs must weigh at least 80 lbs.
20.   Each team captain has the option of standing in the weigh in area to witness his or hers teams hogs being weighed and as the other teams are being weighted. Please be courteous of the judges and the space they need to conduct the weigh in.
21.   Anyone behaving in an unsportsman like or disruptive manner will be asked to leave.
22.   Once the final decision of the contest of officials is made, the decision stands.
23.   Any contestant found to be cheating, attempting to cheat, or violating any of these rules will cause the disqualification of the entire team and forfeiture of any and all entry fees. The perpetrator and or team may also be banned from future contest.
24.   Barr hogs will be allowed in this tournament.
25.   You may also hunt high fence ranches but the hogs must not have been previously turned loose by your team or by anyone else and must be a 1000acres or larger.
26.   Buckle money will come out of total pay-out and then be divided between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If under 10 teams the payout will be for only top two teams. 
27.   8. The contest will start on April 26, 2013 at 3:00 Pm and will end at check-in on Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 3:00 pm SHARP. If you are late to weigh in you will be disqualified.
28.   Winning team members will be subject to polygraph at random. Refusal of polygraph will result in immediate disqualification. No exceptions
29.   You may register before hand by mailing in the entry Form with a money Order. Pre-registering ends on Friday, April 19 to give time to have all entry forms in. You can also enter Friday, April 26, between 1:00-3:00 Pm in person at Perry’s Buying Station.
30.   There will be no alcohol permitted and no display of weapons (guns or knives) on one’s person on the check-in premises.
Hog Dog Pup
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« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2013, 01:23:42 pm »

What's the buzz ? Getting close !  How many teams so far ? Who's all hunting ?
Lets generate a little chatter bout this one guys!
Catch Dog
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« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2013, 03:40:12 pm »

Catch Dog
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« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2013, 07:41:28 am »

Going to be a good one.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2013, 12:02:08 pm »

Will be around pretty much all day for sign up on Friday. You can call me at 325-372-1449
Catch Dog
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« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2013, 08:32:21 am »

Will post some pics and results this afternoon.
Catch Dog
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« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2013, 03:01:55 pm »

1st Place heaviest 5  = Rough Country with 781lbs
2nd Place heaviest 5 = Codys team with 763lbs
3rd Place heaviest 5 = Miguels Team with 645lbs

Biggest Boar = Rough country 177lbs
Biggest Sow = Rough Country 162lbs
Most Hogs = Nathans Team 6 hogs

We had six teams enter in all. Five showed up to weigh.
Gave out over $500 worth of free prizes. (cut vests, Cut collars ect.)
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