Turned out 7am Saturday morning, within minutes we were on hogs and had 2 tied by 8am. Hunted til noon and took a lunch break, got back to hunting. Hunted til 6pm, called it a day with 12 hogs in the trailer. Didn't have to hunt after dark Friday or Saturday. Sunday morning we turned loose at 7am and stayed on hogs til 12 noon. Ended the hunt with 20 hogs, nothing under 100 lbs....all caught in 16 hours!! Dogs worked great and did the job they were supposed to do!! Thanks to the people that put the hunt on, it was a well run tournament. It was our first time there, but it won't be our last! It was all for a good cause..........P/S Hope the little guy that broke his arm is doing okay!! God bless!

TEAM MEMBERS....Darryl Rabe, Rex Smith, Nick Owens and Russell Smith

THANKS to Brian, Timothy, Devon and Cody for riding along for the hunt!!

10 of our best......weight 1462 lbs.

Our biggest hog of the weekend and couldn't get it out of the woods.