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Author Topic: call to action  (Read 4144 times)
Hog Doom
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MR. Whitten

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« on: April 27, 2013, 10:08:23 am »

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This is a call of ACTION...PLEASE WE have this all in common HSUS is now almost ready to be taken apart piece by piece...PLEASE check this out...Norm wanted us to start blowing up emails, calls and letters.


 I will be launching my New Call to Action this afternoon. It has just been posted on my Website ( www.franklosey.com ).
 Slowly but surely, my past Calls to Action have helped to "persuade" 27 Members of Congress to send Congressional Inquiries either to the IRS, or to the Treasury's Inspector General, or to Justice Department Attorneys. Their inquiries have expressed the concerns of their constituents that the IRS has failed to enforce the U.S.Tax Code against the HSUS because the HSUS has ignored the prohibitions placed on public charities not to engage in excessive lobbying and not to engage in prohibited campaign activities such as opposing or endorsing candidates for election. While tax-exempt organizations are permitted to engage in a limited amount of lobbying, there is a threshold that has been far, far exceeded by the HSUS.

 Several of those 27 Members of Congress are now concerned about the lack of "timeliness" on the part of the IRS because the IRS told them as far back as three years ago that its "ongoing examination program" of the activities of all tax-exempt, public charities would consider such things as the 3,000+ pages of documents that I have submitted to the IRS - - these documents incriminate the HSUS! That is why a few Members of Congress are beginning to be receptive to the idea that a Congressional Oversight Hearing should occur. And that is why I believe that the timing is right for a major push that would generate Tens of Thousands of E-Mails from all over the U.S. to the 535 Members of Congress that would urge them to support a Congressional Oversight Hearing.

 I would appreciate if you would consider helping to get the word out in the effort to cumulatively generate a Tsunami-Like Wave of E-Mails to 535 Members of Congress.


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hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2013, 12:42:54 pm »

We need every one to step up and stand together against this or as we know it'll be taken away a piece at a time. 
Thanks for your support and letting it be known.

Douglas Mason
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« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2013, 03:30:50 pm »


1.        Immediately below is the PRECISE TEXT that is to be copied and pasted into the comment section for the three E-Mails that you send to your U.S. Representative and Two U.S. Senators.


3.        Next is the "HELP WANTED"background discussion of how "we" got to this phase in the Spay and Neuter the HSUS Campaign, and why a Congressional Oversight Hearing that addresses the failure of the IRS to enforce the U.S. Tax Code against the HSUS is a realistic possibility before the Summer Recess of Congress.  With your help, "we" can accelerate the process!

4.        It takes less than 20 minutes to complete and send the three E-Mails - - may be one of the most productive 20 minutes for you this year.   Urge your friends and relatives to do the same.
Chaucer's Favorite Links:


2. HSUS "DNA" and "Corporate Ethos"

3. Feld/HSUS Rico Lawsuit Info

4. Four Federal Laws Versus HSUS--"Ticking Time Bombs!"


Dear (Senator___________________ or Representative _________________)
Please explicitly tell me whether you support a "Congressional Oversight Hearing" that Addresses the Failure of the IRS to enforce the U.S. Tax Code against the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS), a tax-exempt, public charity.    In this regard, the following documented facts substantiate that the IRS has allowed the HSUS to excessively lobby and to engage in prohibited political campaign activities.

1.        Twenty-Seven Members of Congress have forwarded to either the IRS, the Treasury's Inspector General (IG), or to U.S. Attorneys in the Justice Department allegations that the HSUS is not in compliance with the U.S. Tax Code and the Lobbying Disclosure Act.  

2.        Mr. Pacelle, the President and CEO of the HSUS, "confessed” in April of 2011 to excessive lobbying when he stated that “We have passed 1,000 laws in the last decade.”  (The Treasury's IG has had the CD Voice Recording "confession" for over 19 months, but no action taken!)

3.        Mr. Pacelle "founded" the Humane Society Legislative Fund (HSLF), a Lobbying Subsidiary of the HSUS, and serves, from his HSUS Office, as its Executive Vice President.   Consequently, Mr. Pacelle has "directly" and "indirectly" participated in the decisions of the HSLF to endorse or oppose nearly 1,000 Congressional Candidates since 2004.  For example, in 2012 the HSLF contributed over $750,000 in the effort to defeat Incumbent Iowa Congressman King.

4.        The HSUS has repeatedly and falsely stated on its Tax Returns that it has never directly or indirectly opposed any candidate for elected office - - IRS ignored documented "Complaints."

5.        The HSUS terminated its Registration as a "Lobbying Organization" in 2006; and the HSLF was never registered as a "Lobbying Organization" until February of 2012 - - a hiatus of nearly six years of "NO REGISTRATION!"  Mr. Pacelle was  registered with the Senate and House as the Chief "Lobbyist" for the HSUS until 2006, but never stopped "Lobbying" from 2006 to 2013!

6.        Mr. Pacelle was also registered as a State Lobbyist in Missouri from 2011-2013.  How many other Presidents and CEOs of tax-exempt, public charities have ever been registered as a Federal and State Lobbyist?   Compounding the seriousness of this question is the fact that the HSUS reported on its Federal Tax Return for 2010 that it made  CHARITABLE "GRANTS" OF OVER $2 MILLION to a Missouri Registered Lobbying Group  - - "Missourians for the Protection of Dogs."   The Treasurer for this Group was a Member of the HSUS Board of Directors!!!!!

7.        Most of the paid HSUS State Directors in all 50 States are Registered as State Lobbyists, and the HSUS has scheduled or conducted in 2013 HSUS "Lobby Day" Events in 37 State Capitals!

8.        The HSUS "targets" and teaches children as young as 5-years-old how: to call the Washington Congressional Switchboard; to contact their Elected Officials in Congress;  and how to "lobby!"

9.        Mr. Losey has submitted to the IRS over 3,000 pages of documents that substantiate the HSUS' excessive lobbying and prohibited political campaign activities. The IRS routinely  responded to Mr. Losey's 20+ submissions in the last 54 months by simply referring to the IRS' "ongoing examination program" of tax-exempt organizations" - - BUT NO ACTION TAKEN!

10.    The IRS has failed to act on the Complaint that it was "leaking" information back to the HSUS.

11.    For 3 years the IRS also cited its "ongoing examination program" to Congressional Inquiries.  Some Members of Congress are now questioning the "program's" timeliness and integrity.


The above examples of improper HSUS activities are included in an Executive Summary that cites "30 Reasons for a Congressional Oversight Hearing of the HSUS," and highlights the failure of the IRS to enforce the U.S. Tax Code, as enacted by Congress, against the HSUS.  The Executive Summary and CD Voice Recording of Mr. Pacelle's "Confession" are found at www.franklosey.com  .




1.       To send an E-Mail to your U.S. Representative, Log onto  www.house.gov/writerep/    

2.       Fill in your state and ZIP Code on the prompt that appears.

3.    Click onto the Name of Your Representative which is by his or her picture.

4.    Go to "Contact" (E-Mail) Page.

5.      Add your name, address and E-Mail address on E-Mail Form for your U.S. Representative; and on the Subject Line Click onto "TAX" or "TAXES."   Then copy and paste the exact text - - no changes - - as set out above.

6.       To send an E-Mail to your Two Senators, Log onto:     www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm  

7.    Click onto your State Link.

8.    Click onto the Contact (E-Mail) Link for the first Senator Listed.

9.     Add your name, address and E-Mail address on E-Mail Form for the first U.S.   Senator listed; and on the Subject Line Click onto "TAX" or "TAXES."  Then copy and paste the exact text - - no changes - - as set out above.

10.   Repeat Steps 6 and 7 above to reach the Contact Page for the second Senator.

11.   Click onto the Contact (E-Mail) Link for the Second Senator Listed.

12. Add your name, address and E-Mail address on E-Mail Form for the second U.S.   Senator listed; and on the Subject Line Click onto "TAX" or "TAXES."  Then copy and paste the exact text - - no changes - - as set out below.


 So that a running count of total E-Mails may be maintained, send a confirmation that the three E-Mails were sent, and from which State to Frank Losey: <f.losey@insightbb.com>

All of the above may be accomplished in less than 20 minutes - - TIME WELL SPENT!


The Goal to hasten the IRS "Day of Reckoning" for the HSUS  has taken a GIANT Step Forward!  

For the last several years I have been issuing Calls to Action to contact your Members of Congress about the excessive lobbying activities and prohibited political campaign activities of the Humane Society of the U.S.  (HSUS)  These Calls to Action resulted in thousands of E-Mails and letters being sent by concerned citizens in all 50 States to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and to their respective Members of Congress.  While it is true that most Members of Congress literally and figuratively sent non-responsive responses back to their constituents, ALL DID NOT!

To date, 27 Members of Congress from 15 different states have forwarded the concerns expressed by their constituents about the HSUS either to the IRS; or to the Treasury's Inspector General; or to U.S. Attorneys in the Justice Department, including the U.S. Attorney General, or to all three Offices!  And each of the 27 Members of Congress specifically mentioned, by name, the HSUS!  That is HUGE!

By design, my "Spay and Neuter the HSUS Campaign"  was never intended to address any specific Congressional Bill sponsored by the HSUS.  I knew from working as a Registered Federal Lobbyist for many years in Washington DC that when constituents ask a Member of Congress to oppose a specific Bill, most Members of Congress will dismiss such requests unless they receive thousands of similar requests.  That is why the HSUS issues so many "TAKE ACTION" Alerts that generate tens of thousands of E-Mails; and that is why the HSUS was able to  "LOBBY" and persuade so many Members of Congress to sponsor and co-sponsor 35 HSUS Bills in 2012!   And that is why the focus of my "Spay and Neuter the HSUS" Campaign was designed to Set the Stage for combating the 15-year head start of the HSUS in its $2 Billion Propaganda Campaign of Deception, Insidious Innuendos, and Deceit.   And that is also why, in military terms, I designed a "Flank Attack" that would expose the weakest side of the HSUS.

The weakest side of the HSUS was its deceitful "cover-up" of the documented facts that were presented to the IRS that substantiated that the HSUS has made false statements on its Tax Returns, and that it actively covered up the fact that it has consistently failed to comply with the provisions of the U.S. Tax Code which explicitly provides that tax-exempt, public charities may not engage in excessive ("too much") lobbying and that they are absolutely prohibited from endorsing or opposing political candidates.   And that is why the Spay and Neuter Campaign was focused on the MACRO "PATTERN OF CONDUCT" OF EXCESSIVE LOBBYING AND PROHIBITED POLICTICAL CAMPAIGN ACTIVITIES BY THE HSUS, AS OPPOSED TO ANY SPECIFIC BILL, SUCH AS "PUPS."

The excessive lobbying and prohibited activities of the HSUS were documented by the more than 3,000 pages of documents that I methodically sent to the IRS over the last four+ years to develop a "PAPER TRAIL!"  The IRS acknowledged my first submission by letter dated November 13, 2008 - - followed by  20+ other written acknowledgements from IRS Offices.  The most recent "acknowledgement" was dated April 5, 2013.   And it included the same boilerplate information of so many of its previous acknowledgements, such as the IRS maintains an "ongoing examination program" that reviews the activities of public charities.   After 54 months, it would appear that the IRS' "ongoing examination program" is like the "Bridge to Nowhere." And compounding the blind dereliction of the IRS is the fact that Treasury Offices and the IRS have had a CD  Voice Recording of Mr. Pacelle - - for 19+ months - -  where he brags that "We have passed 1,000 laws in the last decade"-   - BUT NO ACTION TAKEN!  

And "NO ACTION" was taken even after the IRS received documented proof that the HSUS was "targeting" and "using" children as young as 5-years-old as "Lobbying Shills!    Not only does this raise predator-like issues OF MORALITY, but it makes the Madoff Ponzi Scam pale in comparison because Mr. Madoff only targeted rich and wealthy adults, as opposed to all adults AND ALL CHILDREN!

Unquestionably, the HSUS Propaganda "Campaign" has had dramatic success in brainwashing the American Public into believing that the HSUS truly cares about the Welfare of Animals.   And while the HSUS is currently "riding high," the best way to figuratively throw the HSUS off of its "High Horse" is to orchestrate a Congressional Oversight Hearing.  THAT STAGE IS NOW SET AND READY FOR ACTION!  

At last, the time has arrived to "reap the fruits of our labor," which motivated 27 Members of Congress to step forward and begin the process of questioning the activities of the HSUS at the Congressional Level.   And the best way to go for the figurative jugular of the HSUS is by launching a Call for a Congressional Oversight Hearing.   If "we" collectively work together to cumulatively generate tens of thousands of E-Mails from all 50 States to Members of Congress, which E-Mails urge the Members to support a Call for a Congressional Oversight Hearing, WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN!   And a Congressional Oversight Hearing would begin the process of Congress holding the feet of the IRS to the fire for its failure to act upon 3,000+ pages of documents that substantiate how the HSUS has acted as if it is "Above the Law;" how the IRS permitted the HSUS to ignore and mock compliance with the U.S. Tax Code; and why the IRS must revoke the tax-exempt pubic charity status of the HSUS.

Oh yes, there is one other "Wild Card" that will help to grease the path for a Congressional Oversight Hearing.   Unwittingly, the IRS began responding to Congressional Inquiries over three years ago by assuring Members of Congress that the IRS maintains an "ongoing examination program" that reviews the activities of all tax-exempt organizations.  Consequently, some Members of Congress are beginning to focus on the "timeliness" and "integrity" of the 3-year old representations that were made to them about the IRS' "ongoing examination program!"  That is why some Members of Congress are likely to support a Call for a Congressional Oversight Hearing, and may urge more of their Congressional Colleagues to do the same.  That is also why it is so important for all of us to work together to generate a Tsunami-Like Wave of E-Mails that urge all Members of Congress to support a Call for a Congressional Oversight Hearing that could lead to a "Day of Reckoning" for the HSUS!

I urge all to participate in the figurative ride on a Tsunami-Like Wave by responding to my Call to Action which is found at www.franklosey.com .   It tells you how to reach the Official E-Mail Contact Page for your respective U.S. Representative and two Senators.  Then copy and paste the text - - time well spent!  And while on this Website, check out the links that have the CD Voice Recordings of Mr. Pacelle's "Confessions," and the 30 Reasons for a Congressional Oversight Hearing.  If Members of Congress are inundated with E-Mails asking them to support a Call for a Congressional Oversight Hearing, it will occur!!!!!!     In the words of the HSUS, "TAKE ACTION" NOW!

hattak at ofi piso

Hog Doom
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« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2013, 03:59:09 pm »

       just a little more on the subject     

     Lois G. Lerner, the embattled Internal Revenue Service official who apologized for improperly scrutinizing the tax-exempt status of conservative nonprofit groups, is a member of the Humane Society of the United States, a liberal animal advocacy organization.

Lerner — the suddenly infamous IRS Exempt Organizations Division director — “is an active member of the Humane Society of the United States where her efforts in performing pet rescues necessitated by the 2005 Gulf Coast hurricanes were widely acknowledged,” according to her biography.

The HSUS has been accused of sending less than one percent of its funds to animal shelters, a charge that a spokesman in 2012 would not deny. According to IRS filings, the group took in $148,703,820 in revenue in 2010.

On May 12, 2010, Republican Missouri Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer wrote a letter to Lerner, expressing his concerns about the tax-exempt status of the HSUS, which is listed as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit group.

“The attached information unquestionably demonstrates that [the] HSUS invests a substantial amount of time and money in political campaigns and attempts to influence specific legislation, a clear and direct violation of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,” Luetkemeyer wrote in the letter.

“I understand that you are not at liberty to comment on any potential IRS actions but do hope your agency will give thoughtful consideration of the concerns I have expressed,” Luetkemeyer wrote.

Lerner has been unresponsive to Luetkemeyer’s office’s repeated requests for status updates on the matter over the past three years.

“This was actually the result of concerns from constituents at the time that [the] HSUS was involved in political activity,” Luetkemeyer spokesman Paul Sloca told The Daily Caller Thursday.

“Since then, over the past three years, we’ve been in contact with Treasury, and with Ms. Lerner, on this issue,” Sloca said. “They have told us they can’t comment on an ongoing investigation, but they haven’t been able to confirm that they’ve even launched an investigation.”

“They won’t confirm that there is an investigation going on. They haven’t provided any substantive information,” he said.

“Considering the current news about the IRS, this is definitely something the congressman is definitely going to follow up on,” Sloca concluded.

By the time Luetkemeyer sent his letter to Lerner in May 2010, the IRS had already begun targeting conservative nonprofit groups for extra scrutiny, according to a report released Tuesday night by the Treasury Inspector General.

Lerner did not respond to TheDC’s request for comment for this report.

The Humane Society of the United States declined comment.

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Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/05/16/irs-lois-lerner-humane-society/#ixzz2Tm6SlclF

hattak at ofi piso

Hog Doom
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MR. Whitten

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« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2013, 04:11:20 pm »


    need every-one onboard on this , it may be just the right time to finally crush paccelle's machine  .

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2013, 04:29:13 pm »


              we can only help   write call or e-mail your constituents and have them get on this investigation  .

hattak at ofi piso

Catch Dog
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« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2013, 06:41:13 pm »

Awsome. I hope enough people get in on this.

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Hog Doom
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« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2013, 03:10:45 pm »

Sent my three!

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« Reply #8 on: June 06, 2013, 10:10:19 am »

Completed, and id didn't take 10 minutes. We really need to get this ball rolling!

"stupids in the water these days, they're gonna drink it anyway." - Chris Knight
Hog Doom
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« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2013, 09:45:07 am »

   now is the time to really push this investigation since the I r s is already in trouble and lerner has been caught red handed and her being a member of the hsus and ignoring request to audit paccelle by congress for 3 years while targeting others .   but you don't here much about the hsus being protected and this really needs to come to light in a big way  .

hattak at ofi piso

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« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2013, 05:29:40 am »

DID my part an more!  help out reveal them ! i got a stew cooking i got pic an video of the spca putting down dogs ,puppy's to make room an then doing a poor job by not doing it right, 4TH TO 5TH RIB is not where the heart is!! So the dogs come alive when rolling to a freezer while trying to get out a tied trash bag screaming for air !! these number 2ty people need to be stopped !!! I'M BEEN MAKING IT A MISSION LATELY !!!
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