I still have her. Whole lots talk and no shows. This is a started dog that has found me several good hogs and few pigs. She has all the hunt and hustle I want in a dog. I love hunting her when she stays 3 to 500 checks back in and goes baco hunting this is my style of dog. My reason for selling her, she doesn't always check back in regular. She will get out to a mile and over it. When she does this she is still hunting and won't check back in. I have to go get her. She has been on hogs a few times when she has done this. And has been in sign when I catch up with her. She is not trash broke will bump a skunk and hole a dillo..I haven't had any problems with her on deer or live stock other then a chicken. She is loose bayen will put some teeth on a hog to stop it. She will kill shoalts. I like the dog other then her getting further out then I like. I'm sure she will suit someone else just fine. If a dog trashen is a problem you dnt want to work on keep looking some where else. THIS NOT A FINISHED DOG SHE IS STILL YOUNG. She will put you on hogs but you have to bewilling to break her off trash and hunt her. She will put the miles on you goen to her. She doesn't always take out like this. When she doesn't I love to hunt her. For pics txt calll 903-259-4100. I am located in emory tx. I will be goen to tyler bay pen this weekend and village millss the weekend after that.. e_ mail
bigchris5528@gmail.com asking $500 obo. Will trade for a catch dog and cut vest. And some money....