Got one Catahoula female hunts out short to medium range. She will honor a bay and is a good help dog don't have time to hunt her much. She will yip a lil bit if hog breaks because she get excited she is kinda gritty. asking 400 dollars.
One YBMC dog will burn out on fresh signs and stick with it. Hunts out medium range and is also a good help dog will honor a bay silent on track. 400 dollars
Also got a female curr dog that will hunt out medium to long range on is semi open on track she is a good dog not rough and will honor a bay paid 800 dollars for her so thats what im asking. Just dont have time hunt them because of all the dogs I have and my feed bill is getting high.
Also got a male curr cross thats young and needs some more training but knows what a hog is and will go to and honor a bay. 150 for him.
1600 and you can have them all
You can pm me on here are email me at
robertvidrine36@yahoo.com if interested also call are text me at 337-305-0248. Located in Mamou, La