oklahoma hogger
« on: July 22, 2009, 02:50:07 pm » |
Got some guys around here starting to hood hunt because of the summer weather and i was thinkin i might as well try one of my gyps out. How do you guys train your hood dogs? (o btw i already have her where she will ride on the hood) thx in advance ..spencer...
~Change The Game~
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2009, 02:55:12 pm » |
Thanks for asking this question.........after hunting with a dog that winds from a ranger I am curious to see the advice given.
There's a coon, nevermind, thats Buster.
"So I pawned my lacy off to my girlfriend. That should teach her to meet men off match.com" Rich.
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2009, 05:01:12 pm » |
My dogs are to big to hood, but they will jump from the back of a moving truck. When they are young I will have someone in the bed of the truck throw them out when they start to wind. After a while they will just bail off when you cross some sent.
oklahoma hogger
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2009, 05:02:42 pm » |
hmm. think it would work if i just tied a hog in a pasture and drove around till she smelt it?
~Change The Game~
Jelk's & Brick House Catahoulas
Global Moderator
Hog Doom
Posts: 3633
It's a good day to have a great day!
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2009, 05:08:29 pm » |
If she already rides the hood and already strikes hogs, the rest is simple, You gotta learn to watch her and read her body language so you can slow down and giver an oppertunity to come off where she won't get hurt, when she is ready to get down and you both will get better at it.
My dogs learned from making them ride the 4-wheeler, and although they don't ride the hood, rigging is rigging, and kno wthe will come out the bed of a truck and off the 4 wheeler when they wind one, it just takes practice.
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2009, 06:22:36 pm » |
Its nothing special. Put the dogs where they can bail off and go where there are hogs. The more you do it the better you will learn to read the dogs and the more hogs the dogs strike like the better they will get. There will be false alarms like a young dog taking a trail at first. You just make them load back up and go at it again. They will get better... some get scary good. Its alot of fun and a good way to win post-hunting hamburgers or some thing. 