1st- 3 year old 1/2 BMC 1/2 catahula strike dog.. It is a female natural bob tailed with glass eyes and very pretty color.. She is trash broke, will stick with a runner and strike her own hogs.. She is medium ranged and you have to run a tracker on her cause if they break she is gone.. The better the sign the further she rolls.. 1000$ no if ands or buts cause this dog ain't no ones junk!!! Don't text asking questions unless u want her cause don't have time for bull crap.
2nd is a 2 year old BMC mt curr female dog bob tailed short ranged but will blow to a bay and stick
To em until they are stopped.. She is trash broke as well.. She is a great number 2 dog.. 300$ no trades
Finally a 1 year old male BMC ruff dog just started but will hammer a hog and make it work. 150$ no trades..
Text 903-249-4049 will meet.. Cooper area.. Email dont check