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Author Topic: George Zimmerman Acquitted!!  (Read 6624 times)
Strike Dog
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« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2013, 12:44:53 pm »

I think there are a lot more issues in America that should make news other than BS like this.
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« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2013, 12:50:20 pm »

The NAACP and the family are going to sue Zimmerman. This is all BS. The Al Sharptons and all these race baiters make their money off of this kind of stuff. The president even made comments on this case. The prosecution didnt want to take this to trial, but were forced to do it... More Tax dollars wasted

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« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2013, 01:04:27 pm »

If woulda been a white on white, black on black, mexican in mexican or any other race on race killings. Its a good chance NONE of it woulda been commercialized to the extent it was. Look at the majority of the races in the prison population. What race holds the mojority? Exactly, 1 less in the system. Zimmerman just saved $1000s in tax money. Its cheaper to burry than to feed n house a criminal for 3yrs. Some of that little hoodlums actions can be contributed to his parents, there for, they r partly the blaim for his culling from society. Hopefully any personeal suits against zimmerman will b sqaushed before more tax money is waisted in the court systems.

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
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« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2013, 01:09:17 pm »

They cant blame whitey on this one because 5 of the 6 jurors were black women.

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« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2013, 01:24:09 pm »

They cant blame whitey on this one because 5 of the 6 jurors were black women.

Now thats funny. True, but still funny. I do agree, whitey did hav a hand in this 1. Now lets see if there is an riots that spawn from the vedict

Why should I trade one tyrant three thousand miles away for three thousand tyrants one mile away? An elected legislature can trample a man's rights as easily as a king can!
Bo Pugh
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« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2013, 01:42:02 pm »

I'm glad Zimmerman got found not guilty I do not like thugs or worthless dope heads. They say they are going to riot but I think they are just running off at the mouths. I'm not a racist but I just do not like people that steal, smoke dope don't work or support their family or think I owe them some kind of respect because they ancestor had to pick cotton. That goes for white or black people
Catch Dog
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« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2013, 01:54:41 pm »

Should never have received all the media hype especially considering some of the trials that received very little coverage such as the Gosnel trial. Proof that the liberal media is doing its due diligence to keep racism stirred up in our country today.

Actually, it received as much media hype and attention from the entire media spectrum.  From conservative to liberal media.  All any of them care to do is inflame their audience so that they will continue to watch/listen to the pot stirrers.

Don't think the conservative media would have addressed it had the liberal media not been making a stew over it. Problem with what I saw on FOX most, not all, picked a side also based on limited info.

Hog Dog Mike
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« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2013, 01:55:02 pm »

Treyvon was a gang thug, doper, criminal that needed killing.

Answer me this. Would you rather have Treyvon or Zimmerman as your next door neighbor?

Really?  Based on what little is known about him, you opine that he "needed killing"?  Where do you draw the line of who needs killing and who doesn't?

As to who one would prefer as a neighbor  ...  what does that have to do the with price of coffee?  The combination of your statements might lead one to conclude that anyone you deem not worthy of being your neighbor is a candidate for being killed.

He needed Killing because he was on top of Zimmerman beating his face to a pulp on the concrete. What is he supposed to do let Martin kill him. Chicago had 12 deaths and 74 people shot over the 4th weeked and the overwhelming majority were black ---where is the outrage over that.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2013, 02:01:41 pm »

They cant blame whitey on this one because 5 of the 6 jurors were black women.

I checked 3 sources, all major news outlets, and the composition of the jury was 5 white females and 1 Hispanic female.
Hog Doom
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« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2013, 04:13:09 pm »

I don't know enough hard facts of exactly what went down between those two individuals to make a full opinion on the verdict. I CAN throw my opinion out there based off of what I did read in various sources.
RACES ASIDE......because race should NOT be a factor here (speaking for myself anyway) .....just because a kid is walking around a complex with a hoodie on should not automatically mean he's up to no good. I know that stereotypes are a b*ich though, so I'm sure Mr. Security stopped him to question him or whatever because that's what he assumed. Whether the kid was gang affiliated or not, was a weed head or not, IN THAT MOMENT should have been irrelevant, because he was simply walking through the parking lot....NOT attacking, or harassing anyone, or causing a duisturbance. He was indeed unarmed. So okay, the two wind up in a tussle/grapple/fight....what....was Mr. Security seriously in LEGIT fear of his LIFE to where he pulled his gun and had to shoot this kid DEAD? Only weapons this kid had on him were his fists, a soda pop, and a damn bag of skittles. I'm sorry THIS particular situation, I don't feel that Zimmerman was justified to take this kid's life. Shoot him in his leg or arm or.....somewhere just to wound and make the kid imobile......but not kill. I think it's pretty frigged up that a lot of folks are all like " Oh it's just another thug off the street " or whatnot. Does this concept give me the right to just go take a ride to the 'hood' and get to blastin people cause they LOOK suspect, and they're 'thugs' or whatnot? Now this is just my opinion, like everyone else has expressed. I DO NOT know what EXACTLY took place in that incident, so I'm sure if I had more specific info, it is possible that my viewpoint could shift a bit in regards to the legit 'fear for his life' or self defense claim. All we can do is speculate.
Let me add: I do NOT condone ignorant law breaking idiotic behavior from ANY human being, black, white, yellow, purple
                  I FULLY support the right to bears arms, and to defend myself and my family (and I WILL), if JUSTIFIED
I'm sure at least one person is not going to like my insight. But it's just an opinion, like everyone elses.

Who knows. Zimmerman knows in his heart if what he did was justifiable, and he will carry that for the rest of his life.

~Krystale of the Southern Comfort Combine~
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Bay Dog
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« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2013, 04:29:13 pm »

wow... "needing killing" strong words.. ill keep it short.. I wouldnt care if zimmerman was innocent if the state of florida didnt.get TWENTY years for firing warning shots at her documented abusive husband... can someone explain the justice in thay to me? I not perfect.. ive done things that where flat out.wrong.. but if you feel like my.wrong.doings"needs killing" grab your gun and id gladly meet you ANYWHERE  Grin smh..

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« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2013, 04:37:16 pm »

My opinion in the state of Louisiana a 17 year old is no longer a kid. A 6+ft tall individual that is on top of you beating your face and smashing your head on the concrete is not going to be looked at as a kid if your taking the beating. Age at that point was of no concern. In prior weeks there had been multiple breakins and burglaries in the neighborhood guessed it a black individual around 6ft tall wearing a hoodie I'll have to go back and check sources to verify that but I'll try and get links for it. So if your on neighborhood watch someone matching the description shows up and you confront them they flee and then sneak back up on you and commence to bouncing your head off the concrete are you gonna ask for their age before you defend yourself?

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Bay Dog
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« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2013, 06:04:39 pm »

I'm just Glad to see Hollywood and the threats of the BS Black Panthers didn't get there way and the system did its job and weren't influenced by all these A$$h!!!! groups. Now just waiting for the riots can't wait!! Smiley
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« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2013, 06:04:58 pm »

My opinion in the state of Louisiana a 17 year old is no longer a kid. A 6+ft tall individual that is on top of you beating your face and smashing your head on the concrete is not going to be looked at as a kid if your taking the beating. Age at that point was of no concern. In prior weeks there had been multiple breakins and burglaries in the neighborhood guessed it a black individual around 6ft tall wearing a hoodie I'll have to go back and check sources to verify that but I'll try and get links for it. So if your on neighborhood watch someone matching the description shows up and you confront them they flee and then sneak back up on you and commence to bouncing your head off the concrete are you gonna ask for their age before you defend yourself?

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk 2

Don't forget in the 911 tape he said a suspicious person sneaking between houses apeared to be looking in windows. Also this was a gated community not just an open neighborhood.

The fact of lack of cuts on his head is irrelevant. A concusion hemerage or death can be caused by blunt force trauma without leaving a scratch, the part of him being a kid is negate because I would figure Z didn't ask his age while he was receiving the blows to his face and head. All he saw was a person beating him. He fired his shot to stop the attacker. My guess is he could not hit that same spot again in the same situation. Meaning he fired and bullet landed where it may. I don't condone going out looking for people to shoot but in this case laying on ur back receiving a beating u do what u can to stop it. Who is to say Martin may have been getting up off him when Z fired but how could he know Martin wasn't getting up to kick his teeth in.

Just look at the facts as presented. Take out age take out race see where u land. In this case I land with the defendant.

Boar Slayer
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« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2013, 06:20:51 pm »

A neighborhood watchman approaches a suspicious looking young man (he was not a child by any means).  When confronted, the young man had several options.  

He could have respond no sir I am not doing anything wrong just walking home.  Ok then be on your way.

He also could have ignored Zimmerman and just kept walking home.

He could have said F U, you creepy azz cracka, and why don't you mind your own business, and kept walking home.

none of those scenarios would have gotten him shot any killed.  

It is clear that martin assaulted Zimmerman during the confrontation.  There is concrete evidence of that  That is what got him shot and killed.  I am assuming Zimmerman began to loose the fight........he then reportedly feared for his life and pulled out his gun and shot martin.

The justice system prevailed despite media and political bias.  I am very please to see that was the case.

Was martin up to no good.  probably.  but that's not what got him shot.  What got him shot was assaulting Zimmerman.

Was Zimmerman a wanna be cop who got his rocks off playing cops and robbers.  probably.  Is he a Wussy *P for letting a 17 year old beat his azz.  Id say so.  Does that make him guilty of murder.  Absolutely not.

RL if it were my kid that were killed in that scenario,  I would know squarely where to put them blame.   And Id wonder where I went wrong as a parent to allow my kid to grow up to be someone who would get them selves in that sort of a situation.  I dont let liberal, biased media cloud my judgment.
Bay Dog
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« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2013, 06:37:46 pm »

A neighborhood watchman approaches a suspicious looking young man (he was not a child by any means).  When confronted, the young man had several options.  

He could have respond no sir I am not doing anything wrong just walking home.  Ok then be on your way.

He also could have ignored Zimmerman and just kept walking home.

He could have said F U, you creepy azz cracka, and why don't you mind your own business, and kept walking home.

none of those scenarios would have gotten him shot any killed.  

It is clear that martin assaulted Zimmerman during the confrontation.  There is concrete evidence of that  That is what got him shot and killed.  I am assuming Zimmerman began to loose the fight........he then reportedly feared for his life and pulled out his gun and shot martin.

The justice system prevailed despite media and political bias.  I am very please to see that was the case.

Was martin up to no good.  probably.  but that's not what got him shot.  What got him shot was assaulting Zimmerman.

Was Zimmerman a wanna be cop who got his rocks off playing cops and robbers.  probably.  Is he a Wussy *P for letting a 17 year old beat his azz.  Id say so.  Does that make him guilty of murder.  Absolutely not.

RL if it were my kid that were killed in that scenario,  I would know squarely where to put them blame.   And Id wonder where I went wrong as a parent to allow my kid to grow up to be someone who would get them selves in that sort of a situation.  I dont let liberal, biased media cloud my judgment.

X2 well said people have a tendency to base their opinions off the media, get actual facts before making ASSumpitons!!!! Their is a lot more to the situation as for blaming one or the other look outside the box at the big picture.

God gave you two ears and one mouth meaning you should listen twice as much as you talk.
Alpha Dog
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« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2013, 06:41:14 pm »

A neighborhood watchman approaches a suspicious looking young man (he was not a child by any means).  When confronted, the young man had several options.  

He could have respond no sir I am not doing anything wrong just walking home.  Ok then be on your way.

He also could have ignored Zimmerman and just kept walking home.

He could have said F U, you creepy azz cracka, and why don't you mind your own business, and kept walking home.

none of those scenarios would have gotten him shot any killed.  

It is clear that martin assaulted Zimmerman during the confrontation.  There is concrete evidence of that  That is what got him shot and killed.  I am assuming Zimmerman began to loose the fight........he then reportedly feared for his life and pulled out his gun and shot martin.

The justice system prevailed despite media and political bias.  I am very please to see that was the case.

Was martin up to no good.  probably.  but that's not what got him shot.  What got him shot was assaulting Zimmerman.

Was Zimmerman a wanna be cop who got his rocks off playing cops and robbers.  probably.  Is he a Wussy *P for letting a 17 year old beat his azz.  Id say so.  Does that make him guilty of murder.  Absolutely not.

RL if it were my kid that were killed in that scenario,  I would know squarely where to put them blame.   And Id wonder where I went wrong as a parent to allow my kid to grow up to be someone who would get them selves in that sort of a situation.  I dont let liberal, biased media cloud my judgment.
Well Said!!! Pretty good summary!!

Country Bumpkin
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« Reply #37 on: July 14, 2013, 07:41:24 pm »

A neighborhood watchman approaches a suspicious looking young man (he was not a child by any means).  When confronted, the young man had several options.  

He could have respond no sir I am not doing anything wrong just walking home.  Ok then be on your way.

He also could have ignored Zimmerman and just kept walking home.

He could have said F U, you creepy azz cracka, and why don't you mind your own business, and kept walking home.

none of those scenarios would have gotten him shot any killed.  

It is clear that martin assaulted Zimmerman during the confrontation.  There is concrete evidence of that  That is what got him shot and killed.  I am assuming Zimmerman began to loose the fight........he then reportedly feared for his life and pulled out his gun and shot martin.

The justice system prevailed despite media and political bias.  I am very please to see that was the case.

Was martin up to no good.  probably.  but that's not what got him shot.  What got him shot was assaulting Zimmerman.

Was Zimmerman a wanna be cop who got his rocks off playing cops and robbers.  probably.  Is he a Wussy *P for letting a 17 year old beat his azz.  Id say so.  Does that make him guilty of murder.  Absolutely not.

RL if it were my kid that were killed in that scenario,  I would know squarely where to put them blame.   And Id wonder where I went wrong as a parent to allow my kid to grow up to be someone who would get them selves in that sort of a situation.  I dont let liberal, biased media cloud my judgment.

praise the hit the nail right on the head...I see it exactly as you...

usually when the kids become hoodlums it stems from bad parenting whether it is intentional or not...

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« Reply #38 on: July 14, 2013, 07:45:12 pm »

at the beginning I thought Zimmerman was a bad bad guy...and Trayvon the good guy...but as I learned more I believe both were in the wrong...and 2 wrongs don't make a right...

Wmwendler...I basically said the same thing as you but in a few words...sometimes, just have to read between the lines...  Smiley

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« Reply #39 on: July 14, 2013, 08:15:04 pm »

Anyone see the news story about Obama commenting on this whole ordeal??

Country Bumpkin
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